All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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This one mentions becoming fatigued faster, getting dizzy or lightheaded, training being more difficult especially after having not exercised for a while.
How to exercise with a face mask -- and what not to do - CNET

Mentions some of the same things, also masks becoming wet from sweat and being less effective, and younger kids not knowing when their body is telling them to stop from the restricted airflow.
Is It Safe for My Family to Exercise with Face Masks? | Parents

I've seen a lot of things pop up on Facebook and don't have links for them. I know those posts are not always reliable.

There are the stories of the two boys in the second link and the 26yo in China whose lung collapsed after consistently running with a mask over a two week period, although these stories may be anecdotal.

There are also the considerations that previously wearing a surgical mask the athlete was probably not practicing full out, and these kids are going to be adjusting their masks all practice which defeats the purpose.

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Both links that you posted support the wearing of masks.

From the first: “Generally, yes, it's safe for most people to exercise while wearing a face mask, Grayson Wickham, a physical therapist and certified strength and conditioning specialist at Movement Vault, tells CNET. ”
It does say that you can tire out easier so you should take this slow and not push yourself as much, but thankfully we’re in the summer session where we’re working technique and basics not running full outs so there’s no reason to not wear a mask. The article actually said to wear a mask but that, “If you do feel lightheaded, dizzy or extremely short of breath, you should sit down and take a break. If the symptoms don't go away relatively soon, you should take your mask off to allow yourself to breathe normally, Wickham says. If you do need to take your mask off, always follow your state's public health rules and try to maintain at least six feet of distance between you and other people.”
I think that’s a simple and reasonable expectation at practice we could all easily do.

In the second article you linked it even explicitly said “You should definitely wear a mask, says Linda Lee, MBA, Chief Science Officer for UV Angel. Asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic carriers of COVID-19—which Dr. Lee says makes up between 20 percent and 36 percent of cases—could spread the disease to others by exercising outdoors without a face covering... ‘A person exercising is breathing heavily, and if they’re infected and asymptomatic, they could be exhaling up to 2 million viral particles,” Dr. Lee says. “Studies have shown this virus could infect someone with as few as a thousand virus particles, further highlighting the importance of social distancing.’”

Both article did say that kids can become more fatigued and shouldn’t be pushed too hard but they also said that kids should wear masks. In fact, every expert opinion on the subject suggests wearing masks. I don’t jnow what articles on Facebook are saying but what experts are saying is that we should all be wearing masks as we return to normal life more and more. Every essential worker has been wearing a mask non stop for hours every day and continues to do so. I think our kids can handle wearing one for a few hours here and there.

Our athletes are not running miles like those kids were doing, it is completely reasonable for kids to wear masks during summer practices which are much less intense.
My husband and I were shopping for patio furniture and I was maybe walking around for 25 min in a warmer climate and had to go sit in the car with the AC blasting. My mask made me light headed, fatigued and gave me a pounding headache. I only felt better after an hour of having the mask off.... I have no idea how kids are going to practice with masks outdoors doing anything remotely high impact. We are scheduled to return to play (unrestricted) July 27th which I think is a realistic return date but I can’t say that we won’t be taking additional precautions for at least the first few weeks of practice. The All Star program I work for is taking their time as well which I’m totally behind. I know every state/area is a different situation but worried about what EXACTLY IS the RIGHT thing to much is too much precaution? What if I’m not doing enough to protect my kids. Curious what all your thoughts are on how things will look late July based on your location.

I would suggest getting a surgical mask, you can buy them cheap online. Essential workers have been required to wear masks all day for weeks now. It’s not unreasonable for everyone to do the same.
It is unfair to say that someone who has done research, knows the virus isn't magically disappearing soon if ever, and feels building immunity to a virus that only affects a very small percentage of the population critically isn't taking anything seriously.

What research exactly? What natural immunity are you building without actually getting the virus? Or are you suggest the Covid-19 equivalent of Pox parties? I would love to see what research your finding that suggests doing that?

5.6 out of every hundred is not a very small number. Think about how many parents and grandparents of our athletes that would be. Imagine if out of every 100 parents at your gym, and 5-6 of them die. That’s a lot of tragedy to be a “small percentage”.

