Major Mental Block. I Actually Need Help!

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Dec 3, 2011
Can anyone please offer me some advise on my mental block? It's gotten to the point where I'm almost in tears due to being really frustrated at myself.
I've been cheering for 6 and no joke, my best tumbling skill that i can do properly is a cartwheel. I can do other skills like round offs and handstands but they're not good enough to be placed in a routine. My previous gym was no help with establishing my skills and I was with them for 5 years- majority of the time they wouldn't teach us any tumbling skills in a lesson.
My new gym is very good. Most of the girls have never cheered before so it's frustrating seeing them advance while I'm still stuck. My coach tells me I'm doing everything right I just need "more power."- she makes sure we're perfectly doing a skill before advancing and I did into doing round offs. But last week I got pushed back down to handstand pops. I got really frustrated and was about to cry in the middle of practice because I couldn't do it!! Can anyone offer any help on this? I think it's a mental thing too because when I can't do something I start telling myself things like, "you'll never get this," "you won't do it, you'll fail."
Please help! :banghead:
i do the same thing but with advanced skills, you need to just keep yourself calm and keep working on it, picture yourself doing it, tell yourself you can do it before you go. doing little stuff like that really helps and slowly in time youll get better, believe in yourself! push yourself
I completely agree with the above advice! Visualize what you need to do, and as silly as it sounds, relax and don't think that much. You are your biggest enemy when it comes to gaining new skills. If your coach keeps telling you that you need "more power" look into some weight bearing workouts that you can do. Speaking from experience, after loosing my standing tuck, and being told that I needed to jump more to gain more height so I didn't kill myself if attempted the skill on my own, I did some squat jumps, and some rebound jumps, after a few days, I had more power!! Its amazing the confidence that you can give yourself with a little strength!
Can anyone please offer me some advise on my mental block? It's gotten to the point where I'm almost in tears due to being really frustrated at myself.
I've been cheering for 6 and no joke, my best tumbling skill that i can do properly is a cartwheel. I can do other skills like round offs and handstands but they're not good enough to be placed in a routine. My previous gym was no help with establishing my skills and I was with them for 5 years- majority of the time they wouldn't teach us any tumbling skills in a lesson.
My new gym is very good. Most of the girls have never cheered before so it's frustrating seeing them advance while I'm still stuck. My coach tells me I'm doing everything right I just need "more power."- she makes sure we're perfectly doing a skill before advancing and I did into doing round offs. But last week I got pushed back down to handstand pops. I got really frustrated and was about to cry in the middle of practice because I couldn't do it!! Can anyone offer any help on this? I think it's a mental thing too because when I can't do something I start telling myself things like, "you'll never get this," "you won't do it, you'll fail."
Please help! :banghead:
You're going to need to really drill yourself. If you need more power, that's an issue with conditioning your body to be able to have the strength to do the skills. Our tumbling director is amazing with teaching drills. I'd suggest going to Debbie Love's website called For the Love of Tumbling. It has some really great strengthening tips. Good luck!!!
I'm don't think that it's a strength issue- I do strength exercises every night because I'm a base anyway. But I will check out the website! Thank you !! :)
Just breathe and tell yourself that you've got this. Don't rush into whatever skill you're trying to do or think negative thoughts because then you won't do it--trust me. Positive thoughts only.
Just breathe and tell yourself that you've got this. Don't rush into whatever skill you're trying to do or think negative thoughts because then you won't do it--trust me. Positive thoughts only.

Don't you mean "positive outcomes only"?

Just me that got hooked on Hellcats then...

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