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Will they still offer rec and club now that there is the quest? I know people who have taken rec teams that say, they take up a floor and a day and a half of competition that could also help? I don't think you will get JV/Junior high out, most have the same coaches, same administration, etc... Game day to Sunday helps a little. Wednesday - Saturday is difficult bc some schools only get 2 days off regardless so that may make travel difficult... I am sure a solution will be found, but I think everyone will have to keep an open mind.
Will they still offer rec and club now that there is the quest? I know people who have taken rec teams that say, they take up a floor and a day and a half of competition that could also help? I don't think you will get JV/Junior high out, most have the same coaches, same administration, etc... Game day to Sunday helps a little. Wednesday - Saturday is difficult bc some schools only get 2 days off regardless so that may make travel difficult... I am sure a solution will be found, but I think everyone will have to keep an open mind.

I’m just not sure why we think the rest of us should have to change to accommodate California. If they get too outrageous with the schedule, more state associations will follow suit. Sometimes I think we all forget, every school that takes time out of a classroom to travel to Disney world for a non-state-sanctioned competition is one good screw up away from someone pulling the plug on their attendance.
I’m just not sure why we think the rest of us should have to change to accommodate California. If they get too outrageous with the schedule, more state associations will follow suit. Sometimes I think we all forget, every school that takes time out of a classroom to travel to Disney world for a non-state-sanctioned competition is one good screw up away from someone pulling the plug on their attendance.

VERY VALID POINT!! :) I am, just thinking outside of the box but also giving some pros and cons that I see. I am not sure there is a correct solution but just word vomit.
VERY VALID POINT!! :) I am, just thinking outside of the box but also giving some pros and cons that I see. I am not sure there is a correct solution but just word vomit.

I understand. I quoted your whole post, but was responding more specifically to the last line “I’m sure a solution will be found.”

I’m not so sure. I’m not sure Varsity will take that risk. KY and TN probably have the longest-standing traditions at NHSCC “state wide,” so I feel like we are golden until it gets really hairy, but how many states would Varsity be willing to lose in order to keep just one is a big variable.
I’m just not sure why we think the rest of us should have to change to accommodate California. If they get too outrageous with the schedule, more state associations will follow suit. Sometimes I think we all forget, every school that takes time out of a classroom to travel to Disney world for a non-state-sanctioned competition is one good screw up away from someone pulling the plug on their attendance.

The thing is, it may just be California for now, but there's the potential in the future that other states deem cheer a sport and stop allowing competition on Sundays (though I don't think this would happen in the immediate future). I know Arizona seriously considered it for a bit but it ended up getting downvoted (not that we have many teams traveling to NHSCC anyway), but it's something they may reconsider in a few years, and I know we're not the only state. Obviously larger states like Kentucky aren't in a hairy spot, since cheerleading is essentially gold tier over there, but your mentality of "I'd rather leave out an entire state rather than experience a mild inconvenience" is a bit inconsiderate. But then again, I don't attend UCA, I do not coach at a school who could ever be at such a high caliber, and so I have no dog in this race. I just recognize that the sport is changing, and while I don't think it'll be in the Olympics or anything crazy like that, I do believe that it will eventually be recognized fully as a sport, and therein lies the conflict. I think it would just be proactive for UCA to come up with a solution now rather than waiting. Not to implement this year or even next, but to have in place for sometime within the next five years.
I’m just not sure why we think the rest of us should have to change to accommodate California. If they get too outrageous with the schedule, more state associations will follow suit. Sometimes I think we all forget, every school that takes time out of a classroom to travel to Disney world for a non-state-sanctioned competition is one good screw up away from someone pulling the plug on their attendance.
I don’t think anyone should have to change to accommodate for CA... AT ALL... but do I think there’s a way it can be worked out to “include” CA- Fairly certain CA will have to give something up. (game day, JV etc) which I think we are all pretty willing to do to get SOME representation.
And while some say... CA and Georgia would just be OUT... who else NEXT will be OUT... ?
I know I take little to no merit in USA (VERY west coast based) being called a “National Competition” if I’m not going against a “TRUE National demographic”... we here on the West are constantly talking about how it’s pretty much a West Coast championship. The attendance & talent is dwindling at this once prestigious event and divisions like “JV Novice non tumbling” just got added?!?!
What even is that?!
We are one of the largest states in the Union...largest in population and the furthest state (representing the WEST Coast) - if that starts happening to UCA- the prestige of the event will start taking a hit.
Maybe not immediately, but how are you going to explain to your kids and parents that the top 10 in their division are essentially a glorified grab bag of who they see at their states and regionals.
Furthermore- (and this is not an attack or meant to come off as a dagger in any way, but just justifying a perspective you’re stating)... but why should everyone have to “accommodate” those that only get 2 days max off of school? - (because they’re just been there from the start? Have a huge history of success?)
it’s the same difference
Nobody SHOULD... but trying to find a solution that will accommodate as many states as possible I feel is obviously common sense. 1. From a Business perspective (any business from any state is a loss) 2. From a logistics perspective- it’s all “someone else’s problem” until a certain state or another (regardless of history with the event) gets some non supportive individual running things and THAT respective state is now begging to be “accommodated”.
Never in our wildest did CA think we would ever be a sport, much less not get granted a one time a year, one day waiver- we WERE every other state and school that could attend- until we weren’t ....
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That’s how I feel too. I feel like eventually this might become the trend. And when it does, UCA would be wise to stay ahead of it.

