North Carolina Has A New All Star Team And Is Having Auditions Soon !

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Starting next year sounds like a much better plan. Teams for this year are already formed. You're going to want to start early for next year... Start getting your name out now to school cheerleaders, rec teams, etc so that people know you - if you just announce tryouts in May and nobody's heard of you it's going to be hard to get many girls. I'd recommend lurking for a while, this site has lots of knowledgeable coaches that you could learn a lot from.

Eta: You should probably chill and lurk for a little bit before getting a new account with your gym name and being more professional about your interactions on here. Read the CA Rumors thread, BlueCat does a great job of being a professional gym owner. If you just start a new thread right now people are going to respond similarly. Also - even if people are hating on your gym, remain professional. In the real world, people are going to talk about you, you have to learn to ignore it completely and just not address it - or find a professional way to address it, but I feel like ignoring it is usually

Thank you . I should have been more professional but it's hard when you have people attacking you about you should have done this and that. I feel that there are much nicer ways to ask questions or post concerns without being sarcastic and insulting ones intelligences . I don't do very well when it comes to that . I'm all open for advice . But only if you're really going to help me . Not tell me I can't do it or be sarcastic and disown me.

the best option unless it's some crazy rumor flying about you.

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I don't mind having advice I'm all for that ! It's just I don't like for my intelligence to be insulted and the people that had questions and concerns could have been nicer about their post .

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Maybe some people went a little overboard but just take a minute to go back and read your second post in this thread. Someone advised you to take spelling and grammar more seriously (which is very good advice, and I didn't find it rude at all).

1) Your answer however was rude. If you're willing to take advice, you certainly didn't show it there.

2) You made excuses, and didn't appear to make efforts on your spelling afterwards. No one cares where and how you type. You could be wearing gloves and a blindfold and it would be the same. If you want to be treated as a professional, you need to look like one. On the Internet, checking and even double checking your spelling and grammar are necessary. If you can't do that on your phone (which I don't think is the case), then swich to computer for your annoucements.

3) Overall, nothing in your posts made you look mature and ready to lead a business. Maybe you ARE mature and ready, but it's your responsability to show it in every single thing you post. I can't help thinking that if all it took was a few snarky responses to make you change your mind, then you weren't really serious about it from the beginning. If you are serious, you need to get used to people not being nice and still hearing the advice they're giving you.

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Maybe some people went a little overboard but just take a minute to go back and read your second post in this thread. Someone advised you to take spelling and grammar more seriously (which is very good advice, and I didn't find it rude at all).

1) Your answer however was rude. If you're willing to take advice, you certainly didn't show it there.

2) You made excuses, and didn't appear to make efforts on your spelling afterwards. No one cares where and how you type. You could be wearing gloves and a blindfold and it would be the same. If you want to be treated as a professional, you need to look like one. On the Internet, checking and even double checking your spelling and grammar are necessary. If you can't do that on your phone (which I don't think is the case), then swich to computer for your annoucements.

3) Overall, nothing in your posts made you look mature and ready to lead a business. Maybe you ARE mature and ready, but it's your respinsability to show it in every single thing you post. I can't help thinking that if all it took was a few snarky responses to make you change your mind, then you weren't really serious about it from the beginning. If you are serious, you need to get used to people not being nice and still hearing the advice they're giving you.

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I shouldn't laugh because it's great advice. But double check #3... :)

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Not being from the triangle area can I ask how many, if any, Y5 teams or even J5 teams exist? How many Y4 teams exist where parents might be willing to jump at the opportunity for their special snowflake to be On a Y5 team.

Curious on the market research aspect.

"What, you don't even go here!"
Maybe some people went a little overboard but just take a minute to go back and read your second post in this thread. Someone advised you to take spelling and grammar more seriously (which is very good advice, and I didn't find it rude at all).

1) Your answer however was rude. If you're willing to take advice, you certainly didn't show it there.

2) You made excuses, and didn't appear to make efforts on your spelling afterwards. No one cares where and how you type. You could be wearing gloves and a blindfold and it would be the same. If you want to be treated as a professional, you need to look like one. On the Internet, checking and even double checking your spelling and grammar are necessary. If you can't do that on your phone (which I don't think is the case), then swich to computer for your annoucements.

3) Overall, nothing in your posts made you look mature and ready to lead a business. Maybe you ARE mature and ready, but it's your responsability to show it in every single thing you post. I can't help thinking that if all it took was a few snarky responses to make you change your mind, then you weren't really serious about it from the beginning. If you are serious, you need to get used to people not being nice and still hearing the advice they're giving you.

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THIS. Thank you.

