All-Star Concussions And Cheerleading.

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i would be extremely concerned to have you as my coach.
not sure why you would say that. she is actually an excellent coach. she said she would never question anything that a parent or a doctor says. we are actually extremely cautious when dealing with this. the minute something happens we have the cheerleader sit out the rest of practice and advise them to get checked out.
she is just saying that there just seems to be a lot of kids being diagnosed with concussions.
not sure why you would say that. she is actually an excellent coach. she said she would never question anything that a parent or a doctor says. we are actually extremely cautious when dealing with this. the minute something happens we have the cheerleader sit out the rest of practice and advise them to get checked out.
she is just saying that there just seems to be a lot of kids being diagnosed with concussions.
saying people are getting a little "concussion crazy" does not seem cautious OR apathetic in the slightest. the post came across as brushing off concussions and not taking them with the severity they require.
saying people are getting a little "concussion crazy" does not seem cautious OR apathetic in the slightest. the post came across as brushing off concussions and not taking them with the severity they require.

But they also made a point to say that they do not take concussions lightly and follow doctors orders to the letter, for the child's sake. They were just observing that concussions are a lot more frequent than they used to be.
saying people are getting a little "concussion crazy" does not seem cautious OR apathetic in the slightest. the post came across as brushing off concussions and not taking them with the severity they require.
you obviously misunderstood her. and to come out with that statement about her coaching was extremely rude. she was NOT brushing off concussions at all. she was saying they seem to be more frequent now.
please read thoroughly before you jump the gun and knock someones coaching abilities.
you obviously misunderstood her. and to come out with that statement about her coaching was extremely rude. she was NOT brushing off concussions at all. she was saying they seem to be more frequent now.
please read thoroughly before you jump the gun and knock someones coaching abilities.
Well, I am reading it as a coach who doesn't believe all of the concussions on her squad are real, and I do think that is a bit concerning. She is erring on the side of believing the doctors now, but it bothers me that she doesn't really think there is a legit reason for sitting these girls out, and I have to think that when this happens the week before a major competition and she doesn't believe it is real things might be different. Maybe our concern can prevent that.

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Back in my hockey playing days we had to take a concussion impact baseline test, so that if we were suspected of having a concussion they would have something to compare to see if we were okay or not. (i.e. if i scored above-average pre-hit and just average post hit, something was wrong) I think it'd be smart if cheer gyms did something similar with their athletes.
you obviously misunderstood her. and to come out with that statement about her coaching was extremely rude. she was NOT brushing off concussions at all. she was saying they seem to be more frequent now.
please read thoroughly before you jump the gun and knock someones coaching abilities.
I do understand fully where this coach is coming from. I also think that there is an over-abundance of 'head bumps' being classified as concussions. And trust me, I know what a concussion looks like. My oldest CP suffered a concussion at school cheer 2 years ago and it was obvious immediately! She couldn't remember who the flyer was and was immediately nauseous and had a killer headache. I took her to our pediatrician within an hour of the incident, who sent us to get a scan because she thought she had a cracked skull. Thankfully it wasn't. Two weeks ago, she and another cheerleader collided while tumbling and the cheer coach freaked out and sent her to the nurse asking me to take her to the hospital. She told them that it wasn't a concussion, that she didn't hit her head and that she was fully aware of what a concussion was. Never the less, she was forced to miss 2 days of school. I understand about not taking concussions too lightly, but I do think that coaches, school nurses and trainers should be required to take classes in identifying and understanding concussions.
I do understand fully where this coach is coming from. I also think that there is an over-abundance of 'head bumps' being classified as concussions. And trust me, I know what a concussion looks like. My oldest CP suffered a concussion at school cheer 2 years ago and it was obvious immediately! She couldn't remember who the flyer was and was immediately nauseous and had a killer headache. I took her to our pediatrician within an hour of the incident, who sent us to get a scan because she thought she had a cracked skull. Thankfully it wasn't. Two weeks ago, she and another cheerleader collided while tumbling and the cheer coach freaked out and sent her to the nurse asking me to take her to the hospital. She told them that it wasn't a concussion, that she didn't hit her head and that she was fully aware of what a concussion was. Never the less, she was forced to miss 2 days of school. I understand about not taking concussions too lightly, but I do think that coaches, school nurses and trainers should be required to take classes in identifying and understanding concussions.
In our state, they are. There is a checklist, and if the kid fails the check they MUST be cleared by a doctor to return. Not all concussions present the way you describe here. Some are MUCH mr subtle in their presentation. All suspected concussions should be checked by a qualified physician. No coach needs to make that decision.

