All-Star Cheer Superstitions

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Dec 15, 2009
I was wanting to know some of your cheer superstitions. On wildcats we NEVER EVER split things. Wether its poles, signs, people, etc. If I do well at prelims I do the exact same thing finals day. I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch and around the same time. What are some of your teams, and your superstitions. I am hoping to write an article for CheerSPN on this so please help me out. :)
my first year on small coed i had day 1 socks and day 2 socks.

i only warm up my tumbling once, once i actually throw the skill anyways. if i warm it up more than that i freak myself out even more lol.

always walk out on the floor with the same person
Yeah. I only do my skills once. haha. Or otherwise I will think to hard about them. The warm up floors always scare me because they are soooo bouncy. lol.
I've been given superstitions by people from CEA. I have to stand in front of certain panels and certain people. Therefore I have to charge the priority like a hippo to get in the right spot. :lol: And I'm honestly scared of the day that I don't make it to the right spot. :shock:
i don't know if it's a superstition, but i always have to jump on the floor to test the springs, then i have to rub my hands on the ground cause they sweat when i get nervous. and i have to always crack my neck twice. wait, maybe i am superstitious?
haha. If you always have to for comfort I would say your superstitious. hahaha what are some of your teams superstitions. Songs you listen to? Chants? sayings? anything?
We sing If your happy and you know it clap your hands twice. All of the girls on my team are Catholic so We say a Hail Mary and an Our Father. and we say Mathew Mark Luke and John bless this mat we cheer apon and if we do our very best we know that God will do the rest ... L-C-I HEAT.

I ALWAYS have to stand next to the same people and I walk out with the same person. My mom HAS to do my hair.If we do well on day 1 the same person who did your hair that day does it day 2.

We have beads Silver Blue and Black each coach gets 10 girls beads and you give it to the same coach each time.

Before UCA Nationals Day 2 we go to the wishing well in Music and throw quarters in. 10 wishes for yourself 10 for your team and the other 5 for the two other teams. We all wear a penny in our right shoe. We all have to hold a blue marble that they found the first year the gym won at UCA. We have a necklace with a block on it. Team Name, Star, Your Name and Year. (knock blocks) we knock them 3 times and kiss the star.

theres alot more i'll think of them
Okay so, i have 3 superstitions.

1.) I cant warm up my double. I have to just warm up my pass with pretty fulls in it and then just throw it on the floor.

2.) I absolutely HAVE to have my shoelaces tucked in to my shoes when I compete. If I walk on the floor and they arent tucked in i will sit down and tuck them in, even though they come undone in the first 2 seconds of the routine.

3.) Before I tumble when I compete I shake my shoulders in the diection i full (left) and rub my feet on the floor. I probably look somewhat like a bull..haha.

Hope it helps!
We always drink yellow Powerade, the whole team has to have a sip. NOT Gatorade, has to be Powerade. And we also never split things. I retie my shoes right before we're about to go on. Depending one the comp, sometimes we're told to leave our shirts on during warmups, sometimes we take them off before warmups if there isn't much time between warming up & performing, but either way I NEVER wear a shirt in warmups, just my uni top & hot pants. I have to have a Dr.Pepper before I compete & eat a thing of smarties.
georgia is seriously the most superstitious gym ever. like..this weekend was have to basically do anything and everything you did they day you hit...example-spilling an energy drink..they bought one just so they could spill it. lol. and i always stand in front of my old flyer and hold her mom's hand(shes also the team mom) during the stunt. there's others but it'd seriously take ten minutes to type them all out
last year we did some crazy things.
a girl on our team brought holy water and we all kneeled down in front of her and she blessed us all with the holy water.

we don't do that this year cause the girls not on the team so we just do our winners creed, balls to the wall, our little rap, a prayer, and then we end it. And i always have to say "jewelery check, check your wrists."
it always has to go in that same order.
just like everyone else said, once we hit you have to do the same thing for each comp after that that you did the day we hit. (until we dont hit) and for a while we didnt do a circle cheer becuase we didnt have time at our first comp and we did really well.

for and my friend always sing Rockstar before we go on. I have to run out with the same person everytime. I scream really really loud right before I walk onto the floor. I have my lucky hair ties and sports bra and underwear. andd before i full I have to make like "L's" with my hands (like when you dont know your left from right) and turn towards the left four times. it looks retarted haha but I will not full if I dont do it before hand.
Phoebe may be little but she already has some....
#1 Hanes no show socks with a purple heel, these are the only socks she will wear for competition...I tried to give her different socks this weekend and she freaked out on me.
#2 Only 8 blue rollers in her hair...the rest have to be black...Reason: They won 1st place at UCA and she had 8 blue rollers in her hair that day. This weekend I put 6 in and she noticed. Then they didn't place 1st and she blamed me for not putting 8 rollers in her hair!
#3 She has to get Ciniminis from McDonalds the morning of the competition. At NCA Classic she got 1st. Skipped them for SC and they didn't place 1st. Got them for UCA...placed 1st. None this weekend..placed 4th. (maybe she's on to something?)
#4 Frog underwear...she has a pair of underwear with frogs on them that she has to wear every competition....she even makes me wash them overnight for two
#5 Rubbing her hands on the mat...I think this comes from gymnastics...if it was up to her she would chalk her hands before basing!
i have a piece of ribbon that i've had on my wrist for a year, just transfered down to my ankle because its so old it got stretched out.
i used to have lucky socks ever since the end of last season that i wore every practice and competition, they got disguisting and around new years were thrown out by my mom because she said it should be my "new years resolution." but i've been fine recently without them!
I have to walk out with the same person every competition,
one black hairtie on each wrist,
after we warm up tumbling i cant hug anyone besides one person,
theres way more, i have so many it starts to get rediculous... hahaha

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