All-Star High Schools & How They Perceive All Stars

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We are very lucky here. CP is not in high school yet but her current all star coach/gym owner is also the high school coach so needless to say there is a good relationship between both LOL!
In the area where my gym is located, the High School coach frowns upon kids who do all stars. I have had girls quit saying that once the coach found out she was on all stars, she took away her "captain" title. I have had others say that the coach is mean to them, and talks bad about all stars in practice. It is terrible, because the younger girls in the rec program in the town who want to do all star wont because they think the Varsity coach will take it out on them when they eventually get to the high school. And this is not me thinking this is going on, I have heard this from mothers of the younger kids. There are a few high schools who have come out and said "No All Stars" but I have been trying to slowly win them over. I have had one coach last season that after receiving our competition schedule, and her giving me theres change half of her competitions so that it was conflicting with ours. I don't know it is was intentional or not, but it came down to both of us saying to the athlete "You have to pick a team because both need you." It stinks when you have to do that to a kid, I think high school cheering and all star cheering give kids different experiences, and they should be able to do both. I try and work it out schedules with the coaches so that if they miss one of my practices for high school, the coach is ok with them missing one of there practices for all stars.
At my school, our co-curricular handbook states that an athlete involved in a sport for an all star team may not participate in the same sport at the high school level. Even if it was allowed, the previous varsity coach told me that if i did all star hs would come first and i couldn't miss anything. (The team has only made state maybe once that i know of...and we don't really compete to much as of right now)
The new coach (my current coach) i don't think would have a big issue with it, if you were a favorite. Which i won't continue on here, i'll start ranting and being a little rude.
the old varsity coach told me something about WIAA not allowing it either, but i never looked
the old varsity coach told me something about WIAA not allowing it either, but i never looked
WIAA doesn't consider cheerleading as a sport. We aren't listed on their website under sports. I think you are thinking WACPC? I'm 99.99% that WACPC lets you do both because I know girls that competed on both throughout the season and then competed at WACPC competitions (regionals & state).

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My daughter attempted to both after assurances from her hs coaches that they would work with her schedule. She was a freshman and made varsity. They needed her skills to grow her team to advanced. The team was competing intermediate - level 3. Her AS coach made all of the comprimises and the first real conflict the HS coaches would not work with her schedule. She ended up being very conflicted and quitting hs after football season and staying with all star. She would have like to stay with hs - she has that cheer mentality not to quit. Worlds is a very addicting drug that at 14/15 you can not give up easily when you have been going since you were 12.

My daughter was new to the school (after being in private through 8th grade) and I felt once the whole situation was over that the hs coaches were hoping she would quit all star because of all the new friends she made and she would be worried she would lose all her new hs friends. That never happened, though she quit, they all remained friends. In addition her hs coaches said she would never cheer in college without being a hs cheerleader. Which I felt was another scare tactic and as you can imagine upsetting to my daugheter - though resonably she knew this was not true. I think in some respects that the coaches had a chip on their shoulders for some reason. I made it a point instructing my daughter the two worlds were separtate and you were not better than any of her hs counterparts. I have faith that she adhered to my instruction or the girls would not have remained friends.

Needless to say the following season which is this year the hs athletes are not allowed to do both. Which frankly I find a little annoying. I have a real problem with coaches on either side saying what you can and can not do outside of the time you committ to either team. This is especially true when promises are made and in the end you just have an upset kid.
Here in our area of North Texas, the majority of high school cheerleaders do both all-star and school cheer. The competition is so fierce that if you don't do all-star cheer, your chances of making the high school squad is very slim. But that's Texas for you. Football and cheerleaders are extremely important to Texans.
WIAA doesn't consider cheerleading as a sport. We aren't listed on their website under sports. I think you are thinking WACPC? I'm 99.99% that WACPC lets you do both because I know girls that competed on both throughout the season and then competed at WACPC competitions (regionals & state).

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oh, thank you, you're right! my bad :confused:
Here in our area of North Texas, the majority of high school cheerleaders do both all-star and school cheer. The competition is so fierce that if you don't do all-star cheer, your chances of making the high school squad is very slim. But that's Texas for you. Football and cheerleaders are extremely important to Texans.

This is so accurate! It's almost sad to the girls that don't to competitive cheer that basically don't stand a chance. Oh Texas *sigh*
In Chesterfield County VA, (it's a huge county so I can really only speak for the Midlothian Area: James River, Monacan, Manchester, Midlo, Clover Hill, Cosby etc.) Almost all high school cheerleaders that are on the competition team did do, or are currently participating in Allstars. You really have to to make the team, where they want no less than a standing back handspring as well as level 3/4 stunting skills at a minimum. In addition, many of the high schools use local gyms to practice and use Allstar coaches as choreographers.

