All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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i feel like disney would face a lot of liability if they re open and then immediately try and do worlds with thousands of athletes and spectators... All it will take is one person to come down with covid19 or an extreme sickness, and spread it and then the gates of lawsuits and disney blaming would flood in. I cant see disney doing that to themselves, yes they greedy and want that money, but they also aint stupid.
plus according to many this could flare up again come winter, or at least thats what people are worried about. So them holding it at the end of the year could be very up in the air as well.
They've already said that they won't hold Worlds/Summit past the end of June, so the end of the year isn't even an option any more.
Reminder y'all:

Varsity said they'd make a final "Is This Thing Even Happening" announcement by April 24th.

So if your gym is still waiting this out for a decision from The Big V, you will have an answer soon.

I can guarantee they're going to wait til 4/24 exactly, but you'll have an answer and can celebrate/grieve accordingly.

The possible responses are (as far as I can tell from the last communication about it) -

A. Yes this is cancelled.
B. No, this is not. It's happening on xxxx.
C.. No this is not. It's virtual now.

I am so bummed for everyone involved! I can't imagine.
Tennessee (where varsity HQ is located) was supposed to end our stay at home order at midnight tonight. Yesterday, they extended it two more weeks. It will effect varsity on a local level since they won't be back in office this week.
I think that will depend on how fast they can ramp up antibody testing and what they find out. This morning I heard the US is currently able to generate about 500,000 antibody tests per week. Even if they can ramp up antibody testing substantially, with a population of 325-330 million, it's going to take awhile to get that information. It's only my opinion, but I think sporting events will be virtual or televised until they can get an idea of what percentage of the population has antibodies, and if those antibodies will even prevent people from getting it again.

@UCFKnights07 I think you are assuming Disney and Varsity can make that decision without government blessing and are thinking in terms that somehow this virus can be contained. Currently people are walking around not realizing they have the virus and going to work at hospitals, dr offices, grocery stores, drug stores, gas stations, mechanics, etc and are infecting people daily. Strategies are being made to slowly re-open the economy, and no doubt, they will have more strict requirements at certain places such as limiting numbers, temp testing, mask requirements, hand washing stations, clorox wiping, etc. Sheltering was never about staying at home to prevent lawsuits or stop an unstoppable virus, it was about slowing the infection, not overwhelming our hospitals/staff/supplies, and having time to strategically reopen the economy. Serious question, how long do you think a Disney can stay closed before the thousands of businesses that surround it go under? FYI, the first allocation of SBA loan money is almost gone.
ETA: I just realized the article is limited to subscribers, but round one of sba loan money is almost gone and needing approval for round two.
i think there would be a big difference in opening the parks back up and not holding the comp vs. opening up and holding worlds/summit.
i could see one of two things happening for theme parks in general, they open back up and go through basically slow season till possibly july, if not later. Or people desperate to save their vacations flood the parks again.
disney has already furloughed all their employees, to my understanding, well part timers is my guess. Universal furloughed all their part timers, and are paying full timers, salaried at a lower rate. So my guess is that they could go awhile, i mean these are billion dollar companies, and personally i dont think disney cares about the outside businesses around them, that arent disney affiliated, they cant help everybody and they shouldnt have too... They are doing what they can to save money but save their long term workers from losing their benefits and jobs, etc.
disney obviously cant go around the government, if they do reopen the government could force a limit on capacity, which in turn would probably cancel worlds/summit
universal and disney tend to follow each other in decisions, and UO doesnt plan on reopening till sometime AFTER May.

So if disney is doing the same, that gives them one month to plan and reorganzie for two back to back weekends for thousands of visitors. Nevermind having probably everyone re-book rooms and flights, etc. Not saying it cant be done, but that is a whole lot of chaos to save two cheer competitions.
so colleges are thinking of going viral for Fall session but cheer is still being considered.............daughters gym finally called an end to the season.....crazy world we are living now.
i think there would be a big difference in opening the parks back up and not holding the comp vs. opening up and holding worlds/summit.
i could see one of two things happening for theme parks in general, they open back up and go through basically slow season till possibly july, if not later. Or people desperate to save their vacations flood the parks again.
disney has already furloughed all their employees, to my understanding, well part timers is my guess. Universal furloughed all their part timers, and are paying full timers, salaried at a lower rate. So my guess is that they could go awhile, i mean these are billion dollar companies, and personally i dont think disney cares about the outside businesses around them, that arent disney affiliated, they cant help everybody and they shouldnt have too... They are doing what they can to save money but save their long term workers from losing their benefits and jobs, etc.
disney obviously cant go around the government, if they do reopen the government could force a limit on capacity, which in turn would probably cancel worlds/summit

