All-Star New Uniforms 2018-2019

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Confession time. I fangirled him at Cheesport last year. All the kids were chasing TGLC but I saw him hanging in the coaching area so I went up to him out of the blue and introduced myself . He is really sweet.

Speaking of stalking .. there is a cheerson sighting and a certain someone hasn't commented yet! Where is she?

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Lucky you. Ive never met him but him about 10 years ago he was on the boards selling TG shirts (before online pro shop days) I ordered but I was currently on my first deployment in Iraq. Kristen sent my shirts marked "urgent" and a sweet note. No-one gets urgent mail on deployment so everyone was extremely curious to what I had sent to me. Ive become a bigger TG fan at the moment. Im waiting to get pregnant with my first kid and convince my fiancee to move to Miami so I can sign our future kid up to be a Jag. lol

I don’t understand why it’s red but generally I like these for a TG uniform

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saw a couple people on twitter say one of the athletes on the team designed it idk how true that is but if it is that’s very cool! i love it!
saw a couple people on twitter say one of the athletes on the team designed it idk how true that is but if it is that’s very cool! i love it!

Their official team page stated that she designed the front and a coach designed the back.
IDK but I had a bathing suit with that plastic clasp closure that the orange strap does and the plastic spontaneously snapped in half at the beach once... made for an interesting day. I will now only purchase bathing suits with metal clasps or no clasps.

All that to say, I hope those orange straps are decorative only and not functionally securing the bottom of the top from riding up. The wardrobe malfunction possibilities are endless.
I really don't understand how that is a thing. They are prohibited here, you can't compete unless you take them off.
I had no idea nails werent allowed!! I’m from Canada also so I always wondered how athletes were getting away with all fake/painted nails cause I assumed it was the same rules in the states! Very interesting
I really don't understand how that is a thing. They are prohibited here, you can't compete unless you take them off.
I had no idea nails werent allowed!! I’m from Canada also so I always wondered how athletes were getting away with all fake/painted nails cause I assumed it was the same rules in the states! Very interesting

When our kids began 8 years ago, the coaches stressed to parents, nails real or fake, had to be clear before every comp. About 5 years ago, they never brought it up again and they wear whatever they want. I always wondered if it had to do with the oxygen reader clip they put on your finger in case of emergency. Oldest had pneumonia not too long ago, she had SNS nails and they put the clip on sideways. Back in the day when people primarily wore fingernail polish, they would remove your polish to put it over your nail. I haven't seen the rule in any packet. Perhaps technology caught up to all of the acrylic nail types out there?
When our kids began 8 years ago, the coaches stressed to parents, nails real or fake, had to be clear before every comp. About 5 years ago, they never brought it up again and they wear whatever they want. I always wondered if it had to do with the oxygen reader clip they put on your finger in case of emergency. Oldest had pneumonia not too long ago, she had SNS nails and they put the clip on sideways. Back in the day when people primarily wore fingernail polish, they would remove your polish to put it over your nail. I haven't seen the rule in any packet. Perhaps technology caught up to all of the acrylic nail types out there?

Pulse ox can sometimes read weird through acrylic nails and we have nail polish remover in the hospital if we really need it somewhere deep in the supply room, but I've never had to actually use it. Even with jumbo fake acrylic nails I can usually get a good pleth to read their oxygen saturation.

They taught in nursing school you had to remove the polish but in the real world I've never seen that happen. We'll use toes, ears, the forehead, the nose, or any number of other places before we even consider taking off nail polish.
FYI, I found the post on Twitter.

I won't post a screenshot but to quote it:

An athlete commented "wow Varsity is winning".
Rebel replied: "we see that you're a CA athlete, which means you wear Rebel when you practice and compete. Screen shot of your comment sent to CA. I'm sure they'll love it <3"

...Seems unnecessary and vaguely threatening to me...
I have seen some seriously nasty comments coming from Rebel. I even replied to them on their Instagram account. The majority if comments are probably coming from children and as a business, they need to be aware of that as their audience and be appropriate in their comments. They clearly don’t know how to do this, and truthfully, the employee responding like this, should be fired. These comments come across as threatening, aggressive and down right nasty. I wouldn’t support Rebel further as a customer, or if I were a gym owner,
I don't love one of our athletes going to Rebel's social media and posting that their rival is "winning", regardless of their own opinion, but it should have just been ignored. (I also wouldn't want someone posting the "Rebel is winning" on Varsity's social media.). The athlete is not in any sort of trouble, however. That is fairly tame compared to what else I see.

Does Rebel’s actions make you question whether you should continue to do business with them? It certainly would for me.
This is weak.

I was the person employed to be the voice of Varsity Spirit social media from 2012-2017. I ran their account, the fashion ones too occasionally, during live streams, ran EP brand accounts for events, campaigns, and functions. Not once did me or members of my team reply with the 'sass' that Rebel, Nfinity, or CheerUpdates does all too often.

Also ran the live stream customer service before Flocheer came along in 2016. Thousands of hateful, rude emails came to me. I have been abused up and down by parents and coaches and anonymous users for the actions of an all too powerful company, but you don't see that reaction in the voice/postings.

Thank you!
Does Rebel’s actions make you question whether you should continue to do business with them? It certainly would for me.
It does not. We have a long term relationship with them and feel very comfortable with their leadership and direction. They screwed up and got "drawn offsides" on some of their social media posts. We told their owner about it, and as far as I know those were immediately deleted and the employee was reprimanded. I think they have changed some of their policies and changed when they allow comments on some of their videos as a direct result of all of that.

If we ended relationships with people (vendors, event producers, athletes, etc) every time they made a mistake - we wouldn't have anyone to do business with.

(Not directed at you, just a general comment) I still don't get the "gotcha" culture online where some people eagerly pounce with glee on every misstep by someone "up" from them. There seems to be such joy in showing how offended you are - usually on someone else's behalf. Whether it is an unfortunate tweet by a company or some athlete being too sad (or too happy) during awards, there are folks who just can't wait to get to their phone or keyboard and fire away about how offended they were.

People screw up all the time. I've done dumb stuff I later regretted. CA has made embarrassing mistakes. It happens. If somebody's behavior really bothers you and you really feel the need to say something, tell them directly. I can't say I have never said something snide online, but generally I try to go to the source.
I just wish Rebel would focus more on getting uniforms out then replying to posts on social media. Our gym was promised uniforms at the end of January (we ordered this summer) and we are still waiting on a conformation email. We even had to compete in old uniforms at our last events. The worst part is they actually won our business over Varsity because they promised to get us uniforms in time when varsity could not. Seems to me they have their priorities out of order.
I just wish Rebel would focus more on getting uniforms out then replying to posts on social media. Our gym was promised uniforms at the end of January (we ordered this summer) and we are still waiting on a conformation email. We even had to compete in old uniforms at our last events. The worst part is they actually won our business over Varsity because they promised to get us uniforms in time when varsity could not. Seems to me they have their priorities out of order.
Just curious, because I might be reading it wrong, but you don't mean that you've been waiting since the summer on a confirmation email from Rebel about your uniform order do you?

I don’t understand why it’s red but generally I like these for a TG uniform

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Ok I just came here to ask did anyone else notice that this was shot in a restaurant kitchen LOL
Just curious, because I might be reading it wrong, but you don't mean that you've been waiting since the summer on a confirmation email from Rebel about your uniform order do you?

No. We agreed on our uniform design this summer and was given a time line to have the order, sizes, and money in. We did exactly as asked and now the only thing they can tell us is that we might get a conformation next week, which is weeks past the promised delivery date.

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