Kids are renoun for being vectors of disease. Ask any elementary school teacher, pediatrician, or daycare worker - there is nothing kids do better than spreading disease.

Lets say your gym has 250 kids. That’s at least 500 parents assuming there’s no kids with step parents. If all of those parents get Covid that’s more than 25+ dead parents. That’s a lot of kids losing a parent for no reason. Is that something we’re willing to risk?
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Go to amazon and add that to the end of the link.

That’s a link to 50 surgical masks for $30. Surgical mask are much more comfortable than cloth masks and are a lot easier to breath in. 50 masks should be more than enough for your kid to have one for every practice this summer.

If you don’t find cloth masks bearable I guarantee you can afford to invest 30 bucks in the professional kind.
Quick comment: I apologize for how borderline combative I am being, all of you have been very nice to me in the past and I’m not trying to be offensive. It’s just that I have seen a lot of tragedy occur with this virus and I think a lot of people who haven’t seen what I’ve seen aren’t taking it seriously enough.

My hospital had a 21 year old college baseball player die. 21. He got it from his parents. I’ve seen a lot of men in their 40s who's only medical history is Hypertension die or end up permanently incapacitated by Covid. How many kids in your gym have a dad in his 40s?

I’m not trying to attack anyone, I just want everyone to know what they’re risking when they decide it’s okay that their gym has 4 mats of athletes with no masks on. The kids will probably be fine, but the parents/grandparents? They may not be as lucky. I don’t think your kids would want to know that they contributed to the passing of a loved one.
Quick comment: I apologize for how borderline combative I am being, all of you have been very nice to me in the past and I’m not trying to be offensive. It’s just that I have seen a lot of tragedy occur with this virus and I think a lot of people who haven’t seen what I’ve seen aren’t taking it seriously enough.

My hospital had a 21 year old college baseball player die. 21. He got it from his parents. I’ve seen a lot of men in their 40s who's only medical history is Hypertension die or end up permanently incapacitated by Covid. How many kids in your gym have a dad in his 40s?

I’m not trying to attack anyone, I just want everyone to know what they’re risking when they decide it’s okay that their gym has 4 mats of athletes with no masks on. The kids will probably be fine, but the parents/grandparents? They may not be as lucky. I don’t think your kids would want to know that they contributed to the passing of a loved one.
I appreciate your insight and perspective!
Guys, not related at all to this...but this thread had me concerned, and I need to know if this is normal, or if this user should be reported...Thread said this..

The name of the account that posted this is Angehaengt...I'm not trying g to bully or gossip or spread rumors, but the mention of illegal on concerns it and tell me what you think I should do
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What research exactly? What natural immunity are you building without actually getting the virus? Or are you suggest the Covid-19 equivalent of Pox parties? I would love to see what research your finding that suggests doing that?

5.6 out of every hundred is not a very small number. Think about how many parents and grandparents of our athletes that would be. Imagine if out of every 100 parents at your gym, and 5-6 of them die. That’s a lot of tragedy to be a “small percentage”.

Kids are renoun for being vectors of disease. Ask any elementary school teacher, pediatrician, or daycare worker - there is nothing kids do better than spreading disease.

