All-Star Missing School For Competitions

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We get 10 absences here. After that you start losing class credit.

Quite honestly, if my daughter missed more than 3-4 days of school per year as a result of cheer, I would have to reevaluate whether she should be participating in the sport. Academics will always take priority.

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Thank you!
i do school online, so as long as all my assignments are done by the end of the week and i do my "check in" with my homeroom teacher, then im good.
wow some of these school policies are crazy!
I guess I'm very lucky to be at a school that has a principal that is VERY into sports. We have a group of boys who are gone alot because of hockey and then some girls and boys that are gone a bunch too because of swim meets.
I think as long as you get everything done and don't fall behind in school they don't mind you missing school to compete :)
Whoa so many of your schools are so strict!
Maybe it's different in Canada, or just the schools I've gone to but I would miss school all the time from grades 8-12 for vacations, ski races, cheer competitions, doctor appointments etc. and as long as your parents called it in, you didn't get in trouble. Even if they didn't, you don't get a detention until the third or fifth unexcused absence.
Also, my last semester of senior year, I only went to school for 4 days in March because of a school trip to Africa, ski races, and BATB, but I signed myself out (because I was 18) and my teachers just made me make up tests that I missed. I do make academics my first priority, but I had to commit myself to catching up for the rest of the semester to make it possible. Completely worth it in my opinion, still got into my dream university!
My head of school knows I cheer and she knows that usually when I'm leaving early it's because of cheer. At my school now, as long as you get your assignments before hand and can keep up with the work, the teachers are fine.
We always tell the attendance office that she is sick but her teachers usually know the truth. She is fortunately a good student and we usually try to get the work in advance if we know she is going to miss a day because of cheer. I remember calling her in sick one time while we were at Americheer standing outside the Milkhouse - I swear you could hear the announcer in the background.
At my school it's ten absences a semester, so twenty over all that you're allowed to miss, excused or unexcused, doesn't really matter. They are lenient of course for major things like surgery and serious illnesses but generally speaking, that rule stands.

What my parents have always done is the sick note. It works, is simple, and fool proof. Now granted it may not have worked when I was younger, but once I got to the age where I could handle getting work make up on my own, I was good to go.

I do have to question how many absences you need to be missing for cheer a year. I've never been on a team where I've needed to miss more than four. Any more than that and it just seems excessive. But none the less, I suppose I put more into my academics than I do cheerleading. Which is also probably why I've yet to progress past level three skills, despite the fact that I've had them for a good four years now...oh well.
I missed so much school between the period of Indy, Cheersport, NCA, etc that I had 27 missing assignments in my math class that quarter :oops:
My high school isn't really strict but attendance is important to them. You can miss some number of days with a parent note and they're excused, but there's a limit (not sure what, haha). Doctors notes are of course excused and there's a form you can fill out in order to have things like college visits, competitions/tournaments, weddings, etc. marked as excused.
My coach would always say it's STUDENT-athletes for a reason. Cheering alone won't get you into college!
I always get my work in beforehand...but thank god i'm in college so I can rearrange my classes:D
I really try to avoid telling them more than they need to know. I just write a simple "CP will be absent Friday, please provide her with whatever work she will miss". I don't say for what, but she always gets her work before she leaves and turns it in when she gets back. Two weeks ago she had to miss 3 days of school to try out for middle school where we are moving. Again, she got all her work and turned it in the following week. Believe me, if her grades suffered or if she didn't take care of her work, I'd be all over it....but to date, it hasn't been an issue.
A few years back, there was a national law passed "No Child Left Behind (NCLB)" that has made this an interesting dynamic over here. Basically the US government tied the hundreds of millions of dollars they give to the states for education to requirements that the state adminster grade level tests that each school is expected to get better at each year, as well as improve their graduation rates each year. Regulating absences causes a major problem. On one side, the schools need the kids in class to get them to do better on the tests, on the other side, if they penalize absences too much, they lower their graduation rate. Each local area handles it differently based on what they think will work best for their schools and students.

(In reality it is much more complicated than this, but it gives you an overview)

Good Lord, dont get me started on NCLB. Disaster. Kids who need to be held back can't be because they are considered "left behind".

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