All-Star Owners, Coaches And Athletes. Whose Accountable?!

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So the average joe would get fired but the higher position of power gets a pass? Double edged swords in a court of law don't pass that litmus test.
i didnt say he should get a pass, But hes the owner of a gym with hundreds of athletes, and coaches. Its not like they are going to kick him to the curb and leave hundreds of paying members stranded with no owner... So unless rockstar has other co owners, then no i cant see him being booted out.
We're dealing with 2 different situations and I agree that it should be up to The Major's on the pictures. The partying, however, is dealing with USASF adult members drinking/smoking with minor members and whether it happens at a sanctioned event does not matter. Teachers are still held accountable if it isn't happening on school grounds, coaches/owners will be held to the same standard.
i could see usasf possibly fining him of some form. And Im not familar with what coaches/owners have to go through to retain membership.... But i dont see them coming out and banning the gym from their competitions or anything massive.
dont get me wrong im not siding with this guy, but people want to start to compare a sexual molester to a douche who drank with teenagers is reaching......
and depending on how old that video is, and who is and isnt willing to cooperate, the law isnt going to do anything.
So the average joe would get fired but the higher position of power gets a pass? Double edged swords in a court of law don't pass that litmus test.

No, she is saying there is no one above him to fire him since he is the owner. No one's going to fire themselves. And USASF doesn't have the legal rights to fire him. They have abilities to do other things, if they wanted to, but they can't fire him from his job because they don't employ him. The worst they could do is ban the whole gym from eligablity for a period of time... which they wont do.
It's not USASF's problem because it's not at a USASF event or on their watch.

It's not USASF's problem because it's not at a USASF event or on their watch.

Are you responsible for an athlete breaking their necks tumbling on the grass at the park by themselves because you taught them that skill? No. Why? Because it didn't happen on your watch.

Yes, and they will only enforce those bolded sentences at a USASF event or on their watch.

Yes, it's Rockstar issue and their responsibility to enforce consequences. Not USASF's. Rockstar gets to create a code of conduct for their employees OUSTIDE of the gym. It is not the governing body's responsibility to do that.

Really not sure how much clearer I can get. If USASF tried to do something about this, they could be taken to court and sued because it could be argued that this is outside of their legal jurisdiction since it wasn't at a USASF event or on their watch. It's stated NOWHERE that they have the right to control things outside of places where athletes are not training or competing.
I don't need you to get clearer, your argument is dumb whether you obnoxiously repeat yourself or better yet bolde your responses it will still be dumb.

On their watch can be misinterpreted several different ways. Scrolling down my timeline if I were a USASF chair would very much be so on my watch.

I'f I'm physically there will the athlete is tumbling and I don't advise against absolutely because 1. I'm the adult 2. I am trained cheer/gymnastic coach 3. I made a commitment to keep athletes safe to the USASF and a playground is not an approved surface. If it were only children in the video I would have other thoughts but the gym owner a USASF member was in the video condoning/allowing/ and possibly supplying alcohol to minors. That is where it becomes a USASF issue, do you truly expect a gym owner to punish themselves, when the gym owner messes up in becomes a USASF issue as well as a potential criminal issue.
I don't need you to get clearer, your argument is dumb whether you obnoxiously repeat yourself or better yet bolde your responses it will still be dumb.

On their watch can be misinterpreted several different ways. Scrolling down my timeline if I were a USASF chair would very much be so on my watch.

I'f I'm physically there will the athlete is tumbling and I don't advise against absolutely because 1. I'm the adult 2. I am trained cheer/gymnastic coach 3. I made a commitment to keep athletes safe to the USASF and a playground is not an approved surface. If it were only children in the video I would have other thoughts but the gym owner a USASF member was in the video condoning/allowing/ and possibly supplying alcohol to minors. That is where it becomes a USASF issue, do you truly expect a gym owner to punish themselves, when the gym owner messes up in becomes a USASF issue as well as a potential criminal issue.
USASF cant fire the guy though. They could take drastic measures and ban him and his gym, but they wont. Its money driven industry, and money talks.
Mmmmmmmmmmm doubt it.

I don't really think the governing bodies want to get involved with this stuff. 1. Because it's rampant and 2. if anything illegal happens, why not just call the authorities? An adult providing alcohol to a minor? Illegal and should be dealt with by the authorities, not the USASF. Questionable photos? Needs to be left up to the parties involved - the athletes, the gym, the parents, and the Majors since their advertising was featured, not the USASF. If I were head of the USASF, I wouldn't want to touch this with a 30 ft pole.