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All kids in our gym age 10 or older (because the test is geared toward this age and up and anyone taking it under that age wouldn't have the right results) are required to take a concussion baseline test online. It is provided free to all athletes in our gym. Athletes cannot return until their results meet or exceed baseline. They're not playing. I'm so glad.
All kids in our gym age 10 or older (because the test is geared toward this age and up and anyone taking it under that age wouldn't have the right results) are required to take a concussion baseline test online. It is provided free to all athletes in our gym. Athletes cannot return until their results meet or exceed baseline. They're not playing. I'm so glad.
Can you provide the link? That is a great idea!
Can you provide the link? That is a great idea!
I can provide the information from the admin of the test. Each link is exclusive to each athlete and provides information only to the athlete's parents, the gym, and their physician due to HIPPA requirements. I think what you have to do is contact the company that provides the test and set up an account with them. You can probably consult your child's physician and do a test through them.
you obviously misunderstood her. and to come out with that statement about her coaching was extremely rude. she was NOT brushing off concussions at all. she was saying they seem to be more frequent now.
please read thoroughly before you jump the gun and knock someones coaching abilities.
well i am not the only one who "misunderstood" so im not the only one concerned. i have suffered from multiple concussions, and to see someone athletes are supposed to trust talk about concussions so nonchalantly, yes i am concerned. never said "oh you're a terrible coach" said "if you were MY (me.. personally.. with an opinion.. who has suffered from many concussions..) coach, i would be concerned". concussions are frequent in cheerleading, and can be caused even when the athlete "wasn't hit hard". in fact, concussions can happen when the athletes head isnt even hit at ALL. the post seemed uneducated about concussions, which for a coach is concerning.
OK i don't know if anyone is going to agree with me about this and i don't want to offend anyone but does anyone think that people are getting a little concussion crazy these days? i know concussions are very serious and you cant play around with getting hit in the head at all but i think if a kid goes to a doctor and says they got hit in the head and have a headache they are most likely going to tell you that you have a concussion and you cant do anything for 2 weeks. even if they didnt get hit hard. the doctor just has to cover themselves. when i used to cheer i don't think we ever had someone sit out because they had a concussion. now we've had 3 girls in the past 2 weeks get concussions and have to sit out for 2 weeks. it just seems a little crazy to me. maybe im the only one to think this but i don't know.

im not saying that this is the same in all cases. getting hit in the head is a serious thing. we don't give the kids a hard time at all when they tell us they have a concussion. we follow the doctors orders and wont let them do anything until they are cleared. it just seems like its happening far too much now a days.

You didn't offend me, nor do I think there is reason to question your coaching ability just because you asked the question, you said you follow doctors orders. My daughter recently had a flyer come down on her head and even though at the hospital she did not show ANY signs of a concussion the doctor required her to sit out 2 weeks (right after the hit she was speaking more slowly than normal). Your wording, "the doctor just has to cover themselves" is the truth, doctors know more about long term brain trauma/injuries and are not willing to take any chances, for their patients sake or for lawsuits.
All kids in our gym age 10 or older (because the test is geared toward this age and up and anyone taking it under that age wouldn't have the right results) are required to take a concussion baseline test online. It is provided free to all athletes in our gym. Athletes cannot return until their results meet or exceed baseline. They're not playing. I'm so glad.

Sadly I am learning about this first hand right now. I wish our gym did the IMPACT test so they could have a baseline score. My CP was hit in the head multiple times at practice with the last hit throwing her to the ground. She has been to the concussion specialist 3 times and returns again tomorrow. She has missed so much school as the first days after being evaluated she was allowed to do nothing except it in a dark room and let her brain heal. Eventually she was allowed back for half days only. She could have no tests, no homework etc. This is our 4th week and she has finally returned to school and can only be given a small amount of homework. Still no tests and limited class work. She is still not allowed to be on the computer and can only watch limited TV. This is so difficult as she is a senior this year. It's college application time and she can not form complete thoughts and sentences in order to complete her additional essays many schools require. Not to mention all she is missing in her AP classes, how will she ever catch up. This may have literally been life changing and the coach had no idea she had been injured. I don't think this is taken seriously by all. She was encouraged by her coach to "give tumbling a try" and she has not been released by the specialist yet!
Sadly I am learning about this first hand right now. I wish our gym did the IMPACT test so they could have a baseline score. My CP was hit in the head multiple times at practice with the last hit throwing her to the ground. She has been to the concussion specialist 3 times and returns again tomorrow. She has missed so much school as the first days after being evaluated she was allowed to do nothing except it in a dark room and let her brain heal. Eventually she was allowed back for half days only. She could have no tests, no homework etc. This is our 4th week and she has finally returned to school and can only be given a small amount of homework. Still no tests and limited class work. She is still not allowed to be on the computer and can only watch limited TV. This is so difficult as she is a senior this year. It's college application time and she can not form complete thoughts and sentences in order to complete her additional essays many schools require. Not to mention all she is missing in her AP classes, how will she ever catch up. This may have literally been life changing and the coach had no idea she had been injured. I don't think this is taken seriously by all. She was encouraged by her coach to "give tumbling a try" and she has not been released by the specialist yet!
I'm so sorry @Funfunfun :(

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