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Yes this is the way cheerleading is run and that's why people don't take it seriously. My boys play sports and the officials are trained and paid by athletic associations and organizations. Can you imagine being at a high school football game and after one team beats the other, having the officials say...well you won but we think the other team is better and will represent us better at states, so the team that came in 2nd is going on to states. No other sport is run the way cheerleading is. Doesn't mean I don't love watching my daughter cheer and go to competitions. She is happy, I am happy. I just have to shake my head at some of the stuff that goes on. I guess there are issues in every sport. I've shook my head at a lot of sporting events, not just cheerleading. Actually, I have seen officials and umpires and refs change the outcome of close games by penalties called or not called. IDK...i could go on all day. Let's get back to talking about how the teams did over the weekend;)
Cheer is a youth club sport. Most youth club sport competitions require the host to provide & pay for the officials. That's what some of our meet, comp, or tournament fees cover.

Someone has to pay the judges for their work. If the EP doesn't pay them who will?

It's fine if EP's pay them, but all EP's should be required to hire judges from the same organization with standardized training that at least somewhat minimizes subjectivity and EP influence.

ETA: Maybe EP's should pay the organization and the organization then pays the judges.
I was simply reading other people's post complaining how bids are handed out and that's what popped into my head. I've seen the sport of cheerleading evolve a lot over the last 10yrs. I think the push to make this a legitimate sport has created a lot of positive changes. But I still think there are politics involved some of the time with some of the decisions made at comps. As long as the world revolves around $, the sport of cheerleading will revolve around $ and there will be politically motivated decisions. Maybe if the judges weren't on the EP's payroll the sport would be more fair. I'm not cynical, I am a realist. This is life. Life is not fair. If you sign up for this sport, it is not always going to be fair.
Ummm I was just making a joke- lol
Kinda like how parents pay so much for this sport (coaching, tumbling, comp fees, etc) that it sounds like we've been paying the wrong people...
Yes this is the way cheerleading is run and that's why people don't take it seriously. My boys play sports and the officials are trained and paid by athletic associations and organizations. Can you imagine being at a high school football game and after one team beats the other, having the officials say...well you won but we think the other team is better and will represent us better at states, so the team that came in 2nd is going on to states. No other sport is run the way cheerleading is. Doesn't mean I don't love watching my daughter cheer and go to competitions. She is happy, I am happy. I just have to shake my head at some of the stuff that goes on. I guess there are issues in every sport. I've shook my head at a lot of sporting events, not just cheerleading. Actually, I have seen officialsm and umpires and refs change the outcome of close games by penalties called or not called. IDK...i could go on all day. Let's get back to talking about how the teams did over the weekend;)

I just had this conversation with a friend of mine whose daughter is a level 7 gymnast. She finished her compulsory bars routine and got a really low score. Her coaches filed an inquiry and there were deductions that she had never gotten before. The question was; "How is she supposed to learn, grow and correct mistakes if she's scored one way here and the other there?" I told him it's the same in cheer. A judged sport is subject to these inconsistencies. But, every event producer has their own caveat to their rules for giving bids, or how they score baskets or you name it. It's frustrating, but it's not only in cheer.
Well you guys were in first after day one, How did you not get a penalty on day 1 but you did on day 2? I would think gssa would have warned you on day 1 or 2 that your rewinds were letting go too early and if you didn't fix it, then you would be penalized. Also I'm pretty sure the penalty from gssa for a safety violation is 5% of your score, so 19 points seems a little too high. Seems a little odd to me. But if that really happened then I guess I'm wrong.

Not trying to fight, you guys are who gssa chose to give the paid bid to, so props to you for that. But in general it always seems like teams never actually beat cali..... Cali had something go "wrong"(penalty, fall, etc) but they would have won had that not happened. It just always seems like there is some excuse as to why cali doesn't get first at a comp. Maybe on that particular day at that particular comp American was the better team and they won fair and square.

Sorry for the rant and this isn't guided at you, I have felt this way for a long time now. This is just my opinion and I don't expect anyone to agree with it.

Have a nice day.
its fine. day one the fliers held on so they didnt penalize... it was just during the performance day two that they weren't holding on.

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