I’ve been thinking about it and, if I may, I’d like to offer some suggestions in order of desirability.

1. Move it Thursday-Saturday. I’m not sure how feasible this is logistics-wise, and I don’t know how schools with only two days off from school could work it (maybe with special dispensation?). All I know is that with the way things have been recently, a lot of teams take three days off from school anyway (Thursday to travel, Friday to compete, Monday to travel) so from that standpoint, nothing is really lost.

2. Hold the comp over Friday-Saturday and move JV to another weekend, or remove JV entirely (no other sport has JV national championships). Either way, with the decrease is numbers it would be easier to get everyone done over two days, and no more than two days off school would be required. But I’m someone who doesn’t bring JV to UCA, so I’m biased.

3. Move Game Day to Sunday. Not very desirable because those CA coed teams who thrive on GD will be denied, but still an option.

Overall, I’m trying to imagine a way where nobody is denied anything. To that end, I think taking away Super from CA by putting it on Sunday is a mistake. I understand the logic behind it, but it seems egregious to lock schools out of a size division. If you want to lock us out of an entire division straight up and down — like GD — fine. But to say, “OK CA, you can compete in show cheer EXCEPT in the Super division” seems arbitrary.

Anyway, good luck finding a solution. Sorry our state is stupid.
I think you’re underestimating the number of states who allow sports to compete on Sundays. In this regard, I find California to be an enigma. The most left-wing state in the country shuts down athletics for a day of rest on Sunday??? Mind-boggling.

Meanwhile right here in the heart of the Bible Belt, our regional basketball championship is SCHEDULED to take place on Sunday every year.

Our STATE basketball championship has been on Sunday in the past and is often dependent on when Rupp arena is available.

I believe we have had recent football state playoff games on Sunday as well, but have never been lucky enough to attend one of those.

“Sport” doesn’t necessarily mean “no Sunday’s” everywhere, AND we are kind of reaping what we have sewn for the last 30 years by demanding “sport” recognition.

Food for thought:

How many times have you (general terms not targeting anyone specifically here), thrown your nose up in the air in conversation with someone demanding they respect cheerleading as a “sport?” Every time you do that, you’re INVITING these types of unforeseen problems. Having a “label” does not mean anyone respects you any more or less.
Yeah over here in Pa, sports can be played on Sundays. The rules simply state that there must not be things scheduled for more than 6 days a week-so most use Sunday’s as the rest day.

Not that it matters for cheer, we are considered a sport but they acknowledge that we don’t fit in the “sports” mold and waive a lot of rules for us.
I think you’re underestimating the number of states who allow sports to compete on Sundays. In this regard, I find California to be an enigma. The most left-wing state in the country shuts down athletics for a day of rest on Sunday??? Mind-boggling.

