All-Star Omg Have You Heard Trinity Dolce & Gabana Music ??

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This is how I feel. You say trinity is offering you a chance to start your life, but you're getting the same deal as at GA. What does that mean? You're getting something else out of it and it sounds monetary

I think it's the whole "it started out as more than cheerleading" that bothers me. How is trinity any different than any other gym? What exactly is there about it that's more than it other than a wealthy owner who is helping to bankroll the tuition of a large number of athletes. And again, who, exactly is coming out of the ghetto in all of this? Trinity isn't some big brothers, big sisters program.

I might be giving Trinity the benefit of the doubt, but for a bunch of people who claim to not know the goings-on of Trinity, and who constantly say that all we know is based off of their social media, all of you (and the post I'm quoting specifically rubbed me the wrong way) seem to talk like you know what's going on at the gym. You may think your questions come off as genuine curiosity, but they do not. They come off as rhetorical questions you're asking to prove that Trinity is not the place that was described, and yet how would you know? Who are you to come on here making all of these statements about the gym, in the form of sarcastic rhetorical questions, when you yourself know no more about Trinity than my grandmother (who, I'll have you know, does not know a lick about Trinity)? I don't care what Trinity has done publicly and what they have put on their social media sites, people need to stop using Trinity as some ploy to feed their ego. You (back to being general here, not this specific poster) are no more of a better person because you make yourself look better than someone else, I promise you that much.
Real quick question... I don't know much about the tumbling side of the score sheet, but couldn't their sync tumbling in the opening be considered their running tumbling? The four guys that sync tumble to the front would be specialties, and the two that come from the corner would be two more. Would that not be enough?
Real quick question... I don't know much about the tumbling side of the score sheet, but couldn't their sync tumbling in the opening be considered their running tumbling? The four guys that sync tumble to the front would be specialties, and the two that come from the corner would be two more. Would that not be enough?

Arguable that they've done ENOUGH, but they have done a good amount of running tumbling in the routine, it's just a matter of whether a judge will reward them when almost all of their running tumbling is sync tumbling.
Arguable that they've done ENOUGH, but they have done a good amount of running tumbling in the routine, it's just a matter of whether a judge will reward them when almost all of their running tumbling is sync tumbling.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. It seems like it would be enough, but I see where they could fall in that category.
then what is the "actual" JP voiceover? is it the same voiceover, just in a different voice? is the rest of the mix the same? Does it make a difference who's voice is used if it's the same words?

ETA: if the only difference is the actual vocal range of the person recording the voiceover, then we're playing semantics and being someone who lives 700 miles away from Atlanta, I've never heard either person's voice in person, and definitely haven't heard either person's voice enough to know what they sound like, especially in a cheerleading mix with effects/backbeats/speeds/etc.

The mix used at JSN caught enough attention, regardless of a voice in one voiceover--the people that I brought with me (who have NEVER heard of Trinity, GA, the whole fiasco, or really have any care about any of it at all--they've never even been to anything more than a local competition) were asking what the hell those voiceovers were about and why someone would put that in a mix and what they were trying to talk about.
Okay let's settle a few things once again.. I'm just going to reply to everyone at once because I don't have time to be sitting on a blog arguing about cheerleading..

Everyone seems to want to know how we feel about the uniforms. Personally I love them. As a whole they look great on stage, and the white pants makes for cleaner looking tumbling from the boys.. but hey, I am just a straight boy from Georgia, what do I know about fashion right? So if you would like to keep bashing the uniforms, start a thread about it because ain't nobody got time for that... oh and at competition when we need to gather up everyone, I scream "GOLD POWER RANGERS, ASSEMBLE!!!!" obnoxious right? ;) (I think "GO GO POWER RANGERS!" is getting added to our mix)

Next big question seems to be about the music. We created a rendition of JPs comment referring to Angel and Shayla that was said during that news report. It was G's voice and at the end it said "SOUND FAMILIAR"... this was the mix used in Indy. The Thursday before Indy, the mix used in this thread was released with the real cut of the comment he made. Someone had leaked our music and it got back to someone who had a salty taste in their mouth and wanted to get revenge.. via fierce boards. Well that revenge got 20,000 views in 3 days and we were once again the most talked about team in the country. So whoever released it, thank you for the PR.

