All-Star Injury Poll!

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What level and how your injury occurred.

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2 torn acl's. 1 torn meniscus. 1 from a level 6 basket and one from an amazing toe tuck. best one i ever did, but i landed slightly locked out. it was also on hard floor :( 1 torn elbow from a bad hyperextension on it in a bhs years before and never healing it. broken foot from tumbling into the other girl on a synced pass. cracked knee caps from busting tucks on a hard floor.

all flukes (except the elbow & knee caps which was me not stopping.) none from any of the skills that are "too dangerous"
i split my forehead open and received a concussion my first year on level learning a prep double down, i 1 1/2'ed to my backs chin. my second year on level 4 i fractured my ankle doing a 3/4 front tuck to my butt, i piked over and i over rotated almost to my feet, and my ankle snapped. fractured my elbow falling out of an awesome full around my first year as level 6. OH! i got a concussion when i was level 3 doing a fierce pike arch basket... on a trampoline (when i snapped the arch my head hit the metal frame).... i have a knack for receiving stupid injuries.
i feel like this poll wont be a true depiction of all star cheer. most people on the fierceboard are very into cheer, meaning theyve probably done it a while and have (on average) more skills than a typical cheerleader. im willing to bet there are more level 4/5 athletes on here than level 1/2. id like to see a poll sent out to gym owners asking to report the amount of injuries they have had in each of these categories this season.
Haven't answered the poll as such because a lot of what i've done has been in practice, drills or reps or whatever.

I broke my cocxyx (the very last bone of your spine, down by your butt) playing chicken in the hen house the day AFTER competition? *facepalm* - i get through a level 4 routine no problem but can't even play a GAME designed for younger cheerleaders without hurting myself?!

I've had problems with my hamstrings most of my life, but cheer related injuries are as follows:
- Pulled ligaments in shoulder. Done during tumbling drills (as I've mentioned in other posts i'm not a very good tumbler but I was determined to up my skillset at University so worked my butt off. This was a funny landing during handstand hops and the sharp pain had me terrified i'd dislocated until i got up and felt everything still where it should be. I got lucky)
- Sprained both ankles at the same time, right worse than left. Done during the learning process of the BHS. Took 2 weeks out of tumbling and jumps, stunted as normal and conditioned as best I could. Took me a few weeks to get back to my BHS drills and it dented my confidence more than anything, but the coaches we had were great for helping you through that kind of thing.
- Various bumps and bruises from wayward flyer limbs. Luckily I had a good, experienced flyer and 2 great bases once groups got settled on, so this rarely happened.

Out of those i'd say the worst was my ankles - my shoulder was more painful but my ankles were really frustrating because it left me with so little I could still do full out at practice and I was desperate not to fall further behind. I maybe should've taken longer to heal them because it does still affect certain things I do today (like I can't ice skate for as long, even in my comfiest hockey skates) but at the time they felt ok to return.

If I had any advice when it comes to injuries - listen to your body and don't try to play the hero. If it hurts, get it seen to ASAP and listen to your doctors, coaches and physios. If i'd had physio on my first hamstring pull, i'd probably not have had as many problems over the years with it.
Emileigh was tumbled on during a synchronized running double pass. 5 kids from the same corner one of them a boy was behind her and she was marking her tumbling because her back had been hurting. He landed on her head and knocked her to the ground. End result was a fractured growth plate and tibia. She was out for 2 1/2 months.

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My cp dislocated her elbow in a back handspring following a whip (last season on L4). She was out for 2 months.
My worst injury directly from cheer would have to be when I injured my knee, I crushed my elbow as a child and it was bugging me from lifting weights so I wasn't supposed to tumble, I threw a back handspring whipped over trying to not use my arms and crashed down on my knees on a brand new spring floor both knees swelled up immediately, one remained so for days so I went to a doctor, torn meniscus and I had a birth defect that had been irritated, I needed surgery but they said if it wouldn't have been for the birth defect it would have healed on it's own. Then I believe I broke my nose multiple times all from lv 5 stunts and baskets but it only bled once, a double down with a boney elbowed flier.
This year in august we were doing a full up to the top in pyramid. I'm usually a main base but in this part I ended up siding. I caught the foot funny and broke my 4th metacarpal on my right hand (the bone connected to my ring finger in my hand). It was a fluke accident... I've never seen this happen and it's never happened on anyone else I know of... but still it happened.
My dd is 9 on a level 2 team and has level 3 tumbling. She hasn't had any tumbling injuries and has had no injuries that required medical care. She has been hurt stunting though. Several times her flyer has let go of her scorpion prematurely and her leg sprung down and kicked my dd in the face and once she hurt her shoulder pretty good when her flyer came down on it during a toss. She also hurt her knees pretty good once jumping off the tumble track onto an unmatted floor.
My cp hurt her knee doing her full, only because she landed onher left leg more then her right. Her left leg just took the blow of the landing. She was fine after a few days of ice. Nothing serious. Up until that she had zero cheer injuries to date.
demonstrating a simple shouldersit to a group of brand new juniors. when the flyer jumps of my shoulders she looses balance for some odd reason and pulls me backwards. i try to avoid falling right on her face, turn towards the side, fall with all my weight on my right hand----> very badly dislocated elbow. my underarm got twisted for 180° and the bones of my underarm shoved untill the middle of my upperarm.
its been one year now and im still recovering. I had 270 hours of therapy, 6 cortisone injections and still my arm is not functining like it should be, in may ill get operated but they are not sure yet if i will recover 100%

definitly the most dumb accident ever!

that day we were doing demo's for juniors in hope to start a junior team....I guess it wont surprise you that it never worked out, all those juniors got too scared to start cheerleading:/
im a coach and cant coach anymore in the way i used to do and even my daytime job is becoming too hard.
i just got my first injury 2 weeks ago in Nashville and i couldn't compete second day because i got hurt in warm up and sprained both of my ankles.. but we still got second .. there better now but my teams competing tomorrow and i cant compete :/
concussion on a whip pass (more of a crappy whip then attempted handspring to the head) - level 4 tumbling
dislocated my thumb, broke 2 fingers - level 4 stunting
torn meniscus on two to a full - level 5 tumbling
cracked/chipped my kneecap on one to fulls - level 5 tumbling

I'm VERY injury prone .. those are just the worst ones
My CP popped her knee while in the air trying to save her stunt! This initial injury caused her knee to be unstable. When attempting to throw her double it would pop, b/c the injury wasn't properly rehabbed! She is not back throwing her double but she is solid and has NEVER had an injury doinging her standing full.

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