On the other hand like livelovecheer33 said, they often don't want to work their stuff around Allstars. They want girls (and boys) with Allstar skills, but as soon as they make the team tell them "School comes first." Recently, Allstar coaches have started frowning upon school because the athletes keep getting injured at school cheering and then become unable to compete.
Question: I know for my high school they always told us if you are on an all star team, remember that HS cheer comes first. Does an all star team say to girls also on a HS team remember, all star cheer comes before your HS team? And if both teams see themselves as coming before the other, how does that work out and how do you avoid conflict? Something I've always wondered.

Most AS coaches know that HS has to come first and will make adjustments and exceptions. But the HS coach has to be willing to compromise a bit as well.
Back when I was in HS, I ASSUME that the coaches would have been fine with it. Very few kids from my HS did it, maybe one or two have after I left. You could tell the AS kids at comps from the HS kids (the AS kids had better tumbling lol) or who had AS coaches work with them. CT isn't super strict about that sort of thing..
In the Chicago Northwest Suburbs you cannot do both. Our high school does 2 seasons so my daughter was able to cheer for the football team and then still do her all star team. Some high schools in the area don't break up the season. The basketball season is also competition season so that is the sticking point here in Illinois. At my daughter's high school the girls who do all star are usually the only ones that really have the more difficult tumbling however that is not the case for the other schools in our conference. The coaches were happy to have them join the team but then were dissapointed to not have them and their strengths for competition season. The girls on the team are the same, no ill will but disappointed that they weren't there the whole season. A few of their high school cheerleading friends did come to a GLCC Nationals to watch them which was so great and I think it really opened their eyes and they have a new respect for my daughter and her girlfriend.
In Kansas its not competitive so most tend to compete in All-Stars

In Missouri high school cheer is competitive but most kids tend to go with all-star cheer for skills (for college) because to make Missouri college teams its getting very competitive

In Colorado the northern part were Cheer Central is located doesn't have competitive high school school I mean they compete but there not good. In the central area is were you have All-Stars gyms like EPS Cheer (United Elite) and Peak Athletics which have very competive High School Programs like Grandview, Thunder Ridge, Douglas County, Castle View, Rock Canyon, Mountain Vista, Eagle Crest. These high school are know in the UCA High School worlds so kids that go to high school tend to not do all star which these central area gyms try to keep kids but its a lot of money to do both I know Grandview the coach don't let you do both and I don't think Douglas County lets you either.
I see this a lot, working at a HS and having a CP who does allstar. I think they can benefit each other well. Allstar makes HS cheer better, IMHO. Those girls are in the gym all the time, and practice makes perfect, right? I have seen both AS coaches who frown on their girls cheering HS (mainly level 5 girls who might get hurt with less "experienced" HS teammates), and I have definitely seen HS coaches who think AS is bad (taking time away, trashy, dangerous, I have heard them all). They can co-exist. Gyms also stand to make a lot of money by opening up mat hours for HS teams to use and get better. The AS gym may pick up some more girls that way, and at the very least, they are collecting "rent" from the teams that use it... but that only works if there are HS teams who compete, not just sideline cheer. Look up the pictures of ACX's BEAUTIFUL gym... they finance a lot of that by having HS teams use their facility.

Some of the best NC HS teams are ones closely associated with AS gyms nearby. One local HS for us has a bunch (I believe it is 6 or 7) of girls from CEA CoEd Elite and Senior Elite on one HS squad.... including a couple of "Cheerlebrities". It is nice to see them OUT of that role, even though I have nothing against the Cheerlebrity phenomenon.... they just get to cheer and have fun, and not worry about crowds when they leave.
For us we have no rule about doing allstar and high school. We have quite a few who do both. Some do AS and HS and just don't cheer basketball, and some girls do both and cheer basketball season.
It's pretty difficult to make Varsity without tumbling, and even if you have tumbling your jumps and stunting has to be good, so most of us come from Allstar. 22/26 girls on Varsity have been involved with AS. Out of the other 4, 3 were gymnasts and one just came from a good Jr. High with good motions, no tumbling but she's a senior and a good base. 3 JV girls were/are Allstar cheerleaders and didn't make Varsity (they only throw backhandsprings and 2/3 are freshmen so they have plenty of time.)

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