Again, I'll repeat myself since it doesn't appear you read what I posted. It really doesn't matter what we feel the big difference is, it will happen when the government allows it. Once again, IMO, large gathering sport events will be held virtually and televised only for a long time until they know how many people have antibodies and if those antibodies will prevent re-infection. Let's pretend Disney execs are total idiots and don't care about their surrounding small businesses that accommodate many of their guests, I assure you, the government of FL definitely cares. FYI, unemployment is normally 24 weeks, but it has been extended to 39 weeks. I know for a fact the FL government is watching Shanghai Disneyland intently, Shanghai opened up their Disney shops and restaurants after 45 days and are looking to open the parks May 1 (66 days after the initial closure). The one thing we do agree on, and I said it in my previous post, is they will probably limit capacity, require masks, hand washing stations, etc, but that would not have any impact on whether or not Varsity is able to hold competitions virtually. The main obstacle is currently if gyms will even be allowed to get their athletes together in time for a virtual comp.
Again, I'll repeat myself since it doesn't appear you read what I posted. It really doesn't matter what we feel the big difference is, it will happen when the government allows it. Once again, IMO, large gathering sport events will be held virtually and televised only for a long time until they know how many people have antibodies and if those antibodies will prevent re-infection. Let's pretend Disney execs are total idiots and don't care about their surrounding small businesses that accommodate many of their guests, I assure you, the government of FL definitely cares. FYI, unemployment is normally 24 weeks, but it has been extended to 39 weeks. I know for a fact the FL government is watching Shanghai Disneyland intently, Shanghai opened up their Disney shops and restaurants after 45 days and are looking to open the parks May 1 (66 days after the initial closure). The one thing we do agree on, and I said it in my previous post, is they will probably limit capacity, require masks, hand washing stations, etc, but that would not have any impact on whether or not Varsity is able to hold competitions virtually. The main obstacle is currently if gyms will even be allowed to get their athletes together in time for a virtual comp.
Im just telling you as an employee of the tourist industry they are expanding the closures through the end of may. That much I do know. If they plan on having a virtual comp then varsity decision will have nothing to do with disney.
I cant see worlds happening, I was skeptical a month ago but with the extended closure I see worlds being done as far as disney is concerned.
I wonder how large events will be handled in the (somewhat) near future - like competition season in the late fall/early winter. Will we be able to have gatherings of tens of thousands of people aka cheer competitions? Just spit balling some curiosities about the future.
It has been obvious for a while to me that this year is done, but I am now very concerned for next year. To move forward with a new normal we will need widespread rapid testing, antibody testing and tracing capabilities and despite what is being said those tests are nowhere near scale, and states are now competing with each other in the same way they did for PPE for the same kits. Furthermore, states in the NE coalition will be looking at businesses to reopen and asking 1) how essential is this business and 2)what is the relative risk of spreading disease. While opinions can differ on how vital cheer is, it is hard to argue that it isn't perhaps the most close contact activity one could engage in.
I'm actually concerned at whether gyms will be allowed to reopen next fall. The college here is going "hybrid" for fall, where students come for one class session a week, and do the rest online (so 1/3 on Monday, 1/3 on Weds, 1/3 on Friday), so there are fewer than 10 kids in a room at a time, and to use larger rooms so people can spread out. Spreading out and cheer just doesn't happen-you can't stunt 6 ft apart.
So I was outside talking to my neighbor (at the appropriate distance) who’s husband is a very respected physician and has a lot of international connections -medically ... they also co-own assisted living facilities.
I HAD to ask her what his thoughts were about all this...
She said- He and all of his colleagues are concerned not so much about what they DO KNOW but what they DONT know...she said there’s an understanding that it has mutated already (not to freak anyone out) ...
and the social distancing needs to continue much longer than we want it to- but admitted it’s likely not sustainable
She also said we are constantly cross contaminating... and that the social distancing is really just “all we CAN do” - because there really is nothing else...
I do NOT believe there will be a worlds/summit
I DO believe we will see soft openings/restriction lifting in May/June
I believe this new school/cheer year will have a modified fall/Winter
-It would very much be in the best interest of the cheer community to have a plan A, B & C for their seasons.
I am anxiously awaiting an announcement on a path to “re-opening” here in California. Yesterday, the governor announced a list of things that need to happen before that begins. But he also said, unless something drastically changes, there is no way mass gatherings will be allowed again through the summer. He also said that school will be different in the fall. More than likely, public schools will be doing a hybrid virtual/in-class model, with the school days and times staggered to limit the number of students in school at one time. So it sounds like social distancing will continue through the fall.
It would very much be in the best interest of the cheer community to have a plan A, B & C for their seasons.
Yes! Instead of worrying about a World's/Summit this year I hope equal or more time has been spent truly studying viability of a virtual season for next year if the worst comes to pass. And I hope those plans are shared with the whole community and not just kept secret until the trigger needs to be pulled. Even saying that, I am concerned for programs in the hardest hit areas that they won't be back online until fall or later :(
More than likely, public schools will be doing a hybrid virtual/in-class model, with the school days and times staggered to limit the number of students in school at one time. So it sounds like social distancing will continue through the fall.
I can believe this, I see it coming but am still utterly depressed about it!
I am anxiously awaiting an announcement on a path to “re-opening” here in California. Yesterday, the governor announced a list of things that need to happen before that begins. But he also said, unless something drastically changes, there is no way mass gatherings will be allowed again through the summer. He also said that school will be different in the fall. More than likely, public schools will be doing a hybrid virtual/in-class model, with the school days and times staggered to limit the number of students in school at one time. So it sounds like social distancing will continue through the fall.
If schools are hybrid or modified in fall (and I’ve been hearing this from several places) I don’t see how we can justify cheer as we know it, or any contact sport for kids. Makes me sad but it’s new reality.

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