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It'll be appealled for sure. Big businesses know they will lose more money then gain. Major cable companies probably love it cause they are already greedy. But I can't see it lasting.

Hilltern, (intern on the hill for non-dc folk), here. The proper way to fight this isn't to 'repeal' so to speak the decision, as the decision in effect repealed a law put in place in the Obama era. To explain, the FCC is a part of your executive branch. Lets go back to fourth grade civics, the reason we have a judicial branch and congress in addition ot our executive branch, is checks and balances. So call your representatives and senators and demand that they put in a place a law ensuring title 2 net neutrality regulations. At that point, Pai can't do anything about it unless he wants to bring the issue to court. Oh, and since this account is anonymous and I can throw this out there, the Senator whom I work for has received 5 times (no exaggeration) the correspondance in favor of doing this then in regards to DACA, the GOP tax plan, and the Russia Investigation combined. IMHO passing such a law in congress would be a political win for both sides.
It'll be appealled for sure. Big businesses know they will lose more money then gain. Major cable companies probably love it cause they are already greedy. But I can't see it lasting.
Same, this could leave e-commerce two slaps from dead.

Congressional Review Act, time to work your magic. Gald lots of states are filing lawsuits.

Ajit Pai is reminding me of Martin Shkreli with his arrogance. And that stupid Reese's mug...

but it truly wouldnt surprise me if he tried, i mean how many reporters has he kicked out of press conferences now..... hes a big cry baby in all reality

You couldn't lower my opinion of Trump or H. Clinton I couldn't stand either one, but that's based on media reporting. Our media is a circus $#!% show, even the Huffpost article you posted was written based on what they said the WA Post reported. Business Insider stated, "Trump Admin Reportedly Bans..." The UK Daily Mail stated, "Trump Admin Allegedly Bans..." With technology, there is no reason our media sources (all of them) can't provide documentation, video or recording as proof, but that takes time to edit and manipulate to fit their agenda. Now, we have to decipher articles that essentially say, "This is a bull$#!% story, but we will put the words "allegedly, reportedly, per this source, ...." to cover our backsides in case someone actually calls us on it."
The thing is...politicians have always been crud. You can look at the past of any president, prime minister or other leader in all of history and you'll find all kinds of ugliness that got them there. You'll find bonehead statements, hate fuelled statements, college and marital indiscretions. I suppose that's true of the vast majority of human beings, difference is, most of us don't put my life out there to be scrutinized.

There's a few differences now as far as I see it. We have the internet, which means anyone can say anything, access anything and believe anything 24/7. We have 8976253 news "networks" and ten times that many websites/blogs who can say anything.

We literally live in a society that whoever screams the loudest and sounds potentially the most legitimate wins. News networks don't want to be last to the topic of the minute, so they spew half truths into the world, then retract it later.....except no one ever hears the retraction because we've all moved on to the next minutes topic.

It's a chicken or the egg situation. Does the media vomit "information" because the public demands up to the minute details, or do we demand up to the minute details because the media started vomiting "information"

There's a reason I go completely dead to the internet other than Netflix most evenings.
The thing is...politicians have always been crud. You can look at the past of any president, prime minister or other leader in all of history and you'll find all kinds of ugliness that got them there. You'll find bonehead statements, hate fuelled statements, college and marital indiscretions. I suppose that's true of the vast majority of human beings, difference is, most of us don't put my life out there to be scrutinized.

There's a few differences now as far as I see it. We have the internet, which means anyone can say anything, access anything and believe anything 24/7. We have 8976253 news "networks" and ten times that many websites/blogs who can say anything.

We literally live in a society that whoever screams the loudest and sounds potentially the most legitimate wins. News networks don't want to be last to the topic of the minute, so they spew half truths into the world, then retract it later.....except no one ever hears the retraction because we've all moved on to the next minutes topic.

It's a chicken or the egg situation. Does the media vomit "information" because the public demands up to the minute details, or do we demand up to the minute details because the media started vomiting "information"

There's a reason I go completely dead to the internet other than Netflix most evenings.

I was a journalism major in college, even though I don't do it as a career bc I hated it! But we talked about this a lot - I think the rise of 24/7 news channels did lead the public to start expecting news immediately, and then social media exacerbated it. It's not just limited to political reporting - look at all of the misinformation that came out about the Boston bombing. I think now, the media has created an environment where consumers expect instant info, so even if they want to slow down, consumers won't let them.

And then you have the citizen journalists who "report" news but aren't accountable to anyone or anything - that's where a lot of "fake news" arises.

And as both sides have sown distrust in traditional media, it becomes harder and harder to tell someone that a story is fake, because then they just think that YOUR sources are fake. It's insane.

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Just wondering why are so many people on twitter attacking a certain allstar cheerleader that’s known for her tumbling? I don’t wanna say her name since is still basically a child?
In this situation, seems the person in question attacked first. It's not the first time.
Did anything on the boards change? Usually I have zero issues on my computer and today every single thread/page/subforum/etc I click on my laptop anti-virus freaks out that it blocked a "potential threat." Never been an issue before...
As much as i dislike Georgia i am beyond happy that they beat Oklahoma.

My daughter had a class with Ben Cleveland this semester and before one of the first games this season she told him to "kick them in the shins, bop them in the nose, and sit on their throats" and he laughed and said "I'm pretty sure I'd cut off their air supply if I sat on their throat." To which she replied, "exactly" and it became her pep talk for him before each game and he would just laugh and say, "ok, got it". Fast forward to last night watching them get on the bus to head toward the stadium, she text him the whole "kick them in the shins, bop them in the nose and sit on their throats" routine and got a first with a "you're &^#* straight" back. I was so disappointed when she told me he's an OL, I so badly wanted him to sit on and silence that little baker boy for a few seconds.:p

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