All-Star Large Senior Updates 2010

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tsunami team member hear to clear this up! :) lol okay so day one we ended up in fourth... when we heard that we had broken into the "Big Four" we were ecstatic because we worked all year to get our name out there and then to be within the score range of world champion teams was an amazing feeling since it was our first year in the division. our coaches gave us a "no matter what happens in finals you guys have accomplished everything we dreamed of and more,anything from here on is icing on the cake, just have the time of your lives tomorrow" speech. we met all of our goals for the season but OF COURSE WE CARED about finals lol. we knew that it was possible to move up or drop a place because scores were so close and we made ourselves realize that top five would be amazing first year in this division. the TOP TEN teams had so much talent so to be top five in such a competitive division was an honor. OBVIOUSLY a globe would have been magical so yes we cared about our performance haha. but it wasnt about the placements for us, it was proving to ourselves and everyone else that we made the right choice of going large this season. i wouldnt have had it any other way and im honored to be part of the original large tsunami<3

I told any and all of you that I saw at worlds how wonderful and special your team was this year. I enjoyed watching your team grow each and every time I saw you this year. To go from no where to the top 5 in finals was true magic. You and your team should be very proud and carry that into your second year. You have a great team and your parents are pleasure to be around. Have a great tryout and a safe summer.
I feel that it could have gone either way. Each team had the same skills with a slight edge to CEA for doing stretch to bow & arrow tick tocks. World Cup fulled up to stretch, CEA fulled up to lib. So I think it counterbalanced. I think you could switch judging panels, and it would have gone either way. When it came down to it, I believe CEA's pyramid put them over the top.

Actually CEA really does a stretch to stretch tick tock then they hit the bow & arrow. Also CEA's full ups are fake full ups, because the bases turn.
I told any and all of you that I saw at worlds how wonderful and special your team was this year. I enjoyed watching your team grow each and every time I saw you this year. To go from no where to the top 5 in finals was true magic. You and your team should be very proud and carry that into your second year. You have a great team and your parents are pleasure to be around. Have a great tryout and a safe summer.

thank you so much! you guys did amazingg as well and your girls are really sweet. shooting stars and fame truly made us feel welcome this season so thanks for that and i cant wait for next season<3
Well folks everyone has amazing points and the scoring was all jacked up in most divisions not just Large Senior, trust me this is a big problem and it should have been fixed, because i spoke to coaches and gym owners that just werent happy with their scoring only because they were doing the elements and not getting credit where credit is due. The Panel in the milkhouse were mostly head judges from the major cheer companies in the industry. I am a complete cheerleading fan and I enjoyed everyone's routines in every division (some more than others of course), but in Large Senior if anyone thinks that the scoring is not off when WCSS tumbling score is a 7 and 8 then your not being honest with yourself. Another teams out scored them and they had nothing but fulls coming from the corner and for those teams who had all girl toe fulls in their routine thank you for taking it to the next level. As far as dropped stunts are concerned, we can all think and look back to last year when TG large coed dropped a stunt (very tight division) and what happen? 2nd place silver medal. If a routine was just stunts and pyramids then it wouldn't be cheerleading it would be something else. This no knock on one team or the next but their were clear scoring problems. As far as Dances go its not subjective there are guidelines and scoring grid's for dances as well trust me ( don't have grid's if your not going to use them because every cheerleading company who sent teams to worlds have scoring grid's, all varsity companies, cheersport, jambrand companies and so forth all have scoring grids). There is an execution and difficulty score So someone's difficulty maybe higher and their execution may not be (all teams who went to Varsity company competitions and did well these season know how this system operates). The judges will take off for execution before they give a deduction and sometimes they will give a deduction and bring the execution score down as well. These are the reasons why cheerleading won't be an Olympic sport anytime soon at all..we have a long way to go. But look at the worlds score sheet ( Documents /2010_clubscore_sheets_level_5.pdf)
Actually CEA really does a stretch to stretch tick tock then they hit the bow & arrow. Also CEA's full ups are fake full ups, because the bases turn.

The bases only turn for the quarter part of the 1 & 1/4, which is how most, if not all, teams who do them, do them. But it's not a "fake up", the main and second bases do not switch places.
Wow, this is not my CP's division, but an interesting thread.

Thanks to BlueCat for the objective opinion on the subject and anyone who posted something either positive or factual. Everyone else who claims to be an expert on scoring, download the scoresheet from the previous post and then do some basic observations: (I'm NOT an expert in scoring, but here's some common sense for you)

- 200 points total
- Most areas, the scoring is 15 points for execution and 10 overall--that tells me that the execution wins out over difficulty (and it says it on the first page as well)
- There is also an additional "Overall" score in each area that covers "Exec/Diff" This is where I would assume a judges opinion comes to play
- Read the descriptions: they each give you a good idea of what is scored, but then you have to understand what terms like "Elite Load in" mean
- Finally, my biggest observation is that "technique" and "synchronization" are used repeatedly.

Ask yourself this: Did you analyze each piece of each routine with these scoring criteria in mind and you decided that you "knew this routine was better than that one?" I tried and found it very difficult. The good coaches do and I find it hard to believe that good judges wouldn't.

Congrats to everyone in both All Girl divisions. They truly do amazing routines each year comparable to the Coed teams. That's pretty tough in my book.

p.s. anyone who is an actual coach or judge please feel free to substantiate or correct any part of my simplified observation
Both CEA and WC looked awesome but when CEA droped their stunt I felt WC should have won. I always thought that teams that drop stunts dont win worlds but I guess I was wrong. I would think a team has to hit perfect to beat the current world champion team that also hits perfect. IMO.

Have to agree. Day 1 CEA was fabulous, but a stunt coming down takes the thrill out of it for me. IMO a World Champion team should be perfect especially the stunts. Minor issues can go unoticted but a stunt down when the 2nd and 3rd place teams hits their stunts just doesnt seem right. Glad to hear they all hit for their third performance which will be telivised, so the true talent of each team will be seen.
Omg TSU definately beat f5 first day f5 beat them second day theres a win in both worlds and yes theres always next year DONT FORGET tsunami was new and they wiped o im sorry washed out half of there competition and who cares who you cheer for all im saying is TSUNAMI WILL come back and TARE downn enough said TSUNAMI is the best imo but f5 is just the samee goodluck next year to all teams in the large senior division!!!
Can somebody please answer my question about F5. Did they have problems either day?

They had very noticeable bobbles both days. Here's a day 2 video. The bobble is sort of hard to see because it's the front center stunt that's kind of "missing" because the light is shining on it. She doesn't pull the heel stretch but she does stay up.

and on senior elite not earning this, I recommend you all go get certified to judge. Then you can all be lucky enough to make the decision about which of all these amazing teams deserves it more!!! Every team put on amazing performances this past weekend and you guys shouldn't be so ignorant to try and take an accomplishment like that away from any of them. whether it be senior elite winning, tsunami beating F5, or any other thing you guys want to try and argue. Great Job to all the teams and best of luck next year! :)
Ok thanks- Thought F5 would have placed better than 4th. Didn't Cheer Athletics drop a stunt also???

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