All-Star Cheer Pet Peeves

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people telling me I don't know how to coach certain things because I can't do them anymore ?
I've gone through proper gymnastics coaching courses , have spent many many hours , days , learning the tricks of the trade and how to spot and teach a wide amount of skills
don't tell me I don't know how to coach a double back because I don't throw them ?
(more gymnastics related)

you start the year as flexible as the end of the year and I hate you
not necessarily the point girl with a straight scorpion and bow behind her head , please , don't get more flexible .
but that girl on the far right with a play button scorpion who can't pull a bow and stays in stretch while the others bow ..
you cheer for at least 10 months . do a split or two in that time .

haha yes well i guess i have to add on to this...

*Teams pulling bows that have NO BUSINESS pulling them when they struggle to hold a stretch! Also if ALL your girls dont look good doing the skill find something for the ones who cant like a cool transition into the next body position they can all hit or SOMETHING! i hate seeing ugly flyers! Sorry its cheerleading, if you are in the air you are being looked a pretty flyer!*

*Oh, and little girl syndrome flyers make me mad too!*
big fake facials, winks, kissy faces....put on a big smile and go :)
and there are a couple gyms i know of that have girls spirit after they tumble. like really? this isnt high school/college cheerleading. id much rather see hands on hips and a smile
i HATE people back talking coaches.
you do not NEED to be there, you choose to be. so dont talk back to people trying to help you like they are your parents (who you should talk back to anyway.. lol)
it just ruins a whole practice mood for us athletes and the coaches!
I love all of this! Here are a few of mine:

Girls talking during practice... like, stfu
Parents who think just cuz their kid can tumble that she's amazing when she can't jump, stunt, or hit a motion to save her life
When girls catch an attitude with their coaches for giving a correction or yelling... hello, that's what coaching is
FAKE UPS INSTEAD OF FULL UPS- you know this, when they really do a half up and the group walks around the other half turn... even Shooting Stars did this last year at one point... yuck just hit a fullup
Bangs in the face... ANY bang, side or front... spray that back, ew
Heelstretches to the side or scorpions that start pulling from the ankle instead of the foot
OLD SCHOOL CHEER CURLS... gross knock it off
Hair pieces in general.... so nasty
Competitions that don't use USASF rules... my kids lost to a team that had NO majority anything, just because the judges liked their routine... bulll
FLYING ON THE LEFT LEG... cut it out, it's wrong and your kids will never go beyond high school like that
Flyers doing different body positions at the same time... like you have a scale in the middle and 2 libs on each side.... yay look we have one properly trained flyer, just ignore the others...
Collisions during transitions... figure it out guys
Formations that are too far forward on the mat... you don't have to be on top of us
Formations where the lines are too close to each other and it looks like a big clump... peanut butta jelly spread out
When you have 2 panels between your stunt group... it just looks sloppy, and I cant see what the hell is going on in the 9th panel, come on
Timing off on jumps and tumbling
DOUBLE DIPPING... you know what I mean, when tapping down from stunts or doing release moves in pyramids, etc.... why are you taking 2 dips, just throw that ish back up
Boys going all-girl stunting
7 year olds flying on senior teams
Other coaches in your program getting offended when you correct one of their kids... hello, that ho fell outta her stunt at every comp so far, and I just told her one thing and it's hitting... thank me you idiot
The absence of trick baskets in level 3.... all I'm seeing is full twists, whatever happened to toe touches, pikes, ball outs, kicks?
A certain Level 4 team who won "Best Level 4 pyramids" and "Best Level 4 stunts" at AllStarChallenge but did not have ANY Level 4 tricks in their pyramid and only 1 in their stunt sequence... I'm sorry, but being clean is easy when you have NO difficulty
And that brings me to... CLEAN AND EASY SHOULD NOT BEAT TEAMS WITH MORE DIFFICULTY... anyone can do the bare minimum and make it clean
Crossovers... that's why there's a small division... if you only have 12 kids that are Level 3, then make them a team of 12.... not fair to put 15 Level 4 and 5 kids on it and make it large. Making a level 4.2 that consists of half your Level 4 team is also NOT CUTE
Parents who think you are "targeting" their kid because you have to yell at them all the time.... no, your kid is the problem, not me
Girls who wear non-cheer shoes to practice... come on, really?
Girls who roll their eyes for any reason, but particularly when I ask them to remove the jewelry store they are wearing....
Girls who get a manicure right before practice or a piercing during the season
Competitions that give you 5 minutes of warm up time... uh, yeah if we were warming up for jazzercise... idiots
Competitions that claim to have a spring floor but when you get there, it's the foam stuff... dislike, not the same

I could go on and on... I think I already did LOL

AMEN! "throww that ish back up" bahahhha :)
I HATE FULL TWIST BASKETS! I would much rather see an awesome toe touch basket.

