All-Star Nca Day 3 Updates (sunday)

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NOT SAID WITH RUDE TONE - I don't think that dance should of sent them into 1st from 5th. They were great from start to end but not great enough to jump other teams that hit perfect both days or that Cali team. All of whom were also great. So that brings up the question.. execution and .10 in something like dance could just be a judges subjective way of saying " I like this team better and therefore I am going to award them a higher score here..not this teams skill set is stronger"? It brings up the entire how do judges arrive at execution score award-ment when teams are identical to nearly every set of eyes and doing the same things but one ends up scored a tiny bit higher. Just enough to edge out another team. People need to remember that the Vipers performance above had to be good enough for them to edge out other perfect teams that hit both days and so much better that it sent them into first place. I simply do not think it was and that is not a jab at athletes. The team is great. This is a scoring and execution issue not a personal blow at them and they just happen to be the example. Can anyone else give their opinion and weigh in on this? Anyone have another division they'd like to throw into this discussion?
Yeah, check out the judging and routines of the top four teams in the Level 3
Small Senior Coed A division. I'll await the disposition of the Fierceboard Judging Panel. I'd just like to get an expert opinion. I mean a Fierce expert opinion.

FYI - Cali added to their routine for Day 2 so here's a link to video for that day.

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It's something that's brought up every year. Not a new idea.
After going to NCA for five years I've never seen anything to lead me to believe there is any favoritism towards teams from Texas. Possibly it's just a misperception stemming from the fact that there are a lot of teams from Texas at NCA.
I've always wanted to change my name! I don't know what I was thinking - or more likely I wasn't thinking - when I picked mine. Super boring.
I know what I was thinking, obscure the real name in case trouble ensued because of my post. But that was years ago when I was new to the gym. I'm out of the closet now. I'm ready for a real fake name. And maybe the addition of the usual kid pic as my avatar. Does it have to be my kid? Ha! Just 'kid'ding.

Cheermom1969, I still didn't get to meet you at NCA. The scheduling, a kid with bad anxiety and extra practices pretty well prevented me from seeing Junior Black. I love to watch them though so I was bummed. Maybe at Champions League?
This is not a day 3 issue and not as serious as the scoring issues - but if anyone bought this shirt at NCA you may want to wash it alone!!! Luckily my kid wore hers yesterday to school and I have not done the laundry yet.

Shout Color Catchers are the answer. Anything questionable that may bleed, you take one toss it in the wash and never suffer a disaster. They can be reused many times. And only cost about $4.00 for a box of 24. Any time my husband does wash I make him add one, just in case.
My daughter's rhinestones are already falling off her jacket from Sunday night. Anyone else having this problem?
Definitely having that problem. Did you get a little bag of replacement rhinestones ? Check the jacket pockets to see if you have it included there. My CP's jacket also had a few rogue rhinestones where they shouldn't be. Of course those rhinestones won't fall off.
I couldn't agree more. From what I've seen SMOED doesn't have an issue with their team's placement. They are disappointed in their performance which is to be expected. But, what has made them so unhappy is how people have treated two of the youngest (if not the youngest) individuals on their team. There is NO reason under any circumstances for people to berate, make fun of, create and disseminate vines etc. I feel comfortable saying these athletes have never said or done a single thing to any of the individuals that are circulating the hateful material on social media. Why they do it? I don't know. Jealousy perhaps. I can't really say why. Maybe, because they can. But, they shouldn't. The athletes teammates can't even take to social media to attempt to thwart the bullying because then they are accused of being mean when their intention is to defend.

I'm not talking about the general discussion that surrounds a team's performance. Teams can expect to receive critique on their performance on the mat. I'm talking about mean spirited hurtful things. The athletes should never ever expect to receive what these athletes have endured on social media. Keep in mind one of these athletes is 12 years old. Really folks? This needs to stop. I don't care what gym, what team or which athlete it's happening to, it all needs to stop. Coaches you are all on social media. Handle it. It doesn't make your program look good. Parents promote sportsmanship and respect for your fellow athlete. Show your kids by example how to handle defeat graciously, win and remain humble, cope with jealousies, stay positive and stay classy.

Unfortunately this is not an isolated case. With the advent of social media it's pervasive. And so devastating. If we saw a nineteen year old individual beating up a 12 year old kid would we try to stop it ? How about 10, 15, 25...50...100 nineteen year olds all beating up on one 12 year old kid ? Would we try to stop that ? Then stop it. Because that is what is occurring. Individuals are using social media as a weapon and beating up on young kids that don't deserve it. Physical scars heal, emotional scars are far more difficult to heal. Sometimes they never heal and affect us throughout our entire lives. We can't afford to let this kind of thing go unchecked, can we ? If we do we will regret it. Remember, our kid could be next.

