All-Star Fake Social Networking Accounts

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Oh and also the girl who made that Erica Englebert website is still active. I'm friends with her on facebook and I just checked her page, It says that she moved to Raleigh, North Carolina 8 HOURS AGO and I believe that she is also pretending to be at CEA. It's sad that everything has gotten to a point where we can't be certain what's real and what's fake anymore.

No she didnt. ha. if people would just ignore the situation eventually she will stop.
I've heard from multiple people that Erica does not have a formspring, so be careful about that one too.

Fake Erica Engleberts - take a second to see if you are friends with any of them and REMOVE and REPORT them! (Starbucks Australia?? Really? SO BELIEVEABLE!)

I feel awful for this girl! Also, even if any of these people say they are only fan pages, they are still stealing photos and information from the real page, so report them!

the second, 5th, and last 2 links now say "page not found", so i guess those have been deleted :)
RE: the pedophile guy form Germany.. when he hit all our kids accounts back in March/ April we all blocked & reported to FB... I am afraid to even go in to see if he was deleted. As one of the girls said a few post back, I was with her mom when she called Maddies mom. I hope he is deleted- it was pretty disturbing. I hope eveyone on here just blocks & send reports as innapropriate content. Do not view anything on his site as he may be able to get info from you this way.
I hadn't bothered to look at this thread before, but I just read through every post. All I have to say is oh my. I am so disturbed. The "Fan So and So" pages are a little odd, but impersonating cheerlebrities? I don't get it. Is it to feel loved? Because sweetie, they don't love YOU, they love who they think you are. The worst is the sketchy males stalking these girls. The Playboy magazine covers are truly SICK. I can't even describe how nauseated I am right now.

In my history class right now, we are doing an end of year project on a topic or issue related to the government that we are passionate about. I am doing mine about internet censorship, specially pro-ana/pro-mia sites, and I am DEFINITELY going to find a way to include something about this. I guess people don't know, because cheer is it's own little world, but this needs to be heard.

Oh and did anyone else notice one of the FAKE Erica's like the page STOP FAKE ERICA ACCOUNTS? For real?! I'm so disturbed by all this.
someone made a fake account of me once and it was so hard to get facebook to take it off.
thankfully it finally got removed. i dont understand why people have to do this kind of thing.
Bumping this up. Keep your eyes out and keep reporting! As stated some posts back, some of these accounts have in fact gotten deleted. Thumbs up to you all who've been reporting like it's your job ;)
It's great that the reporting is helping especially with some of these fake accounts.

Remember it's a big help to message the people who are "friends" with the accounts as well to remove their links to the fake accounts. That helps reduce the amount of pictures and personal information that is being shared out there.
i remember at a competition i was with erica ( 3 times ) and i went on fb though my phone to show her the fake account and the fake ericas status was " hanging out with monica from just cheer, so nice. come by the bathroom down the hall to meet me " it was really creepy because for one how did they know my name and 2 they were creeping on erica and telling her where she was, the point of us back down in the bathroom was so people couldn't find erica cause she was getting ready, i was in there when she walked in.
People are pathetic and just down right crazy.
I honestly feel bad for people like Erica. It's just creepy how people have the conscience to go threw with some of this stuff. They have to find pictures and know a lot of information about the person to keep up with it. It's pretty much stalking..

&& that Amanda Powell...her tweet about having her bronze medal in hand...WOW.
That is all I have to say.

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