If you still don't believe me here are some links to the performances that have not been edited, you can hear G's voice clearly in both. Day 1 - Day 2 -

to lovecheering please explain to me how we cannot "take it".... we've been taking it since the beginning. The rumors, the lies, the threatening lawsuits (JP actually sued G for recruiting 3 of us away, this is the lawsuit G was referring to in his very public response on Twitter. Not G trying to sue JP. What no one knows until now is that JP not only recruited the former Trinity coaches but also 32 of Trinity's previous full paying athlete's as well.. 32 full paid athletes for 3 scholarshiped athletes, fair trade right? ). We took it all in, and embraced it. Rumors were spread from the get go. And emails about "recruitment letters"(which i still have not recieved, why you holding out on me G?!) were sent around the country to every gym owner. People had a bad taste in their mouth from the start. We tried to change it, but the damage had been done. So now we are going to satisfy all the haters by making them assume "the rumors are all true".. why do you think not one person from Trinity has appeared on the Fierce Boards yet? Because 1) it would've been tough to hold a temper with all the falsities being thrown around. 2) we literally sit in the coaches office rolling on the floor laughing at some of the rumors started... and think of new ways to embrace them.

Yes, I'm on the coaching staff and on the team. After training there for a few months G gave me a chance to start training to be a coach. Technically I'm an assistant coach for the lower level teams and working on getting my USASF certification. Unfortunately I broke both of my ankles shortly after I was given the opportunity but I hope to get back to it soon. The opportunity to work and learn from one of the best coaches in the industry, what cheerleader wouldn't love that.

Also you say that Johns Creek is one of the wealthiest communities in Georgia, because it is. How many athletes on D&G are from JC? 5..... How many are from East Atlanta, and other areas similar? 14.... 14 kids that the Davenport family is trying to make a difference in their lives, and you guys are still worried about cheer.

cupieqt Ashley You say that Trinity is not a Big Brother, Big sister program and it's not a charity. Before this year, cheerleading meant nothing to the Davenports, beyond watching their daughter cheer. the reason Trinity is different is because Cori doesn't do it for herself or for cheerleading or for winning, she does it to make a difference in these kids' lives. To Cori Davenport, yes it is a charity, because she plays Big Sister to all of these kids, including me, and instead of donating millions to charities like she normally does annually, she decided to take an interest in cheer and help the lives of these kids personally. To answer your question of who is coming out of the ghetto, well that would be 14 athletes on our team. Most of them being the best tumblers on our team. If you have anything negative to say about that, then this part of the conversation is over.

CoachTamara I appreciate your questions and the approach you took, rather than attacking me before you even found anything out. To answer your question about where the kids came from. A few were from GA, including me Shayla and Malik. Others from Rays, and various metro Atlanta gyms. A lot were from Flip City South, a nationally ranked power tumbling gym in East Atlanta. There is remarkable talent emerging from that gym, regardless of the fact that it is located in a less than fortunate area, I think tumbleyoda cleared that up for you. he actually hit the nail on the head with it. everything he said about travel, hotels, transportation, that is all present at Trinity Athletics for the less fortunate athletes that still have a passion for cheer. I already answered the question refraining to our uniforms earlier in this post. As for the "clothing line" we were "promised", I was never promised anything. I got a call from Gianni asking me to come by and tumble and check out the new gym, so as a former athlete of his, I accepted the invite and when people found out about it, all hell broke loose. But yes the approach we have taken in public media may have been a little over-the-top, but if you knew Gianni, that's exactly how he does everything, he embraces the haters and let's them feed off his genius, and I love that about him. People are going to like us, and people are going to hate us. I'm just glad I got the opportunity to shine new light on the situation.

And everyone ranting about the bus.... it's a bus hahah. That just gives us another reason to embrace it. If a bus has gotten this much attention, imagine what a plane would get

One final note: There are many meanings to the words rich and wealthy and not all of them are related to how much money you have. For example, our team has a WEALTH of talented athletes from all walks of life. We're rich in support from our coaches, parents, friends and the Davenport Family. Because of Trinity Athletics our lives have been enRICHed for the better forever. Thank you Coach Tim, Coach Tonya, Coach Robin, Coach Gianni and Ms. Cori, what you have done for me and others has forever changed us and I consider myself a very WEALTHY cheerleader and by far a more enlightened young adult as a result.

