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This is why I am always bothered when I hear of coaches texting athletes and not including their parents. How many other sports are the coaches texting the athletes and not including parents in the conversation. The risk to coaches and athletes is so high and I am just not sure the reward is worth it?

I am proud of both girls who came forward and told their stories and may they be blessed with healing and wonderful lives in the future.
I'd feel disgusted but not even a little surprised. I'm starting to think this happens so often at gyms in Illinois that I'm getting desensitized to it (I hope not, but reading this I felt like I've read this Se article a dozen times already).

I'm NOT blaming the victims, but parents for the love of God stop leaving your children alone with other adults, no matter how much you think you can trust them. Coaches should not be giving rides home alone and they should not be in the gym alone. Ever.

This is so sad.
I pray for the victims, Mr. Venditto & his family and the athletes in the gym. There are great coaches there and amazing athletes also.

I am speechless and still trying to comprehend all of this.
I'd feel disgusted but not even a little surprised. I'm starting to think this happens so often at gyms in Illinois that I'm getting desensitized to it (I hope not, but reading this I felt like I've read this Se article a dozen times already).

I'm NOT blaming the victims, but parents for the love of God stop leaving your children alone with other adults, no matter how much you think you can trust them. Coaches should not be giving rides home alone and they should not be in the gym alone. Ever.

This is so sad.
Have a good friend that texts, gives rides to his hockey players all the time and does diners with them. Players are all 15 and up boys. In every case the parents are aware of what is happening, always welcome to attend the dinners which are never one-on-one. I can honestly say I have been just as guilty but have had and still do have relationships with the parents. When I was coaching a girls team I would never drive a player without my daughter in the car with me or my wife. the one exception being my daughters best friend whom we have known the family for years and even then it was always a risk.
Have a good friend that texts, gives rides to his hockey players all the time and does diners with them. Players are all 15 and up boys. In every case the parents are aware of what is happening, always welcome to attend the dinners which are never one-on-one. I can honestly say I have been just as guilty but have had and still do have relationships with the parents. When I was coaching a girls team I would never drive a player without my daughter in the car with me or my wife. the one exception being my daughters best friend whom we have known the family for years and even then it was always a risk.
First let me say this and situations like this article disgust me. To this quote, I in no way am accusing you of any wrong doing, however the hockey coach or yourself are putting yourself in a POTENTIAL bad situation. All cheer coaches, male and female need to learn to NEVER put themselves in bad situations. I have been coaching for 15+ years and have kids and family's that I have worked with for years and have been asked multiple times to give a ride to or from practice, to or from a competition etc. Me, personally, it is not worth the risk, even to kids, family's that I know very well. Are there trustworthy people, absolutely but in my 15+ years I have read too many articles like this and it sickens me and I feel that coaches need to learn to keep their distance.
This isn't cheer related, but my family went through a lot of heck over a lie.

A girl skipped school and didn't want to get in trouble so she made up a lie and said she saw my son coming out of her house (he was a meter reader). The police arrested him even though they never dusted for fingerprints or had any evidence. All of the evidence proved he was innocent, there was no sign of forced entry, nothing was taken, nothing was disturbed. He had a meter reading tool that time stamped the time he was at each house. Although all evidence supported my sons innocence, this got dragged through the legal system for 9 months before getting dismissed.

The girl changed her story under oath every time she got on the stand, my son stuck to the truth, and all evidence supported his story, he even took a forensic polygraph that he passed with flying colors. But, because he was the accused he was the bad guy.

This story proves that anyone can say anything they want about you at any time. My son had an electronic alibi and it still happened!