I don't think Smoed is upset solely because of what people are saying about Lil Smo who took a nasty fall on social, I think they are upset about what people are saying about them and their performance this season in general. I am not justifying that what people are saying on social media is ok nor am I defending what people are saying about Smoed, but just a couple months ago, the same Smos who were making fun of and tweeting hurtful things about a teammate who left are now tweeting that they are hurt by some of the tweets they've seen about their team. And for that, I can't feel bad for those people. (And to clarify, I'm talking about a select few, not the whole team. Especially not Lil'Smo) Call me heartless but I don't. Now you know how it feels and maybe this will prevent you from saying mean things in the future. It doesn't feel too good when you're on the receiving end of the mean spirited tweets, huh? If you want to giveth, you better learn to receiveth. This includes the Cali coaches.

Why should kids be expected to "stay classy" when they're idols can't? Monkey see, monkey do.
I really don't think that the judges are partial to Texas teams at all. If that were the case then 2 Canadian teams wouldn't have taken home jackets. Also for one of those divisions out of the top three teams 2 of those were Canadian and I can assure you no one got Texas water shipped ;)

On the smoed social media issue I don't feel bad whatsoever for the veterans of smoed. If they can dish it out they better be able to take it. First it was Jenee leaving and that was a sh*tshow of rudeness and then the same when Dylan left and then outburst from E and O...I feel bad for the young team member for what she's going through but at the same time she should have been prepared for that kind of thing with being on a team that is watched like a hawk. If she were on another team I doubt she'd be getting the ignorant vines and tweets about her fall.

Now it's just my opinion but I think 12 is a bit young to be on a senior team anyway. Especially when some of your teammates are 19 because they were 18 before the cut off date...I just don't think at 12 that some kids are ready to be in the spotlight like that if you're in a well known team like Smoed.
This is not a day 3 issue and not as serious as the scoring issues - but if anyone bought this shirt at NCA you may want to wash it alone!!! Luckily my kid wore hers yesterday to school and I have not done the laundry yet.

Thank you for the PSA....
I know what I was thinking, obscure the real name in case trouble ensued because of my post. But that was years ago when I was new to the gym. I'm out of the closet now. I'm ready for a real fake name. And maybe the addition of the usual kid pic as my avatar. Does it have to be my kid? Ha! Just 'kid'ding.

Cheermom1969, I still didn't get to meet you at NCA. The scheduling, a kid with bad anxiety and extra practices pretty well prevented me from seeing Junior Black. I love to watch them though so I was bummed. Maybe at Champions League?

I did see you walking down the stairs in the arena! lol My daughter pointed your daughter out. You were too far away to hear me and you were about to turn the corner to go down to the doors. :)
I couldn't agree more. From what I've seen SMOED doesn't have an issue with their team's placement. They are disappointed in their performance which is to be expected. But, what has made them so unhappy is how people have treated two of the youngest (if not the youngest) individuals on their team. There is NO reason under any circumstances for people to berate, make fun of, create and disseminate vines etc. I feel comfortable saying these athletes have never said or done a single thing to any of the individuals that are circulating the hateful material on social media. Why they do it? I don't know. Jealousy perhaps. I can't really say why. Maybe, because they can. But, they shouldn't. The athletes teammates can't even take to social media to attempt to thwart the bullying because then they are accused of being mean when their intention is to defend.

I'm not talking about the general discussion that surrounds a team's performance. Teams can expect to receive critique on their performance on the mat. I'm talking about mean spirited hurtful things. The athletes should never ever expect to receive what these athletes have endured on social media. Keep in mind one of these athletes is 12 years old. Really folks? This needs to stop. I don't care what gym, what team or which athlete it's happening to, it all needs to stop. Coaches you are all on social media. Handle it. It doesn't make your program look good. Parents promote sportsmanship and respect for your fellow athlete. Show your kids by example how to handle defeat graciously, win and remain humble, cope with jealousies, stay positive and stay classy.

Unfortunately this is not an isolated case. With the advent of social media it's pervasive. And so devastating. If we saw a nineteen year old individual beating up a 12 year old kid would we try to stop it ? How about 10, 15, 25...50...100 nineteen year olds all beating up on one 12 year old kid ? Would we try to stop that ? Then stop it. Because that is what is occurring. Individuals are using social media as a weapon and beating up on young kids that don't deserve it. Physical scars heal, emotional scars are far more difficult to heal. Sometimes they never heal and affect us throughout our entire lives. We can't afford to let this kind of thing go unchecked, can we ? If we do we will regret it. Remember, our kid could be next.

I know it's not really important to your point, but she's 13 now. :)
But I agree with everything you said. Social media is a vicious place filled with vicious people. Makes me wonder if there's any good future for humanity.

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