If anyone has anymore questions, feel free to message me.. because Ive made my stand here and thats that. and no you don't have to boss up when you talk to me... if you don't want to! ;)

Thanks, Chris Gullicksen
cupieqt Ashley You say that Trinity is not a Big Brother, Big sister program and it's not a charity. Before this year, cheerleading meant nothing to the Davenports, beyond watching their daughter cheer. the reason Trinity is different is because Cori doesn't do it for herself or for cheerleading or for winning, she does it to make a difference in these kids' lives. To Cori Davenport, yes it is a charity, because she plays Big Sister to all of these kids, including me, and instead of donating millions to charities like she normally does annually, she decided to take an interest in cheer and help the lives of these kids personally. To answer your question of who is coming out of the ghetto, well that would be 14 athletes on our team. Most of them being the best tumblers on our team. If you have anything negative to say about that, then this part of the conversation is over.

CoachTamara I appreciate your questions and the approach you took, rather than attacking me before you even found anything out. To answer your question about where the kids came from. A few were from GA, including me Shayla and Malik. Others from Rays, and various metro Atlanta gyms. A lot were from Flip City South, a nationally ranked power tumbling gym in East Atlanta. There is remarkable talent emerging from that gym, regardless of the fact that it is located in a less than fortunate area, I think tumbleyoda cleared that up for you. he actually hit the nail on the head with it. everything he said about travel, hotels, transportation, that is all present at Trinity Athletics for the less fortunate athletes that still have a passion for cheer. I already answered the question refraining to our uniforms earlier in this post. As for the "clothing line" we were "promised", I was never promised anything. I got a call from Gianni asking me to come by and tumble and check out the new gym, so as a former athlete of his, I accepted the invite and when people found out about it, all hell broke loose. But yes the approach we have taken in public media may have been a little over-the-top, but if you knew Gianni, that's exactly how he does everything, he embraces the haters and let's them feed off his genius, and I love that about him. People are going to like us, and people are going to hate us. I'm just glad I got the opportunity to shine new light on the situation.

Thanks Chris for clarifying. I can see that coaching was one of the opportunities Trinity is offering you that GA didn't. I guess I'm still not sure how most of the best tumblers on your team are also those 14 that are from the "ghetto." They've clearly had lots of training in the past, probably scholarshipped, so it's not like the Davenports plucked them out of the "ghetto" and saved them from a life of hardship by putting them on Trinity. It's not like they had never cheered before until Cori found them and introduced them to the wonderful world of all-star cheer.

I don't really have a problem with your gym, or the music, or the uniforms, or whatever. I like the bus. It's smart. Best of luck to you all. I just don't like the way the gym has chosen to respond to all of the criticism.
I might be giving Trinity the benefit of the doubt, but for a bunch of people who claim to not know the goings-on of Trinity, and who constantly say that all we know is based off of their social media, all of you (and the post I'm quoting specifically rubbed me the wrong way) seem to talk like you know what's going on at the gym. You may think your questions come off as genuine curiosity, but they do not. They come off as rhetorical questions you're asking to prove that Trinity is not the place that was described, and yet how would you know? Who are you to come on here making all of these statements about the gym, in the form of sarcastic rhetorical questions, when you yourself know no more about Trinity than my grandmother (who, I'll have you know, does not know a lick about Trinity)? I don't care what Trinity has done publicly and what they have put on their social media sites, people need to stop using Trinity as some ploy to feed their ego. You (back to being general here, not this specific poster) are no more of a better person because you make yourself look better than someone else, I promise you that much.

This is literally the first time I've posted about Trinity at all, for one. I don't claim to know anything about Trinity. I don't really care about them, or their uniforms, or their bus, or their music. I like them all for that matter and haven't said a word in all of these threads about them.

I'd say the same about any gym that claims to be so much different or better than every other cheer gym.

For that matter, I also posted that post on my phone in the bathroom at work :oops: , so it wasn't exactly expressed as well as I would like. I certainly wasn't trying to attack anyone.
Yes these kids have had training in the past. But that was out of their passion for tumbling. And the areas they were doing it in we're not to say the best place to hangout as a child. But here not there I appreciate everyone's questions and I am glad to finally be able to clear some things up! thank you guys :) see you at the competitions!

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