High School Homecoming Alumni Nightmare

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It was a brief explanation but the 2 individuals went "off" on social media ... And some alumni were jumping in asking questions because the individuals gave them a very vague statement on social media. I.e.: "so we can't wear our uniforms because the advisor doesn't feel we look appropriate in them, and we can't stunt either, this is BS!"...originally when Alumni sent me an e mail saying they would return It simply stated that uniforms weren't aloud this year due to some unfortunate issues with last years uniform wearing and California laws simply prohibit them stunting from a liability standpoint this is also in protection of them. It was extremely upbeat and stated how excited we were for them to come... (Ugh) But apparently this wasn't enough for those few. It was BAD... To where they called my current cheerleaders "strippers"?! On Facebook. What do the current year squads have to do with you wanting to wear your uniform?! Why take your anger out on innocent kids?! Thats WHY I went into so much detail. It's so bad I have some alumni calling me saying their words/behavior is an embarrassment to tradition and are refusing to cheer next to them if they come. I also stated to refrain from making comments on the kids. They just didn't "get it". 1 is coming out to apologize to my kids today to even be able to come back or I wouldn't allow them to return. It's just a mess, a headache that I didn't care for this week. My kids are trying to get through this week so they can get through a major comp practice week next week... I'm hyper focused on creating a serene family environment for this game... It's tons of people to keep track of on the sideline... And these few individuals are driving me out of my mind. For a while there I was thinking maybe I was being unreasonable, (I tend to be heavy on trying to control situations) but to simply have it put, I can't have lady parts being shown at games to tons of fans and I truly felt this is the only way it could have been effected and sensitively handled.

Yikes, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Some people just refuse to grow up I guess. It doesn't sound like you were being unreasonable. I would've told those couple of bad apples they could take a hike. lol. But I have zero tolerance for that kind of behavior - from kids or parents.
Lol at the expiration comment, so true! If they are so obsessed w/the uniforms maybe they can purchase the old out dated ones as part of a fundraiser? That way they can have they can "relive" their glory days on their own time and your squad can make a little extra cash?
Yikes, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Some people just refuse to grow up I guess. It doesn't sound like you were being unreasonable. I would've told those couple of bad apples they could take a hike. lol. But I have zero tolerance for that kind of behavior - from kids or parents.
Thanks for the support
I have alumni that come back from the 80's! And I think it's super cool!!! I have some mother and daughters cheering together. Aunts! ... I graduated 2001...would never dream of putting my uniform back on (and it would fit) it's the principal of the matter. maybe they should sew expiration dates in those things!
I wonder what Greenup's alumni night is like. Because they have a LONG program history.

Why are your alumni such nightmares? Who raised them to be so awful?

You are such a warrior for being able to deal with this mess. I could NEVER.

I'm waiting for Erin to come on here and post a funny comment. I just know she has a good one for this. LMAO.
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If it's become this big of an issue with former cheerleaders than I would just not have the alumni night.... It seems like a bit much for me. I mean is high school seriously the best days for these people, so much so they have to relive it. Seems odd.
YOU WILL NEVER PLEASE EVERYONE! And you will kill yourself if you try, so make the rules and stick to them. They're on board or they aren't. In general most people don't handle change well, even stupid simple changes. I agree with the over explaining. It could have been addressed from the beginning that it was more inclusive (as in everyone matches, and maybe those that no longer fit into said uniforms can feel comfortable coming back) and left at that. No further explanation needed. The more words included, the more ammunition you're giving them to complain with. IMO if the two have such an issue with it, then they don't have to cheer. Sounds like they need to be reminded that this is an honor and privilege, NOT a right! I would bet that after this game, most will like the tshirt better, and it won't be an issue going forward in future years. You just have to get the change out of the way.
Well, homecoming was tonight. We ended up having to ask one individual to unfortunately stay home because they simply couldn't stop squabbling on social media.. Then the individual had the audacity (after being told not to stunt on school property due to liability) ... To gather up an alumni stunt group and attempt to throw a basket toss during an alumni practice on school property. Everyone wore the shirts and they looked fantastic... They were all very sweet and did a phenomenal job... We're kind and fun! It really was just two bad apples in the end and removing the 1 made a huge difference. Thanks for all the advice and the reinforcement! Now I can move on with the season...thank goodness!!!!!!
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Well, homecoming was tonight. We ended up having to ask one individual to unfortunately stay home because they simply couldn't stop squabbling on social media.. Then the individual had the audacity (after being told not to stunt on school property due to liability) ... To gather up an alumni stunt group and attempt to throw a basket toss during an alumni practice on school property. Everyone worse the shirts and they looked fantastic... They were all very sweet and did a phenomenal job... We're kind and fun! It really was just two bad apples in the end and removing the 1 made a huge difference. Thanks for all the advice and the reinforcement! Now I can move on with the season...thank goodness!!!!!!

I happy to hear that tonight was successful!! Way to stick to your guns! That alumni bad apple who pulled a group together and stunted on school property is lucky she didn't get dropped on her head! How childish!! I hope you were able to enjoy the evening at some point! I love the idea of having alumni back and I love that they don't wear their uniforms!

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