High School Confessions Of A High School Cheerleader

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When you're a back spot and no one recognizes you as a "key role" or "hard worker" in a stunt.

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The backspots who give you this reputation are my pet peeve. I back and base but as a base I've dealt with a heck of a lot of backspots who DON'T lift up and DON'T catch the flyer and literally just stand and hold the ankles. Most backspots don't do this and they do their job but when they don't... :banghead: plus it makes people think we don't do anything as backspots, when good backspots do a LOT!
When you're a back spot and no one recognizes you as a "key role" or "hard worker" in a stunt.

1. I feel as if I get no credit in the stunts when most of the time if my flyer is beginning to come down, I push her back up there, I've saved my stunt from falling numerous times.

2. I swear I think some people think that all back spots do is stand back there and hold the flyers ankle. Um that's obviously not true. I push my flyer up and make sure she keeps her leg locked. If she begins to fall I attempt to push her back up. And I actually lift up so I can help my bases as much as I can. My bases tell me that they can feel when I lift up and it's practically like they're holding nothing.

3. If back spots weren't there to catch the flyers they would land on their face/back/head A LOT! I know in my group that if I wasn't there to catch my flyer she would go straight to the floor bc one of my bases cannot catch at all! And I've saved my flyer from falling a thousand times and I've even went down with her a couple times bc my bases failed to help catch the load.

4. When other back spots don't feel important.. Like obviously you are!! Fight for that stunt, push it up and hold your flyer tight, make her feel like you got her and you WILL catch her!! And help the bases push it up and hold it up.ALWAYS catch your flyer and go down with her if needed. If the flyer doesn't trust her group then she's not gonna do her best, so you have to do your best to make her feel comfortable and safe!!

Okay, I'm done.

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I'm a flyer and I love my back spot. She keeps my butt in the air and before I had a terrible main base. I mean she backed and when I was falling. I was falling towards said main base because she was moving so it was hard for my secondary base to catch me. My back spot caught half of me. If she wasn't there... My whole body would've hit the floor.

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Finally some ppl who understand lol!

Yeah it peeves me when I try to teach other girls to back and they just hold the flyers ankles and the flyer comes crashing down...

Another thing I hate is when I see bases back up and try to not get hit when the flyer cradles or falls.. Like catch your flyer that's what you're there for!!

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While on the topic of bad back spots, I hate it when back spots are like a foot away from the stunt. Like the closer you are to a stunt, the more you're gonna help! Get in there! Because honestly, I don't think backing is that hard. You don't do much but grab and lift. No twisting or trying to catch feet and your wrist don't always hurt. But we do help a lot! Mainly by controlling the stunt and giving support to our flyers and some relief to our bases, you just gotta be strong and solid.
Ah, I miss stunting now!

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Confession of a HS coach that goes w/ the backspot item above:

when i tell girls to not stand under the stunt so they stand a foot away... honey what i am telling you is you need to stand where you are providing support and are able to help control the stunt... you right between your bases w/ suzie top girl falling off the back and you looking straight to the front is not ok....

also when someone is tall and so it is assumed they are a great back-spot....
To the girl on the team who never stops bossing people around and never shuts up: we have 5 captains, and you aren't one of them. SIT DOWN.
yesss and seniors who aren't captains and think they are allowed to boss us around just b/c they're seniors. Um no. Especially if you're the only person on the team w/o a backhandspring and are only here b/c of your age!
yesss and seniors who aren't captains and think they are allowed to boss us around just b/c they're seniors. Um no. Especially if you're the only person on the team w/o a backhandspring and are only here b/c of your age!

Oh no she's a junior. And she's been this way since her soph year. And ironically she's the most forgetful and hypocritical member of the team, too.
Confession of a HS coach that goes w/ the backspot item above:

when i tell girls to not stand under the stunt so they stand a foot away... honey what i am telling you is you need to stand where you are providing support and are able to help control the stunt... you right between your bases w/ suzie top girl falling off the back and you looking straight to the front is not ok....

also when someone is tall and so it is assumed they are a great back-spot....
My biggest pet peeve is in halfs when the backspot is so far away her arms are nearly straight. It's awful. Whenever I see bad backspots I just want to walk over to them and fix them! I have seen some scary backspotting and I would not feel safe at all if I were the flyer.
I've never seen a backspot completely under a stunt though...
And I agree, height won't help you unless you're aggressive! On my high school team freshman year, there was another back who was my height (5'10") and she was so timid and scared. She kept backing out of stunts and falling on basic cradles. It was not good.
My biggest pet peeve is in halfs when the backspot is so far away her arms are nearly straight. It's awful. Whenever I see bad backspots I just want to walk over to them and fix them! I have seen some scary backspotting and I would not feel safe at all if I were the flyer.
I've never seen a backspot completely under a stunt though...
And I agree, height won't help you unless you're aggressive! On my high school team freshman year, there was another back who was my height (5'10") and she was so timid and scared. She kept backing out of stunts and falling on basic cradles. It was not good.

I was somewhat exaggerating but still sometimes they get too close...

I have a girl that is on JV who no lie is almost 6 feet and because her mother insists she is an awesome backspot.. So one day I pulled her over to varsity.. Not one group hit with her.. She caught them every time.. But if nothing besides extensions are hitting and last year on JV she was taken out of the difficulty because it wasn't hitting.. My captains were like - coach why is she here, nothing is working. YIKES

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I'm a backspot and It bothers me SO much when backspots are far away from their group! How do they expect to get anything done?! However one time I was penalized for being "under the stunt"... So I guess there's a happy medium lol

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I was somewhat exaggerating but still sometimes they get too close...

I have a girl that is on JV who no lie is almost 6 feet and because her mother insists she is an awesome backspot.. So one day I pulled her over to varsity.. Not one group hit with her.. She caught them every time.. But if nothing besides extensions are hitting and last year on JV she was taken out of the difficulty because it wasn't hitting.. My captains were like - coach why is she here, nothing is working. YIKES

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I want to come over there and teach her now! I get so passionate about backing. Makes me want to coach!

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-This is a Michigan one...If you're going to states and expect to win, DONT CHEAT. STOP PUTTING FOUR TUCKS IN ROUND TWO AND TAKING THE TEN POINT DEDUCTION. And don't cry like a baby when you get third.
Oh my god. This. There was a team that started out the season with 12 girls in round two and a walkover, cartwheel, and round off. That went to 8 girls with a BHS, walkover, and round off. By districts it was 4 with tucks, BHS, and walkover. Really? Is that the best way to do it? I'm not judging them for taking the penalty, I'm judging them for abusing it. My coach took 4 girls out of round 2 because their mental blocks were so bad that they were having breakdowns in warm up. It was only for 2 small competitions that we didn't even win. By districts, all 4 girls were back and sticking their tucks. We took the penalty too, but didn't abuse it as bad as some teams do.

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