The case was dismissed, but it was a nightmare to get to that point. Don't ever put yourselves in a bad position.
First let me say this and situations like this article disgust me. To this quote, I in no way am accusing you of any wrong doing, however the hockey coach or yourself are putting yourself in a POTENTIAL bad situation. All cheer coaches, male and female need to learn to NEVER put themselves in bad situations. I have been coaching for 15+ years and have kids and family's that I have worked with for years and have been asked multiple times to give a ride to or from practice, to or from a competition etc. Me, personally, it is not worth the risk, even to kids, family's that I know very well. Are there trustworthy people, absolutely but in my 15+ years I have read too many articles like this and it sickens me and I feel that coaches need to learn to keep their distance.
Agree. I have done this on a very limited basis for the same fears you have.
I really consider it a case by case scenario...We have athletes that if we didnt go above and beyond to help they just wouldnt be able to cheer. That goes from a ride to and from here to needing somewhere to stay over a choreography weekend. I feel it really depends on the on the character and relationship of everyone involved. We know where we stand as adults and the families who reach out to us for this help have the utmost faith is us that we are going to do right by their children. Shun it if youd like to but what Im saying is every situation is different.
I really consider it a case by case scenario...We have athletes that if we didnt go above and beyond to help they just wouldnt be able to cheer. That goes from a ride to and from here to needing somewhere to stay over a choreography weekend. I feel it really depends on the on the character and relationship of everyone involved. We know where we stand as adults and the families who reach out to us for this help have the utmost faith is us that we are going to do right by their children. Shun it if youd like to but what Im saying is every situation is different.
I can only hope you never find yourself in a terrible situation. And I mean that honestly. You're much braver than I could ever be. Unfortunately, I saw first hand how much 'helpful' can end up hurting you (One of my favorite teachers was accused by 3 4th grade girls as 'payback' for separating them in class- they were constantly disruptive)..
This is so awful.
Reminds me of a recent event at my school... The swim coach (a girl) got fired right after swim season for being "too friendly" with the guy swimmers... She would do things like tweet at them and text them and such and people got worried... So she got fired. Idk. Just shows that even if you aren't DOING anything with kids, just seeming too close can get you in trouble.
Our male youth group leaders aren't allowed to drive us places (like on trips when we take cars) unless a female leader is with them. I think it's the same the other way, but girls drive girls and boys drive boys because its too complicated to do it any other way!
I can't imagine my coaches ever doing something like this... My main coach (a girl) has offered to pick me up from school so I can make a 3:30 private (school is right by cheer) but she's a girl so it's fine. Plus I've never really needed it! The owner of our gym has driven me home if my parents can't get me... But we're neighbors and I babysit his kids and have known him forever so it's a little different. If i didnt feel comfortable i could always find another ride. plus at least one of his kids are always there, they chill at the gym if they don't have homework.
This does make me rethink a lot of things though! Hmm. Fierce board brings a lot of things that I never think of to light.
I suspect this is more common than any of us want to believe. Perhaps not to this extent, but in a sport like cheerleading where there is little personal space and boundaries are virtually non existent and mixed ages are thrown together based on skill it is inevitable. It is up to the gym owners to be vigilant and set boundaries where sometimes there are none. In our last gym there was a coach/parent (with a pregnant wife at home) who had developed a relationship with one of the Senior athletes that was far too familiar for my comfort. We addressed it with the gym owner and suggested that perhaps he shouldn't be involved with that team. The athlete was 18 by the time we noticed it and many thought that what was between two consenting adults was nobody's business. No effort was originally made to separate them and we left because of it. He has since left his wife and the two are now a happy couple. How sweet! GAG!
I suspect this is more common than any of us want to believe. Perhaps not to this extent, but in a sport like cheerleading where there is little personal space and boundaries are virtually non existent and mixed ages are thrown together based on skill it is inevitable. It is up to the gym owners to be vigilant and set boundaries where sometimes there are none. In our last gym there was a coach/parent (with a pregnant wife at home) who had developed a relationship with one of the Senior athletes that was far too familiar for my comfort. We addressed it with the gym owner and suggested that perhaps he shouldn't be involved with that team. The athlete was 18 by the time we noticed it and many thought that what was between two consenting adults was nobody's business. No effort was originally made to separate them and we left because of it. He has since left his wife and the two are now a happy couple. How sweet! GAG!

WHAT!!!! WOW!!!
I suspect this is more common than any of us want to believe. Perhaps not to this extent, but in a sport like cheerleading where there is little personal space and boundaries are virtually non existent and mixed ages are thrown together based on skill it is inevitable. It is up to the gym owners to be vigilant and set boundaries where sometimes there are none. In our last gym there was a coach/parent (with a pregnant wife at home) who had developed a relationship with one of the Senior athletes that was far too familiar for my comfort. We addressed it with the gym owner and suggested that perhaps he shouldn't be involved with that team. The athlete was 18 by the time we noticed it and many thought that what was between two consenting adults was nobody's business. No effort was originally made to separate them and we left because of it. He has since left his wife and the two are now a happy couple. How sweet! GAG!
This does happen very often, if you were to ask there are plenty of couples that started off as coach/athletes and then ended up together. I have such a strong feeling against it but once they turn 18 there is nothing legally wrong with it. I would not be comfortable with it either way.

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