All-Star Ex-cheer Coach In Boca Raton, Fl Arrested

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I wonder if her former teammates are standing by her?

i pray for her that they are, but this is a tough age group. i'm sure there are some kids who will stand by their coach and have called her a liar or something similar... i just hope she has a strong support system to get her through this, especially if she'll be testifying. it's not easy on anyone, but especially such a young girl.
He is a World Champion Cheerleader. He did not coach there that I am aware of. He was a good coach.

I would debate that "He was a good coach" is the appropriate way to phrase this. He was good at teaching skills, sure. He was knowledgable about the sport, fine. But to say that someone "was a good coach" involves more than just their knowledge of the sport.
But those of us ON THE BOARDS have said time and time again, that we don't leave our children alone in the company of coaches, for this reason exactly, regardless how much we trust them.

Exactly - I can think of a couple similar incidents that have been mentioned on the boards - and I would say that they received a fair amount of attention. Like any other thread - they eventually run their course. I remember they stirred up just as much drama as any other threads on recruiting or uniforms.

Illinois anyone? Just Read The Link Given For Icc/ice.... | Fierce Board - We Talk Cheerleading

Not trying to downplay any of this - I agree it is very serious and we need to do all we can to protect our innocent children, but as Mamarazzi mentioned - the action will need to happen outside of the boards where people are more unaware.
i pray for her that they are, but this is a tough age group. i'm sure there are some kids who will stand by their coach and have called her a liar or something similar... i just hope she has a strong support system to get her through this, especially if she'll be testifying. it's not easy on anyone, but especially such a young girl.
I can only nod in agreement. It's why so many people don't come forward..especially if the person is well liked.
Not trying to downplay any of this - I agree it is very serious and we need to do all we can to protect our innocent children, but as Mamarazzi mentioned - the action will need to happen outside of the boards where people are more unaware.

I can't count the number of times I have seen a mini-aged athlete running around at a competition by themself. When I see two minis playing catch with ketchup packets in white uniforms, all I can think is, "Where are your parents?" I thought my head was going to spin off my shoulders. Not only could you ruin your uniform, but more importantly, someone could snatch these kids and their parent wouldn't know for at least a half hour. Ridiculous.
@Zinger-bebe, I completely understand why you linked that old thread, because it isn't fair or accurate to say we don't address these issues.

But for those of you who are new and maybe aren't going to bother to read the entire thread, this program (ICC) does not exist anymore and the owners of ICE were not in any way involved with this facility at that time.

I feel like we are throwing ICE under the bus every time this topic comes up. There have been many other threads of this type on the board over the years, all heavily and thoughtfully discussed. Just remember ICC and ICE are not one and the same program - and the perpetrators have been addressed within the judicial system.
I'll play devils advocate....

Has there been a trial and conviction yet, or are these arrests and allegations at this point (which may be entirely true....or not)?

Maybe it's just me, but I've seen one too many good looking, male teachers with their life/career turned upside down over false accusations that he couldn't defend for the mere fact he was a male and he's guilty before proven innocent. And this is one of the few charges in this country where that reversal of the "American way" seems par for the course.

The last one happened over a girl who asked him out, and he told her, she got mad and leveled allegations. Was he vindicated when the truth came out...yes. Did he have a nightmare to live through and isn't teaching anymore, yes. Did he do a single thing He, in fact, made her mad by turning her down.

So, feel free to speculate, deride, vilify and whatever other verb you'd like to use, (they all may turn out to be very warranted) but in my case...I think I'll wait for a conviction (which requires proof) to pass judgement. Right now, it's just allegations and just because there are multiple ones doesn't (necessarily) lend weight to them.

Flame away.
And why can't USASF registered gyms be required to do a background check including fingerprint cards?
It is not required, but USASF has a system for background checks for "industry professionals" now. I work for an EP and our whole admin staff completed the background check in September. I'm not completely sure how it's going to work, but my understanding is that it is optional, and there will be a "green light" list of everyone who completed and passed the background check. If your name isn't on the list, it either means you did not complete it, or you did not pass, which is a good way to encourage everyone to get the background check done so that their names will show up on the "good" list. I believe it was $25, and the payment was done through the website where you entered all of your information for the check, not through the USASF.

This was brought up at the regional meetings, so maybe someone else who attended one can give more input on it. I did the background check but I'm unclear on exactly how this information will be accessible to parents.
It is not required, but USASF has a system for background checks for "industry professionals" now. I work for an EP and our whole admin staff completed the background check in September. I'm not completely sure how it's going to work, but my understanding is that it is optional, and there will be a "green light" list of everyone who completed and passed the background check. If your name isn't on the list, it either means you did not complete it, or you did not pass, which is a good way to encourage everyone to get the background check done so that their names will show up on the "good" list. I believe it was $25, and the payment was done through the website where you entered all of your information for the check, not through the USASF.

This was brought up at the regional meetings, so maybe someone else who attended one can give more input on it. I did the background check but I'm unclear on exactly how this information will be accessible to parents.

What determines "not passing" or getting the greenlight? What if a coach had something on their record that didn't or would never directly effect coaching or members of the gym? I think there's a slippery slope there as well.
I'll play devils advocate....

Has there been a trial and conviction yet, or are these arrests and allegations at this point (which may be entirely true....or not)?

Maybe it's just me, but I've seen one too many good looking, male teachers with their life/career turned upside down over false accusations that he couldn't defend for the mere fact he was a male and he's guilty before proven innocent. And this is one of the few charges in this country where that reversal of the "American way" seems par for the course.

The last one happened over a girl who asked him out, and he told her, she got mad and leveled allegations. Was he vindicated when the truth came out...yes. Did he have a nightmare to live through and isn't teaching anymore, yes. Did he do a single thing He, in fact, made her mad by turning her down.

So, feel free to speculate, deride, vilify and whatever other verb you'd like to use, (they all may turn out to be very warranted) but in my case...I think I'll wait for a conviction (which requires proof) to pass judgement. Right now, it's just allegations and just because there are multiple ones doesn't (necessarily) lend weight to them.

Flame away.

there is a wptv news video clip which says he denies doing anything wrong and it made me wonder if he could really be innocent...but multiple accusations and even sexting a minor...that's not the look.
You can not compare sexual activity with minors to giving scholarships to cheerleaders......It just isn't even in the same ballpark. Both are important topics but just so drastically different.

My lack of caffeine and the fact that it isn't 5'oclock yet side is saying this is "questionable recruiting" deflection.

Unicorns anyone?
I'm so confused with the hostility in this post. There are probably criminals in every sport or activity there is, but I don't think it's because cheerleading is corrupt or has issues- it's because potential criminals also enjoy activities/hobbies/passtimes/sports.
There is a difference between a criminal and sex offender?
It was this year

Pulled these from the articles

"Police began investigating the unlawful sexual activity allegation when the incident was reported to authorities in August of last year."

"When she eventually told the owners in June 2011, Venditto was fired."

According to this he was fired last year. So my question is still this: Did the gym where this happened report it or did the girl wait until she was 18 to do it herself.

Either that or the article's have misinformation and the investigation has only been going on for 5 months not 17 months.

Either way, forgive me if I'm wrong, as a facility that works with minors, aren't they required to go to authorities with this information?

This could all be lies by a jilted teen but as gym owners don't they have/feel a responsibility to report it and let the police investigate it?

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