Most of them aren't even pretty! :( This year my team did pike arches, toe arches, and a ball out. They looked SO much better than twist tosses that just flopped up there.
I HATE when people who walk out on the floor to spirit do kicks, jumps, or tumble. It looks so dumb, I cannot stand when I see teams who do this!
pet peevs......
-people complain when their team looses,yet they dont do anything in the routine.
-people who refuse to learn new tumble skills because they just 'cant do them'
-when flyers blame everything on the bases&backspot when clearly it was their fault.
-when flyers dont fight for stunts
-obnoxious cheer moms
-parents who threaten their kids with learning new skills
-stupid voiceovers
&many more.
- Girls that allllllllways complain about cheering. If you hate it so much, why are you still here?
- When teams do floorwork choreography and you get a nice crotch shot..
- When a girl tumbles to the corner, then has to RUN to her spot in the back or opposite side... Is there not any other closer place you could put them?
- On the youth and junior teams, when the girls bows are bigger than their heads.
- When they showcase something, but it really isn't showcasing because there's ten thousand other things going on around it and you miss what they're "showcasing".
- When you warm up, and you're sooo excited to perform.. You get into the holding area and everything's going normal. Then finally, you're the next team to go on.. then there's some random 10 minute break.
- Over-used songs in routines.
- When the center stunt falls.. I know some can't help it, but my eyes always go to the center stunt and it's dissapointing when they fall.
- When hard specialty passes go first in running tumbling, and then other fulls start going before it's over so either one you watch, your missing something.
- When one double goes in a group of fulls and you can barely tell.
- When you have groups of fulls going AFTER doubles.
- When preps fall in pyramids, and the harder skills can't go because of the fallen prep. Really? ... A Prep?
- Provacative dancing/music.. on any age group.
- When people don't hold the end of the routine they just automatically jump up and down or hug someone.
- Annoying announcers.
- When a girl is on quite a few different teams, and by the time they perform for the last time of the day they're tired, and they end up letting that team down because they've competed a few times before.
- Crotch shots in pyramids, or when the girls stand in preps or hitches backwards in the pyramid, for extended amounts of time. We dont wanna see your butt!

I'm gonna stop myself.. Buttttt there ya go :)
DOUBLE BOUNCING in jumps! Like, when you do a little mini bounce when you swing for your gives you extra hight on your jump (because your not dipping and jumping, just punching off the floor after your little bounce) and it looks awful.
This has to be my biggest pet peeve:

You have a kid who has been with smaller Gym A for most of her cheer life where they learn all their skills. They then feel the need to go to the bigger Gym B for reasons like ie, the old coach who favored them from Gym A went to Gym B and recruited them with the same favoritism tactics, but it never happened.

When they leave Gym A where the coach has taught them their tumbling skills up to Level 5. They go to Gym B, never learn anything new and most often regress, but come back to Gym A for privates. Best of this story is the coach cancels privates for the dedicated Gym A cheerleaders to make room for these people coming back to their original gym. Well if you can't get the tumbling you need at the new Gym B, why did you go there in the first place?

They feel that Gym B will have less pressure than Gym A, hey I know you've seen Gym B kids get ripped a new one for a stunt falling, touchdown, or pryamid issues for at least an hour.

You try out for Gym A and make a team but secretly try out for Gym B and then quit Gym A. Make the decision between the end of season and tryouts to go to another gym. Teams have been set up and you now have let down the kids on team from Gym A. Hey, I bet you'll be back at Gym A for privates though won't you.

Okay, that's it and I feel better.
This will go in the form of a story.
* Note: I'm going to give the jist of this but feel free to insert swears basically every other these girls say

At a competition, my mom and I went to meet up with my team and then she left a little later. Before my team went on she went to the bathroom where two girls were doing their makeup and complaining about how they "hate cheering so much and it sucks. It's so stupid". My mom walks out of the stall and they ask her if she's a cheer mom then they tell her "It's such a waste of money how could she pay for this. Why does she even bother paying for this blah blah blah" They went on and on about how much they hate cheering and going to competitions.

They are SO lucky my mom didn't notice what gym they were from/forgot because the gym would definitely get an email to talk to their kids about how they are representing and entire organization. When you're wearing your uniform, you don't just represent yourself.
Okay I just thought of another. Heavy duty recruiting by big teams that have enough kids for their level 5 teams. Leave people alone, not everyone wants to be a part of your gym. We know your recruiting tactics, the dangling of the elite teams in their faces and once you get them there the promise hardly ever pans out.

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