All-Star Nca - Day 2 Updates

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All right, ill say it.

That girl doesn't deserve a signed bow. What she got was a lesson in "appropriate-ness" and if she didn't get it from her parents, she got it from you.. And it needed to happen.

Just like the SE issue from last weekend, there is an appropriate time and place to approach a team for your own personal gain/agenda.

That wasn't it.

The entitled attitude of the fans that clearly don't give respectful consideration to the people they "fan girl" over has got to be put in check.

She was the one in the wrong. Wrong time. Wrong place. And focused on the wrong person. That doesn't need to be apologized for or rewarded.

All I need to end this succinctly is a GCC gif wearing a signed bow saying "no."
So perfectly summed up. The girl was complaining about it on tumblr (I told her off) and everyone kept agreeing with her. Don't get me wrong, I inwardly fangirl over CA cheerlebrities, but never would I ever cut into team time. If you know anything about cheerleading or love the team as much as you say you do, You would step back and let them have that weekend.
You cannot imagine my frustration/dismay to get back to messageboard/emails/etc. full of discussion about that. I happen to coach that team, so I was right in the middle of all of that. Suffice it to say that our version of events and what was said is VERY different from the one that has been portrayed. In fairness, I'm probably not able to look at it objectively. The logic side of me says to simply ignore all of it, but I simply can't let my kids get slammed like that without responding.

My version:

The scene after Cheetahs went day 1 was ridiculous. The coaches were trying to to corral the team to do the normal post-routine talk, but it was nearly impossible. Like in Houston, there were people walking INTO the huddle while we were obviously trying to talk to them. We moved down the hall to a more secluded area - trying to get a least a tiny bit of privacy for what ANY cheer person would know was going to be an unpleasant discussion. We managed (with some help from some of the more sane parents there with their kids) to keep the crowd back about 10-15 feet or so while we talked to them for a few minutes.

NCA has a curtained-off area to watch the replay of your performance. When the NCA staff called us over after our short 1st talk, the crowd (with MANY parents) was blocking the way to the replay room. We were worried we were going to miss our replay. I admit to being pretty frustrated with the whole scene at this point and was probably more rude than I needed to be to get the team there.

We still hadn't had time to really get into everything we wanted to cover so, we found a room we could basically lock to finish our discussion. This went on for about 10 minutes or so. The team decided to stay together as a team and find a place in the stands to watch the rest of the CA teams perform. We told them it was OK to politely decline autograph/photo requests on their way there if they chose to stay together. The team then walked out of the room while the coaches stayed back to talk about our plan for the next day.

My assumption is that this is when this girl allegedly was refused her autograph. I wasn't there to hear every word of what our athletes said, but I can't imagine any of them saying "no" the way she portrayed it. I guess it is possible, but I would be really surprised.

I don't want to blow this out of proportion, or milk it for any sympathy. If we do our job and the routine goes as planned, the whole scene has a completely different "vibe." Also, unlike Majors/ACA, it never felt dangerous. I'm sure we didn't handle every detail of either day's "post game talk" perfectly and I can understand why some would be frustrated with how the team acted. Any situation where a young girl gets turned away for an autograph can certainly be viewed with anger by that girl's parent. I get that.

For what it is worth, after an unfortunately similar situation in finals, I sat and watched absolutely devastated kids do their best to put on a happy face and sign bows for what seemed like at least an hour after we had finished talking to them. From what I could see, they waited until every single person who wanted a pic/signature got one. If that girl wants to send us her bow, I will make sure the whole team signs it.

While I am admittedly a diehard member of the teal army, I have been very impressed with members of all of your teams with how they handle themselves and their fans. My girls always wanted to go off and vent and be left alone after a rough performance, they never had to deal with people wanting pictures and autographs. I don't care if the cheerleaders ask for their cheerlebrity status or not...they're still kids! Give them some privacy and respect! If you're at this level of competition, you should know how to act. Good grief!
Or people are confused with the scores teams are getting in the first place, and think other teams are getting scored too high...I think we all know how deductions and 2 day scoring work.

No I agree with some things, but people on twitter were not being very logical. Cheetahs were a mess both days, yet some people were tweeting that they were confused on why they didn't get top 3. I think this division had the correct placement and scores. Others not so much. I believe some scores were just a tad too high.
With 25/75 scoring, if you make a mistake on day 1, and hit day 2, you better have upped your score a lot to make sure it doesn't come back to bite you. If you make a mistake on day 2, most times, there's no coming back from that.

Everyone is shocked by teams that had mistakes on day 1, but hit day 2, and didn't win. If they didn't cover the deduction, plus some, this is what happens.

This is why you're one of my favorite posters, always logical.
No I agree with some things, but people on twitter were not being very logical. Cheetahs were a mess both days, yet some people were tweeting that they were confused on why they didn't get top 3. I think this division had the correct placement and scores. Others not so much. I believe some scores were just a tad too high.
I can assure you that no Cheetah was confused about the placements.
My only complaint about Cheetahs is you didn't keep that first music you guys had. I absolutely loved that mix.
It seems about 1/3 of the people like that one better, 2/3 like the newer one. They are both great mixes, IMO.
Industry News@IndustryNewsIN
Is there something stuffed in Orange's uniform tops? Hmmmm#NCANationals And no I don't mean socks. Lol

Industry News@IndustryNewsIN
The tops just looked... fuller. Lol

Did anyone else see these? I found them quite odd and a little on the inappropriate side

When IN first tweeted, I asked what they were talking about, so I caused a little of that. But my next response was that there was no way for me to ask anyone what the issue was because of the perception of inappropriateness.

Just an odd group of tweets.
You cannot imagine my frustration/dismay to get back to messageboard/emails/etc. full of discussion about that. I happen to coach that team, so I was right in the middle of all of that. Suffice it to say that our version of events and what was said is VERY different from the one that has been portrayed. In fairness, I'm probably not able to look at it objectively. The logic side of me says to simply ignore all of it, but I simply can't let my kids get slammed like that without responding.

I didn't see any of the conversation on here, but I did see it on Twitter. Amazed me how people were willing to immediately believe 100% of what was posted.

Took a while, but I think some minds were changed!


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