@Fierce_Elite the bottom line is if you want to be in a public position of leadership (and a gym owner and coach qualifies) then you have to approach your public persona in a very crafted, specific and deliberate way. Some decisions you make will be popular, some won't. There will always be someone who virulently objects to what you're doing just as there will be those who agree. However, it takes advanced maturity to deal with the PR, your stakeholders and public if you want to be successful. You can't throw a childish temper tantrum because you don't like what was said to you...especially if you're working with people's children. There is nothing more passionate than a momma or daddy who is acting in the best interests of their child (or so they think) and rarely are they the mature and professional ones about it. Trust me, I have vast experience in this. That's why you have to be able to take the heat, rise above, not give into what you REALLY want to say and maintain the professionalism that you assiduously craft to market your brand.

And grammar and spelling it ridiculously important in that venture, especially if you're marketing via written communication (which online posting is exactly that).

It's a first impression. Re-read your post even you recognized as childish for the way you presented yourself not only in words but in "appearance." It doesn't fill customers with a sense of confidence that you'll produce a fabulous program and be a safe place for their children if you cannot string together a grammatically correct sentence. It also doesn't fill members here with a sense of legitimacy when you consistently refer to tryouts or evaluations (both of which are common vocabulary to cheer) as "auditions." The vocabulary you're choosing isn't part of the lexicon of cheer vocabulary so you come across as looking less than knowledgable. You didn't even know the geographic area of your proposed team. The Triad is entirely different from the Triangle which is where you are. That either makes you look like an outsider to NC or someone not very knowledgeable about general geography. Either don't present the best impression.

It's a hard way to learn that lesson but you're on the right track if you take what transpired here as a learning experience...step the entire CA rumors thread for a great example of how to do all these things correctly and start over after you've done your research.

Sadly, perception is reality and the greatest issue here wasn't that you wanted to build a Y5 only, (which is not feasible....CA Plano has like 700 kids and even THEY don't feel confident building a Y5 they think will be successful) directly between two existing (and very successful) Y5's it's that you failed to recognize that the public perception you crafted for yourself here was likely not the impression you wanted to give people of who you truly are.

Signed, your friendly neighborhood High School Principal.
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Not being from the triangle area can I ask how many, if any, Y5 teams or even J5 teams exist? How many Y4 teams exist where parents might be willing to jump at the opportunity for their special snowflake to be On a Y5 team.

Curious on the market research aspect.

"What, you don't even go here!"
I'm only aware of CEA Raleigh shark bites (love that name) which is in the Triangle and Youth Elite in Kville about an hour and a half away. Other than that, we've been competing in NC for 8 years and I can't remember any other Y5s in the state. There are some J5s around, generally small, AG teams of varying distance and quality, but the reality is if they went Y5 they would have only CEA to compete against and that's a really tall order for a first year team/program.
Actually 3 seasons ago WFAS had youth 5 and we competed against EC Cats and a team from Charlotte that had youth 5-restricted at the time. WFAS had solid youth 4 for years but often went to comps with no one in that division. There are great J5 teams in NC. Last year Greensboro,Charlotte and Tri all went 1,2.3 at Cheersport. They are small all girl but often competed against coed teams and held their own. Tri has a J5 this year. I don't think CEA Raleigh is fielding a youth 5. I think youth X was going to be level 3 according to friends on that team
I'm only aware of CEA Raleigh shark bites (love that name) which is in the Triangle and Youth Elite in Kville about an hour and a half away. Other than that, we've been competing in NC for 8 years and I can't remember any other Y5s in the state. There are some J5s around, generally small, AG teams of varying distance and quality, but the reality is if they went Y5 they would have only CEA to compete against and that's a really tall order for a first year team/program.
Actually 3 seasons ago WFAS had youth 5 and we competed against EC Cats and a team from Charlotte that had youth 5-restricted at the time. WFAS had solid youth 4 for years but often went to comps with no one in that division. There are great J5 teams in NC. Last year Greensboro,Charlotte and Tri all went 1,2.3 at Cheersport. They are small all girl but often competed against coed teams and held their own. Tri has a J5 this year. I don't think CEA Raleigh is fielding a youth 5. I think youth X was going to be level 3 according to friends on that team

I enjoyed WFAS, I was sorry to see them close. This is good info and generally reinforces my feeling that Y5 athletes are not in great numbers and those that are already compete with established programs.

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WFAS. Actually opened up again. They are fielding 3 lower level teams. Under the leadership of the Youngs they will be successful. The passion and care they have for the sport is top notch. Cheer in the Triangle has really expanded these past few years and the level of competition has really expanded. Again this year Tri will have 3 level 5 teams.

I enjoyed WFAS, I was sorry to see them close. This is good info and generally reinforces my feeling that Y5 athletes are not in great numbers and those that are already compete with established programs.

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