Lets say your gym has 250 kids. That’s at least 500 parents assuming there’s no kids with step parents. If all of those parents get Covid that’s more than 25+ dead parents. That’s a lot of kids losing a parent for no reason. Is that something we’re willing to risk?
Where are you getting the 5.6 death rate? I haven't seen anything close to that. In fact I haven't even seen anything even close to that for positive cases compared to population. I follow the two states where I live/my kids live very closely. One is open and started the opening process in mid April and has .34% of positive cases per the population per the data they release daily and the other just barely started phase 2 on Monday. They have less than 500 hospital beds being used for covid or related patients in the entire state. As far as demographics I see similar trends as far as the major percentage of deaths occurring in long term care facilities and/or elderly with both states. That's not to say those deaths don't matter - of course they do, but it is a demographic that isn't exposed to the public in the same way most youth and young adults are. Yes there are outliers such as the example you referenced but we see that in so many other situations too. I would be very open to seeing the link to the data regarding the death rates you are referencing because that would certainly change my opinion on how I view the virus.
ETA: If you aren't attacking anyone then there is really no need to dislike people's posts if they disagree with you especially when the dialogue is respectful.
Where are you getting the 5.6 death rate? I haven't seen anything close to that. In fact I haven't even seen anything even close to that for positive cases compared to population. I follow the two states where I live/my kids live very closely. One is open and started the opening process in mid April and has .34% of positive cases per the population per the data they release daily and the other just barely started phase 2 on Monday. They have less than 500 hospital beds being used for covid or related patients in the entire state. As far as demographics I see similar trends as far as the major percentage of deaths occurring in long term care facilities and/or elderly with both states. That's not to say those deaths don't matter - of course they do, but it is a demographic that isn't exposed to the public in the same way most youth and young adults are. Yes there are outliers such as the example you referenced but we see that in so many other situations too. I would be very open to seeing the link to the data regarding the death rates you are referencing because that would certainly change my opinion on how I view the virus.
ETA: If you aren't attacking anyone then there is really no need to dislike people's posts if they disagree with you especially when the dialogue is respectful.

A quick google found this.

State death rates for coronavirus in the US

It’s hard to know the true death rate though because not all mild cases are detected. I thought the true death rate is generally thought to be 1-2%.

Quite a few people (not just old ones) get very sick for a long time and get organ damage etc, so it’s not just about deaths.

Hope you stay healthy Andy!
Where are you getting the 5.6 death rate? I haven't seen anything close to that. In fact I haven't even seen anything even close to that for positive cases compared to population. I follow the two states where I live/my kids live very closely. One is open and started the opening process in mid April and has .34% of positive cases per the population per the data they release daily and the other just barely started phase 2 on Monday. They have less than 500 hospital beds being used for covid or related patients in the entire state. As far as demographics I see similar trends as far as the major percentage of deaths occurring in long term care facilities and/or elderly with both states. That's not to say those deaths don't matter - of course they do, but it is a demographic that isn't exposed to the public in the same way most youth and young adults are. Yes there are outliers such as the example you referenced but we see that in so many other situations too. I would be very open to seeing the link to the data regarding the death rates you are referencing because that would certainly change my opinion on how I view the virus.
ETA: If you aren't attacking anyone then there is really no need to dislike people's posts if they disagree with you especially when the dialogue is respectful.
The death rate is from the CDC’s data saying nearly 2 million people in the US have been infected and 113,000 people have died. Positive cases by percentage of population tested is not the same as the death rate. Edit to add it’s literally on the CDC website.
The death rate is from the CDC’s data saying nearly 2 million people in the US have been infected and 113,000 people have died. Positive cases by percentage of population tested is not the same as the death rate. Edit to add it’s literally on the CDC website.
That is only taking into consideration the population who has been tested. There are 331M people in the US.
That is only taking into consideration the population who has been tested. There are 331M people in the US.

Death rate is dead divided by infected. Not divided by total number of people. (But like I said before it’s hard to know the true number of infected so hard to know exact death rate.)
A quick google found this.

State death rates for coronavirus in the US

It’s hard to know the true death rate though because not all mild cases are detected. I thought the true death rate is generally thought to be 1-2%.

Quite a few people (not just old ones) get very sick for a long time and get organ damage etc, so it’s not just about deaths.

Hope you stay healthy Andy!
Edit: Removed inaccurate data.

I am definitely paying attention to this stuff, I am a type 1 diabetic and supposedly one of the riskiest for death if I get it. But I have also talked with multiple T1Ds whose blood sugars stayed in range and did not feel any worse than a severe chest cold. There is so much conflicting information, lives on surfaces now it doesn't, masks will help, won't, will. Young healthy people have died and elderly have recovered.

In our area of 1.2 million people there are now only about 300 known active cases. I know I'm taking a risk by not caring about this mask issue at the gym, but I take a risk every year with the flu which is also worse for diabetics. This virus is not going away and we each have to decide how to live in this new normal.

I will be trying the surgical masks instead of our cloth ones for other outings.

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