All-Star Covid-19 / Varsity Response

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Testing isn't at all difficult to find here. I know loads of people who have to be tested weekly for work. As I said, HS sports are mandating weekly testing, and I believe plan to offer testing on site. If I needed one, there are at least 10 different places within a half hour I could go to today and get one done. I'm shocked it's still so hard to find elsewhere.
Testing isn't at all difficult to find here. I know loads of people who have to be tested weekly for work. As I said, HS sports are mandating weekly testing, and I believe plan to offer testing on site. If I needed one, there are at least 10 different places within a half hour I could go to today and get one done. I'm shocked it's still so hard to find elsewhere.
Same here in MD. I could schedule a free test every day if I wanted to. I wouldn't, but I could.
As a professional in the field of psychology, there is no comparison between the isolation of nursing homes to children who can’t go to school or practice. Parents may create learning pods and many children already have siblings. Babies needs interaction but they don’t need to read facial expressions of strangers. They are not isolated children locked away like those in psychological studies. The parental reaction and nurturing is enough for them to successfully develop. Some children are home schooled and live relatively isolated and they don’t experience the symptoms you have mentioned. Muscle atrophy shouldn’t be an issue since they aren’t locked in tiny rooms. There are zoom calls, online classes, playing outside, working out in the home. It is up to the parent to model behaviors and limit screen time. We have seen families that are more active and free from stress as well. It is all about how it is managed. I stand by the statement that if the family makes the best of a difficult situation the kids are way more resilient than people think.
not saying your opinion is wrong, but i just think of all the kids who live in abusive homes, whether physically or psychologically and how being stuck at home has made things SO much worse for them, with parents that have possibly suffered job loss or whatever. I want to imagine the amount of child abuse that may be occurring during these times has to be a lot worse, both reported and unreported.
never mind the poorest of the poor suffering the greatest and most likely not having access to as many educational tools or parents who are uneducated themselves and cant help.
The kids and the elderly have probably suffered the most in all this in my opinion.
There is far few tests and they have such high demand to use them for testing thousand of kids before a comp, Also, god forbid you get a positive case, the gym shuts done, the team can't compete, the family has to on.
test need to be saved for those that actually need it
If a gym gets a positive test, they SHOULDN'T be competing!!! So, using that as a reason not to test is kind of crazy to me. Tests are abundant here on the west coast. I wouldn't even think of saving them for people who need them. They are plentiful. Vaccines - now those are hard to get. those in the current phase are waiting weeks.
If a gym gets a positive test, they SHOULDN'T be competing!!! So, using that as a reason not to test is kind of crazy to me. Tests are abundant here on the west coast. I wouldn't even think of saving them for people who need them. They are plentiful. Vaccines - now those are hard to get. those in the current phase are waiting weeks.
I was gonna say, that's the perfect example of a test being needed and used correctly. Not the opposite.
It’s really sad. Everyday the same boring day with Nothing on the horizon. I understand the lack of motivation / depression. The video numb really captures what their life was like everyday.

My kiddo has been going downhill all year. Honor society student, dance team captain, retired all star world bronze medalist, very social. NOW shes antisocial, very depressed, barely passing her classes, and has had her senior year totally crapped on. Most senior activities have been cancelled. No homecoming, no prom, no senior skip days, project graduation, yearbook, heck even dance team pictures haven't been taken for said yearbook. No student council activities. No seniors in the football programs. All little things but when taken all together, basically senior year all the things kids look forward to are gone. She has zero motivation.
Wow! That is amazing. There are locations near me with testing by appointment only. When my daughter was exposed took me 6 days to actually get her tested. And I had to pay $50.

Testing isn't at all difficult to find here. I know loads of people who have to be tested weekly for work. As I said, HS sports are mandating weekly testing, and I believe plan to offer testing on site. If I needed one, there are at least 10 different places within a half hour I could go to today and get one done. I'm shocked it's still so hard to find elsewhere.
Yes testing when necessary when there is exposure to a positive case.
Not everyone test just because.
I guess I just assume every gym is taking is seriously like my gym.
Sad that others are not. I wouldn’t be afraid to mess around as a small business owner.

I was gonna say, that's the perfect example of a test being needed and used correctly. Not the opposite.
I had to go back through as I remember this specific comment after seeing some videos posted over the weekend ;)

We've started to reopen. Gym's still closed though. But we can shop wherever for whatever now (capacity of stores is still at 25% but thats fair). You can get hair cuts/colours now, but for some reason it was too risky to open up for nails. The restrictions seemed insane, but for me honestly, were easy enough to adapt to.

We're taking a super, super cautious approach. We're down to the city (population there is just under a million) having between 20-40 cases a day now, which is obviously better than the 300-400 they were at before Christmas.

We're cautiously optimistic about opening the gym up, likely without stunting, by mid February. Most competitions here, even virtual have been cancelled. I think theres a few that are still set up for late March/April, but, I don't see a scenario where any of my teams are capable of a competition ready routine in 6 weeks after 3.5 months off.
I see lots of school districts open/running face-to-face. Proof that it can be done safely.

We've had schools open since September with 1 exception; after Christmas break, all students in 7-12 did 2 weeks of remote learning before returning. They anticipated this massive spike in cases because of Christmas, but it never materialized and our cases, hospitalizations and deaths have continued to decline. We did close schools from March-June however, but I think that was common world wide?

It's taken SO much work by our educators, but schools have been very safe. Obviously there have been students who have contacted Covid, but there was no spread within the schools, so no outbreaks were declared. It takes a lot of vigilance by educators, compliance and understanding from students and a plan, but schools have been largely safe. My BIL and SIL are both elementary school teachers and they said the kids have been amazing at following distancing and masking.
Wow! That is amazing. There are locations near me with testing by appointment only. When my daughter was exposed took me 6 days to actually get her tested. And I had to pay $50.
we have a drive thru testing center very close to where i live in north orlando. I think it costs like 75 bucks though, maybe a little cheaper.
If a gym gets a positive test, they SHOULDN'T be competing!!! So, using that as a reason not to test is kind of crazy to me. Tests are abundant here on the west coast. I wouldn't even think of saving them for people who need them. They are plentiful. Vaccines - now those are hard to get. those in the current phase are waiting weeks.
You are completely ignoring the fact that this could very possibly be a false test. Now how would you feel as a kid if you worked all season and then because you got a false positive test you couldn't attend your comp. people are completely forgetting the kid's side here. We need normalcy in our life. I know personally that I am homeschooled, and so cheer is my only time to be with friends. My only outlet. If cheer gets taken away again my life is done. I have nothing else. I am homeschooled so no school dances, no hangouts with friends, nothing.
I have already not got the chance to compete with my senior 5 team. It's my 1st year on level 5, so I was really pumped. But now I might not even get to use it. We are already barely getting a season, and I can guarantee if you got your whole gym tested, there would be at least 1 positive test. Now if they really were or not is a different story, but being asymptomatic is a thing. Especially in a gym as big as mine, between all 10 teams, lots of coaches, and then all the gymnasts, there would most certainly be a positive test out of all those people. Every time.
Also, thinking about getting that many people tested here is out of the question. There is not enough test, and they're booked weeks out in advance here. And then how long it takes for them to come back. Where I live, that is simply out of the question
I think unless you test everyone all the time, there will be covid positive people among us. That’s why we wear masks and distance as much as we can.

Kids and parents need to be responsible at comps. If you compete without masks then at least put it on when you’re done. Don’t take lots of selfies with your friends maskless. Parents - be happy you get to see your kid compete at all. Follow the rules.

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