All-Star Cheer Pet Peeves

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Transitions in general. I have the biggest OCD about this.
Stunt before pyramid.. why don't you just move in squish instead of everyone moving separately?!
watching teams that have cheerleaders who clearly don't make the age cut-off for their respective division......
flyers in the center that cant hit the stunt but EVERY time you see that team at a competition shes still there and still bobbling or falling
and last tumblers that shouldnt be .... esp (lv 5) ones that dont double but 5 girls before her did
sound effects that are obnoxiously LOUD, and way too many of them and over the music rather than blended in... UGH drives me nuts!
music that says the same sound effect over and over
music that doesnt match the routine
arms flying while you walk around the mat(its not that hard to SQUEEZE)
obnoxious cheer moms
My biggest pet peeve as a coach or even when I cheered was a parent telling me or another coach how to coach. If you know how to do it...get out here and make them do whatever it is we apparently are not doing! Thank GOODNESS we have GREAT parents now and everyone is on board with us and we dont have this problem. The parents catch themselves doing it sometimes and they laugh and say well nevermind you know what you are doing so I'll let it to you. I dont mind that at all. But geez louis please if you know so much about cheerleading/tumbling let us know so we can start paying your for your knowledge!
someone said something about people being frustrated at practice..i know from experience some things do get very frustrating sometimes so getting upset because you haven't been able to execute a skilll all night is kinda something to be upset about.

and it BUGGGGS me to no end when partner tumbling is completely off. it's not supposed to be a ripple, so don't make it look like one!
when groups (not just the flyer) don't fight for a stunt they CLEARLY could've saved
and lastly i hate people to don't try. if you don't want to be here, then quit

Those are on my list for at the top! Drives me CRAZY!
music that says the same sound effect over and over
Oh my gosh, there was one team at all levels that had that sound effect "awww yeah!" (and you know which sound effect I am talking about) iin it over and over... normally, I do not pay a bit of attention to that kind of stuff at a competition, but it drove me crazy for some reason that day!
Okay so i was watching a competiton video from this past seaon and things came flooding into my head.

- when boys with no (or very little hair) try head flips.. it doesn't work
-when teams with an even nuber of boys esp. when there's only like two of them or something don't make the boys opposites. why oh why would you put them directly next to each other on the far side of the formation??
-boys who just aren't good
-sloppy tumbling (like bent legs and such)
-people who can't dance esp. when they up front somewhere
-when boys sit in the back and dont dance or, like, have no dance
-stunts being off
-off tumbling
-when you have people doing somthing in the routine hat they clearly don't have the skill to be doing....yet it's the part that gets highlighted...
-SLOW MUSIC or music that's fast but all elements are extremely slow.. leaves me completely disinterested
-when the flyer who should be point is off o the side somewhere....
-sloppy's called cleaning people
-when people look like they dont know their own routine..or the correct counts
Okay so i was watching a competiton video from this past seaon and things came flooding into my head.

- when boys with no (or very little hair) try head flips.. it doesn't work
-when teams with an even nuber of boys esp. when there's only like two of them or something don't make the boys opposites. why oh why would you put them directly next to each other on the far side of the formation??
-boys who just aren't good
-sloppy tumbling (like bent legs and such)
-people who can't dance esp. when they up front somewhere
-when boys sit in the back and dont dance or, like, have no dance
-stunts being off
-off tumbling
-when you have people doing somthing in the routine hat they clearly don't have the skill to be doing....yet it's the part that gets highlighted...
-SLOW MUSIC or music that's fast but all elements are extremely slow.. leaves me completely disinterested
-when the flyer who should be point is off o the side somewhere....
-sloppy's called cleaning people
-when people look like they dont know their own routine..or the correct counts

So when girls aren't good it doesn't bother you?

Give the guys time to learn!
Unbelievably slow routines that make me nod off...which btw taking 2.35 minute naps is so not restful.

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