All-Star Dangers Of Cheerlebrity

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I'd also like to add that I really think the parents of these "cheerlebrities" need to be aware of what's going on and learn that this is a dangerous thing. I literally just logged onto Facebook to see a certain "cheerlebrities" parent taking pictures with athletes at a certain competition. To me this is absolutely ridiculous and I am appalled. Living through your "cheerlebrity" child to me is disgusting and honestly I think you really need to give your head a shake. I feel very sorry for these kids.
In the NFL, NBA, and MLB, there are mounds of athletes with huge fanbases and fans that basically stalk them. Yes, it's weird and more than a little creepy, but how is this any different from "cheerlebrities"? They too are people who are amazing at what they do, attract a large amount of attention from people who are aspiring to be great in the same sport, and are usually pretty darn attractive. So do I think that this whole "cheerlebrity" thing is creepy? Yes, but not any more so than I think the fans for celebrities and pro basketball players are.
I'm more than willing to fully exploit my child along those lines. You have something in mind? Wilderness camp for wayward cheerlebrities perhaps?

More like a Bilderburg for Cheerlebrities. We could have sessions on Magazine
Covers; Avoiding the Unwanted Photo Request; Advanced Crowd Interaction!

Then ASCheerMan could wrap up with an afternoon session where we vote on who gets to win which events the next year. Probably should book it for June.
In the NFL, NBA, and MLB, there are mounds of athletes with huge fanbases and fans that basically stalk them. Yes, it's weird and more than a little creepy, but how is this any different from "cheerlebrities"? They too are people who are amazing at what they do, attract a large amount of attention from people who are aspiring to be great in the same sport, and are usually pretty darn attractive. So do I think that this whole "cheerlebrity" thing is creepy? Yes, but not any more so than I think the fans for celebrities and pro basketball players are.

Those people are adults who signed a contract knowing there would be that sort of attention. These cheerlebrities are children who for the most part did not want this they just want to cheer
More like a Bilderburg for Cheerlebrities. We could have sessions on Magazine
Covers; Avoiding the Unwanted Photo Request; Advanced Crowd Interaction!

Then ASCheerMan could wrap up with an afternoon session where we vote on who gets to win which events the next year. Probably should book it for June.
Stalkers, Competitions, and You!

Although all jokes aside, it's not a bad idea exactly..
I didn't read this whole post just page 1 and 5 so if this has been said i am sorry
I've been in this industry for 12 years now i cheered at a "BIG-NAMED" gym when we went to worlds i couldn't even walk 12 feet with out having to take a picture with some one.. i was eating a hot dog and some one stopped my meal to take a picture with me...and this was before "cheerlebrity" deal started it was just go crazy over the people in that uniform...and the whole time i was thinking...well someone is going to get hurt over this.
I'm sorry - that was probably me and my cp at Worlds in 2009 - she was just so excited to see anyone from a big name gym that she had just watched compete that she wanted a picture with them. She must have been 8 at the time, and if makes any difference to you or anyone else who stopped what they were doing to take that picture, it really made her day (and probably the rest of her year) to have taken a picture with an athlete from (insert BIG NAME GYM here).
So, since being proactive about an entire group is much more useful then trying to individually police what a teenager does (Oh the mischief I caused online :p), what are people's suggestions?
*PAC could maybe say something about it?
*EPs not allowing ANYONE in the warmup area unless they are an athlete covered by a coach from a team scheduled to be there.
*Gyms could set up meet and greets or not, that's a gyms call, but either way a policy has to be set and everyone needs to respect it.
*Maybe go over social media behavior and how to handle it if something DOES happen.

Any other constructive ideas welcome.
The most direct and proven route would be to model after what pro sports already have in place and then tweek it to adjust to the unique requirements of this sport and venue. One simple example - can anyone walk freely into the dugout at a baseball game? Can fans approach players as they are exiting and entering the facility? No. Why? How do they control it?
The most direct and proven route would be to model after what pro sports already have in place and then tweek it to adjust to the unique requirements of this sport and venue. One simple example - can anyone walk freely into the dugout at a baseball game? Can fans approach players as they are exiting and entering the facility? No. Why? How do they control it?

That's a limited amount of athletes to fans. Here we have a large collection of athletes and they are part of the issue.
I think the obsessing over cheerlebs is getting ridiculous. Matt Smith even had a bodyguard for his competition this weekend, that is so sad. Why everyone becomes so stalkerish is beyond me. Like I'm going to worlds this year, and my favorite teams are panthers and F5, but I'm not gonna go creep around and try to find and bother the more well known girls like Carly Manning and Kelcie Burch. I would love to take a picture with anyone from they're team because I think they're teams are awesome not those single individuals make up that team. BUT ANYWAY, I remember this summer i was video chatting with a few girls from tumblr who also run cheer blogs and they eventually decided to tweet at Peyton Mabry a bunch of times and ask her to join the room, I kind of felt bad because all the other girls in the room kept saying that they kept tweeting at her, like leave her alone.. but anyway she ended up coming in the video chat room and she was being very nice and patient with everyone. I probably would have lost it if I was her, between all the girls making creepy comments about how they were obsessed with her, and they would say things and question her about Matt Smith and Jamie Andries. I remember one girl said she found out matt smiths address cause she saw it on an envelope in a picture and she was able to make it out. Like that is seriously just so weird and scary. Why can't some people just leave the poor cheerleaders alone. It's okay to admire them and like look up to them, but you need to draw the line somewhere. If you see them at a comp, and you want a picture or autograph, you need to wait until they seem like they can and not be creepy about it. I would be so scared if I were these poor people
i am not famous in anyway, but someone asked to take a picture with me this weekend i guess because of the team im on. even that kinda scared me, so i cant imagine how big cheerlebs feel.
Okay, I actually have a few friends that are considered "cheerlebrities" and they are NORMAL PEOPLE. In every way. One has actually considered getting his phone number changed because random people text him obsessively. It's to the point where it's being taken too far. It's completely okay to admire and look up to someone, but don't obsess over them.
That's a limited amount of athletes to fans. Here we have a large collection of athletes and they are part of the issue.
True. But I don't agree with those that say this is all the gym's responsibility. I am only looking at the safety aspect during competitions that the gyms do have responsibility for. The media issue is something parents can already control for minors, to some extent. Their kids may not like it, but nobody ever said parenting is easy.

My thought is that you could make it possible to control access during the time when the parents can't be there and the gym is at least partially responsible. To and from the venue and the competition area (athlete-only entrances) and in restricted access to warm-ups. I can't think of any of the major venues where this is not physically possible.

I firmly believe when they aren't in one of those places, it is the parent or guardian's responsibility to protect their child and this would give all parents options they can choose to take...or not if they are reveling in and perpetuating the attention themselves. Then they take full responsibility for the consequences.

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