All-Star Cheer Superstitions

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My team has so many of these!!

1. We do JAGUARS OUT like in the movie fired up, it started as a joke but now we do it everywhere where it's allowed!

2. We have this long prayer that we all recite!

3. We circle up and do little hand/feet games.

4. We do the hoedown throwdown!

These little things we do together is what makes me love my team so much more!!
My team doesn't really have any superstitions. The only ones i really have are that i either have to drink purple powerade or red gatorade the morning of. I also can't eat at least an hour before i compete, or else i get sick. I always have to hug my closest friends. I have to wipe my hands on the bottom of my sneakers. Then i hold my best friend's hand when we run out. But that's all, nothing too crazy.
I always eat the same breakfast before i compete, a waffle and a glass of apple juice, and the one time i didnt eat that we didnt do very good!!
I've been given superstitions by people from CEA. I have to stand in front of certain panels and certain people. Therefore I have to charge the priority like a hippo to get in the right spot. :lol: And I'm honestly scared of the day that I don't make it to the right spot. :shock:

that's how i am i have to have at least one of several people standing by me and i must be in a certain panel or it just doesn't work out
me and my friends sing copa cabana (just the part in shooting stars dance) before we go on and then my friend has to kiss my shoulder.
My daughter always leaves a lipstick kiss on her daddy's bald head. He wears it proudly through the whole day. There are several others as well over the years and still, but this one is my fav.
I allways listen to World's Greatest by R Kelly and the beggining of 'Till I Collapse by Eminem on my ipod right after warmups. For Allstar comps, I allways walk out first with the same girls, and I never put my uniform on untill right before warmups (weird I know haha). For High School cheering, we were so superstitious this year! Me and the other flyers tied our shoes again RIGHT before they called us to go on the mat. My base and I had a quote we said together, and No matter what, the whole team had to listen to the Friday Night Light's Speech (). We ended up winning states so I guess all the crazyness worked!
This thread gave me chills alot of times! haha

I have to have an apple for breakfast and if not for breakfast at least before we compete, my friend has to do my makeup and hair!, I dance with my friends when the music is on while waiting to perform, I have to open and start drinking a green monster about 10-15 minutes before warmups, a girl gives us a pep talk in this funny voice, I have to walk out with the same person, our team says a certain thing before warmups and before competing (1-2-3.. style) and we all have pixie sticks, and I talk to myself, alone, while waiting backstage to compete.. it helps! ohh and I do a show n go first thing the beginning of the routine and how the show n go is, is how the routine goes. One day I let her foot accidently slip through and we bombed the routine.. we always try to make it extra good because it kinda sets the mood for the routine, and we always do it on the big mat in warmups! :)
we circle up and say "HIT YOUR SHHHHHH" we even got team shirts with that on it. one of the tems moms told us it was "gramatically incorrect" lol
then we always pray before going on the floor.
I saw someone with this shirt on at UCA and I couldn't stop talking about it! I love those!
me and my friend always need to listen to certian songs before warmups, i wear lucky socks, everyone puts stuffed animal team mascots on the front of the stage, my friend needs to watch worlds on the way to competition, and we dont allow my mother to wear sweaters when we compete
One of my superstitions is that I can't tell people about them. I have way too many, I'm trying to stop. I'm just that phsyco when it comes to competition day.

..this thread is making me feel like I'm gonna puke
i forgot a couple
my team "hoola hoops" right after warmups to get everyones energy up and to get everyone laughing
and before we go on we huddle up and have a pep talk from our coaches and then from our team captains
and right before we walk onto the stage we put our hands into the huddle and go C-I-A TIGERS!! RAWR!!
i have one lime green elastic on my left wrist for the past 4 years aha
i need to have it on even for practice people on my team know not to ask to use it cause i will NOT give it up.
and our team NEED to pray with our coach before we compete
i only warm up my corner tumbling run once and i throw my other pass on the floor
even though you cant see my socks in my shoes i only wear white socks
ahah i have more but this is enoughh
I don't think I have toooo many..
Everytime we go out, I have to hug the same girl. And she has medical problems so I always HAVE to tell her I'll carry her off at the end if she wants.
I've worn the same sports bra to every comp except on this season.. where we bombed.
Backstage I always jump around and like 'shake myself out' .. even if I'm not nervous.
I can never go to the bathroom like less than an hour before we compete.
A girl on my team ALWAYS brings a bag of twizzlers. And you can't take more than one before everyone gets one.

I think that's it? Nothing too crazy.

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