All-Star How Long Did It Take You Or Your Cp To Learn A Back Handspring?

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It is so interesting to hear all the different times y'all got your skills. My little CP got her back handspring this summer, but when she started throwing them on her own, she kept landing on her left shoulder. Her left arm is weaker than her right arm, so we're working on that, but since landing on her shoulder was a little painful, now she is blocking. She is afraid to throw it without a spotter. I watched her spotter last week in class, and he wasn't really even touching her...he was just there. So...her body can do it, but her brain doesn't quite believe it yet. I'm learning that blocking seems to be pretty common. She's 7.5 now, so I guess we still have plenty of time...I'll post a vid when she gets it solid! ;-)

My cp crashed bad at the beginning of the summer and for two weeks she wouldn't even do a back walkover. What helped her was her coach had her jump back into a handstand position and he would stop her and make her tighten everything. They would do this about 50 times. During privates her coach would make her throw robhs over and over for the whole time. It got to the point where it became muscle memory, she now automatically jumps into that back handspring without thinking about it. The same with her standing, as soon as she claps she goes..all automatic.
I'm a bit of a late blossomer. I've been cheering for about 7 years. I kind of worked on tumbling but had a bunch of different coaches and only worked on it every once in a while for about 5 of the 7. Finally, my sophmore year I got over not being able to tumble and threw it. It was ugly and I'm still working on breaking some of my bad habits but I finally got it when I was 15. I got my robhs a few months after standing but lost it and just got it back about a week ago.
i did gymnastics before but never the floor exercise. so i never had any tumbling skills other than a cartwheel, roundoff, and a handstand. haha
i actually started tumbling in college when i had to go to required tumbling for my cheer team freshman year and all in all it took about 3 weeks to get it by myself on floor. running bhs was a different story tho. i got it the same in a couple weeks, but was needlessly a headcase about it. and would do it and then not do it then do it with someone then not do it. it was a battle but by the end of that summer i was good again.. haha. aanndd then just kept going from there. =-]
It took be about 8 months to get a standing handspring, i got my round-off handspring before my standing.
[quote="mishtm52, post: 287317" I was that ONE person without a standing bhs on my college team. So it took 3 years to throw... I had it for about 2 years... And I cheered 4 years hs/all star and 1 year of college. I love seeing the older girls throw them for the first time, too! I can really relate hahaha.[/quote]

Me too! There was one local comp that I threw it at before we went to Daytona, but then I had a total mental block and never since.
My CP got hers the first time she was taught how. It was scary and probably not taught properly. :confused: So we went someplace else muy pronto. She was little then and I think that made it easier for fear.
My older cp got hers at 7yo. She did her first handspring in May and got it in September. 5 months later and we are still trying to make it beautiful. My younger cp just turned 5 and almost has it, she started working on it in October.
I taught myself my BHS on the backyard trampoline in a week. Worked out pretty well, but it took me a few months to get it kinda pretty. From there, it exploded. I learned everything between standing BHS to Ro BHS full in one season.
However, i don't think evolving that fast made me a good tumbler. Im still struggeling with making my BHS pretty. I have the power, but it's far away from a pretty BHS.

I don't think there is any shame beeing a late bloomer. Rather the opposite. The girls who struggled with their BHS at my gym have a lot prettier BHS than me. A lot. They seem to think more of the dynamics of the tumbling rather than me, just throwing it and not thinking.

Late bloomers makes great tumblers. They just take their time making it pretty =)
like 6 months and easily willing to throw it, i was never nervous so it didnt take me as long but i got my standing first
Omg...reading these posts makes me feel so much better! I always teased my oldest that she would have a million dollar bhs after all the privates we paid for! It took her 3 years to get hers and threw it in her routine for two seasons and was throwing her ROBHS tuck on the tumble trak. But some gym/coach issues led to a break and a mental block. Since then it's been off and on. My youngest never really wanted one until this she has a standing BHS and ROBHS series. I think the mental block is hard for them to overcome!
It took me a day to land on my feet, then broke my wrist so TUMBLING BLOCK:(

I'm still not over it, but I focused on all the front elements. Standing front tucks, punches, handsprings, walkovers etc <3

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