All-Star Jam Brands Has Merged With Varsity

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Y'all realize there's still like 70+ other USASF EP's and umpteen non-sanctioned EP's. Nfinity, Rebel, GK, etc are still huge non-EP companies also not owned by Varsity.
I thought most of the usasf comps were owned by varsity and you won't get a bunch of teams going to these smaller competitions
I thought most of the usasf comps were owned by varsity and you won't get a bunch of teams going to these smaller competitions

I think Varsity only owns like 20-30 of the USASF EP's. There's a massive list of sanctioned EP's on USASF's website.
I am surprised they haven't bought out Nfinity yet. Then my cp could be all Varsity, bow to toe. Shocking that they don't have officially sanctioned Varsity make-up, underwear, and no-show socks yet (or maybe they do, who knows?) I can foresee the Varsity Secret Police (the same ones that patrol the lobbies of non-STP hotels looking for girls in bows & bling) checking each athlete in warm-ups to make sure they are wearing Varsity brand hair clips and rubber bands.
Im not going to lie, Im not seeing the bigger picture here, or seeing how this will affect people.
No sarcasm here, actually curious lol I am on Fierceboard a lot and follow competitions etc but I have been out of the all-star world too long to know the nitty gritty of what this all means.
Think about what happened when Standard Oil monopolized the oil industry. Or what Comcast is doing now.

Monopoly-->decreased quality of products and services + increased cost of products and services.

Wonder what big gym owners are thinking.
I'll say this, We don't have any Jammy events on our schedule. This doesn't effect us...yet. I'll be interested to see what happens in the future though.
1 1/2 or 2 years and I'll be waving "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!"

Bless the hearts off all the parents who still have young kids on this board. You're going to need second and third jobs to stay in allstar cheer. My grandkids? They'll probably make awesome LAX and volleyball players huh?
I'll say this, We don't have any Jammy events on our schedule. This doesn't effect us...yet. I'll be interested to see what happens in the future though.

It doesn't effect us either - there are no Jam brand events near us, we have a handful of IEP events to chose from, and the rest are Varsity. Our comp list is half Varsity, half IEP.

I am very curious to see if we will get less Varsity and more Jam brand events though in the future to "diversify" the NW.
Or if they will phase out a bunch of smaller comps from both Varsity and Jam to create larger regional competitions. I think it could help the smaller 1-day competition circuit. 2-days won't change - they're making too much money to get rid of any of those on either side.
I suspected this when Jam and Varsity created that universal score sheet. Make the routines score well for both EPs so when Varsity buys Jam, there won't be a massive uproar by gym owners/coaches and there will be a smoother transition.
Seems like there is always a seedy underside to seemingly good news. Like with the uniform rules. LBH, the only reason that mesh counts as part of a full top is because it makes money. SMH.

Who wants to bet that the RTC shift is coming next?

And @Pebbles49 why the bullying rating?

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