Meanwhile right here in the heart of the Bible Belt, our regional basketball championship is SCHEDULED to take place on Sunday every year.

Our STATE basketball championship has been on Sunday in the past and is often dependent on when Rupp arena is available.

I believe we have had recent football state playoff games on Sunday as well, but have never been lucky enough to attend one of those.

“Sport” doesn’t necessarily mean “no Sunday’s” everywhere, AND we are kind of reaping what we have sewn for the last 30 years by demanding “sport” recognition.

Food for thought:

How many times have you (general terms not targeting anyone specifically here), thrown your nose up in the air in conversation with someone demanding they respect cheerleading as a “sport?” Every time you do that, you’re INVITING these types of unforeseen problems. Having a “label” does not mean anyone respects you any more or less.
Nope- I’m not the yelp and holler “we are sport” type- in fact I have my own theory’s about what we are. And I 100% agree-
Also you’re so right that its super liberal out here in CA but Sunday is a day of respite?!?? Mmmm-Kay

When I say non supportive, I don’t just mean a “Sunday rule”... let’s face it-it’s not about Sunday because we are all “okay” or “allowed” to go sit in an arena all day in full uniform and be in attendance on a Sunday (organized team gathering) - but step on a mat for 2:30 and we get slapped with threats.
Let’s examine the fact that:
The bigger the event gets and the more diverse the playing field like: Game Day, Traditional, JV- now Stunt the sport (which I’m sure will have its own huge hubaloo everyone will be clamoring to participate/pay to play in - the more logistic issues we will be dealing with.
Hate to break it to everyone, but eventually the event will be longer than 3 days or span over multiple weekends to include and fit in numbers and event divisions - and people will HAVE to miss another day of school.
Also, what happens when and if Gameday gets its own separate set of dates entirely?! Is your AD/state going to be okay with kids flying out to Florida 1,2,3 times a year to compete (not including any additional dates for your dance programs)
Last, there’s a lot of talks about Federal and State competitive time and what can be required monetary for minors to participate in public institutions. So when your state starts to recognize that all sports must have a spending Cap/Restriction on tournaments regardless of fundraising efforts in order to keep your sport “affordable” for everyone or strictly cuts your “tournament attendance” (not play time, but we are talking physical team organized hours together) to 4 hr blocks (yes this has been talked about) and you can’t have ANY contact with your kids the full afternoon of your finals performance because they need mandated “Down time”... I have a feeling many states will be crying uncle.
And before anyone says “not us”... “not our state”... we got slapped with being a sport on our BEE-HINDS.
We also got slapped with NO Sunday after being granted our initial first time/first year waiver... and here we were thinking “oh they will give it to us again or make it permanent because cheer is not what everything else is and common sense says says they should”- NOPE
We NEVER thought it would come to what is has come to and that who we believed to back us up and or simply “doesn’t care” will not be anything more than supportive.
We were the state of “oh they would never”...
And here we are- and they did
Sorry to double post- but 39 Days people!!! Who’s hyped?!?!
My coaching staff and I are dying to go watch Gameday live in person and see how that works... super interesting and may be really cool to watch
Sorry to double post- but 39 Days people!!! Who’s hyped?!?!
My coaching staff and I are dying to go watch Gameday live in person and see how that works... super interesting and may be really cool to watch

I’ve been meaning to post that Large Varsity looks like it’s going to be a dog fight and I’m here for it. It’s not even our division but I’m tracking it like it is. Houston and Live Oak alone will be a showdown.
I’ve been meaning to post that Large Varsity looks like it’s going to be a dog fight and I’m here for it. It’s not even our division but I’m tracking it like it is. Houston and Live Oak alone will be a showdown.
Yes!!!! Can’t wait! Love a jam packed powerhouse division! I’m also interested to see small D2 !
I was about to drop the money on the NHSCC stream but I realized it's sorority recruitment weekend at my school! I'll be posting schedules and such as they come out.
Anybody else feel like the performance order is coming out later than ever?

theory number one: I’ve scoured the regional qualifier results and they’ve given out a TON of Gameday bids. Has Gameday outgrown Friday?

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