Cheer Pet Peeves?

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home made mixes, a routine that you can tell was altered right before they get to the arena, and getting to the arena and realizing something happened and youre on in ten minutes :/ oh and belly rings during partner stunting, why?
Sorry, I got so preoccupied with replying to another comment that I didn't answer the actual thread, lol.

Pet Peeves:

1) Wearing Uggz while wearing your uniform........that irks me to my core!

2) Unzipped/unbuttoned uniforms. You're in public, please dress as such.

3) Athletes that talk to their parents like they are children or incompetent........I see this too often at competitions....NO RESPECT!

4) BAD SPORTMANSHIP: "If we didn't drop that stunt we would have won"............... oh get over it. You dropped it and you lost, don't try to minimize or belittle the other teams win. They hit and you didn't, better luck next time.

5) ILLEGAL PLAYERS: Gyms using illegal athletes on teams. It's not that serious........In the end, cheaters never prosper.

6) Rude Fans/Cheer Moms/Cheer Dads: No matter what the situation, there's no need to yell obscenities in a arena full of young athletes. There's no need to bash another gym in the stands. And there's def no reason to discuss the inner workings of your gym. Let in house issues remain in house........this is how rumors are started.

7) The "FAKE" Injury: The girl/guy that messes up in the routine (falls from a stunt, touch down on tumbling, etc) and in order to soften the blow, they fake an injury the moment the music ends, or they can't breathe all of a sudden. Why be so dramatic?? You messed up, try harder next time.

8) People that don't like F5 Jason! How can you NOT like him? He's amazing.......

9) Popcorn People: I can't stand when girls/guys are bouncing all over the floor. Just bouncing for no reason. Walking to their spot....they're bouncing. Coming out of a cradle......they're bouncing. Doing an approach for a jump....oh guessed it.....they're bouncing. STOP BOUNCING. You look like a Jumping Bean sheesh!

10) Mad Bumpers: LOL. I hate the people that get mad when you bump them while walking in the hallway of a national competition. Mind you, there's like 20,000 people here, and about half of them are walking in the hall right now. If you get bumped, just keep moving. You're not going to die because someone touched your uniform. I promise you still have your magical powers.

I'm going to stop at 10 but I could go on forever, lol.
1. My gym sends out plenty of emails about this! Lol! I won't even walk with my sweats, Uggs, and uni top because I'm scared of getting in trouble.
7. UGGGGGGGGGGGGH! This is so freakiing true! There are girls on my team that get "hurt" everytime there stunt falls. ANd they babied while the girl that *Actually* got hurt is staying strong, just standing there.
** Mom's that think nothing is their child's fault (which results in the next peeve)
** Kids that think nothing is/was their fault
** Parents that can't/won't say a nice thing about a child that is their child competition
-when you say good routine to a team and they look at you like you have 5 heads

** Kids that are only in it cause they think it makes them look cool
** Gyms/coaches that so desperatly want to fill a team that they will fill it with kids that are way underqualified!!

I could go on for days!!!
sorry if i repeat any!
-when cheerleaders in my gym talk about how much they hate practices and cheerleading, they continue to come back every year and hold us back.
-i personally don't like the shorts idea for uniforms, 1. looks uncomfortable, i'd rather keep pulling my skirt down after i tumble or fix my bloomers than pick a huge wedgie. 2. i'm not trying to offend, but it even shows some stuff on real thin girls, not everyone is that way.
- cheerleaders who think they're better than everyone else on the team, especially when they're deff. not.
- i don't like one day competitions, i'd rather stay at a hotel, swim in the pool, ding dong ditch, ride the elevator just to ride it, and use the random phones in the hallways and prank call front desk. you can't do that with 1 days
- i hate when you go to a 2 day and you compete with other teams and you don't get anything except for a trophy. i'd atleast like a banner with that shake
- people who show up to warm ups barely ready to perform (piercings still in, nail polish, etc)
- people who complain about being hurt/sick every practice just so they don't have to tumble. um, newsflash, i'm pretty sure everyone, including myself, is sore right now but we suck it up because we love doing this. if you don't wanna try, there's the door.
- i don't like how school cheerleaders who haven't had ANY cheer experience whatsoever suddenly think they know everything and use the wrong terms. ex: i've heard a school cheerleader tell me that a backhandspring was a tuck. uh no.

i'm done :)
when im at practice and i know a routine can be better but i can never give advice
and when they always blame THE FLYER!!!!
What are some of your cheer pet peeves?
Here are mine...

-When flyers aren't felxible enough to hold the bottom of their foot on a heelstretch, but instead hold their ankle.
-Jumps that have flexed feet and land their legs a mile wide apart.
-Slow tumblers.
-Walking into a competition arena and teams are walking around in their spankys and sports bra.
-Slow award ceremonies.
-Sloppy hair and makeup looks like its been thrown on at the last second.
-When flyers stick their elbows out on full downs/double downs.
-Bad and slow music.
-Not being ready (hair down, makeup not on, uniform off) when you get to the arena.
-Cowboyed out back tucks.
-Girls walking around with their uniform unzipped and skirts unbuttoned after the routine.
-Inconsiderate teams that walk infront of you in the middle of watching someones routine.
-Teams that take forever to get off the warm up mat.

Anyone else have pet peeves that are cheer related? :)

I agree with most of yours - those awards ceremonies that drag on and on......just go ahead and announce the winners. It's great for the younger kids to have the loudest side, or coolest cheer dad, but by the end of the competition when the higher level team awards are on, we all just want to go home!
-bows falling out
-music stopping in the middle of a teams routine
-bases dropping their flyers and hitting the floor!
-other teams talking while a team is performing
Hahaha! I literally laughed out loud when I read that ^^^^ and then even harder when I heard their music. =)

And for the record......there were only 3 fin flips!!!! CEA Small Sr...thumbs up in my book! Hahahaha! Thanks for the laugh, I needed that this morning!!
yeah, this is gonna made be a stupid question so better to ask here :)
what's a fin flip?
yeah, this is gonna made be a stupid question so better to ask here :)
what's a fin flip?
Its a saying SharkDad uses a lot! Cheer Extreme Small Seniors are known as the Sharks and SharkDad's daughter is on the team, so he says that instead of "shimmy" sometimes.
yeah, this is gonna made be a stupid question so better to ask here :)
what's a fin flip?

CEA Small Sr is known as the Sharks. SharkDad is the team dad, so the comment was related to all those fishy people.

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