Unpopular opinion, but I don't think the USASF should really be getting involved here and I don't think they should be regulating how athletes conduct themselves on social media. Thats up to the gyms and the parents of the children to decide. If the gyms and parents don't want to hand out punishments then c'est la vie.

I agree with many points in this post. I don't see USASF getting too heavily involved, maybe the MAJORS will step in, maybe the parents, who knows. It says that they strive for a safe environment for their athletes... and promote a positive image for the sport. If they stuck to this statement, many coaches would not be coaching, but that is not the case.
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i didnt say he should get a pass, But hes the owner of a gym with hundreds of athletes, and coaches. Its not like they are going to kick him to the curb and leave hundreds of paying members stranded with no owner... So unless rockstar has other co owners, then no i cant see him being booted out.

You miss the point, it is a USASF member organization and as a member organization you agree to a code of conduct, and as a governing body USASF puts itself at substantial legal liability risk on any future wrong doing if it doesn't take action. It could get worse if in the discovery process it is discovered they knew about previous incidents that went unreported to the public. This is exact what USA Gymnatsics and USA Swimming is experiencing. In these cases at the mere hint of a violation that could put them at risk they usually will take action based on consultation with their lawyers. In this case you have video evidence...
USASF cant fire the guy though. They could take drastic measures and ban him and his gym, but they wont. Its money driven industry, and money talks.
Money also talks in the terms in a lawsuit any accident or injury in his supervision, or at the gym this will come to the surface and he is exhibiting gross amounts of negligence which of course doesn't just make Rockstar Cheer look bad it makes the entire sport look terrible and that looks even worse for the USASF the sole body designed to protect its athletes and provide the public with the best image of the sport per their mission statement.
Money also talks in the terms in a lawsuit any accident or injury in his supervision, or at the gym this will come to the surface and he is exhibiting gross amounts of negligence which of course doesn't just make Rockstar Cheer look bad it makes the entire sport look terrible and that looks even worse for the USASF the sole body designed to protect its athletes and provide the public with the best image of the sport per their mission statement.
im just kinda over the argument, that we need to desperately make our sport look good to others. Why are we so desperate for attention. I did the sport for SO MANY years way back in the early 2000 era and i couldnt give a crap less if the sport was recognized, respected, etc. I did it cause i loved, not because i wanted people to respect me.
i miss the early 2000 era of cheer......
when you start involving to much money, is when a sport gets ruined... Im glad i aged out when i did.

its comparable to a lot of competitive youth sports, when adults start getting too involved in constantly wanting to win, win, win, or we need the fanciest gear, coaches, etc. is when the kids start to hate it.
to kids want to win, yes, do they want to wear a fancy uniform or go to a fancy competition sure, but i promise you that isnt the main reason kids choose to do a sport. Its when adults get involved and put that attitude of we need to win, we need the fancy gear and the fancy competitions or were irrelevant, kinda sucks the fun outta everything.

i only say this because i did competitive cheerleading and competitive horse show jumping for years. My parents never got too involved, they just wanted to see me be happy doing something, but i only quit show jumping because i was sick of the constant reminder by trainers and others that if i wasnt the best or winning 1st, i was crap. All i wanted to do was ride and enjoy it.
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i could see usasf possibly fining him of some form. And Im not familar with what coaches/owners have to go through to retain membership.... But i dont see them coming out and banning the gym from their competitions or anything massive.
dont get me wrong im not siding with this guy, but people want to start to compare a sexual molester to a douche who drank with teenagers is reaching......
and depending on how old that video is, and who is and isnt willing to cooperate, the law isnt going to do anything.

I'm sure any USASF consequences in this situation, if any, would be under the advisement of lawyers. While I'm not going to connect the dots with sexual predators and adults drinking with minors in this case, I don't think anyone is naive to the fact there is a very fine line between the two. As mom's say, frat boys don't give out free beer for no reason and watching it all go down doesn't make you innocent. Anyone in a profession dealing with kids is held to the standard of protecting them in all circumstances.
Someone may or may not file a police report. If they did, it would more than likely be filed away and forgotten unless something more serious were to come up, and in that case, it would be pretty damaging evidence.

ETA: I just got to the end of the thread and saw you said your peace. Ignore the response and carry on.
If what the tweet said was true ("Owner of Rockstar and coach of the Beatles") then I'm guessing Scott Foster.
That is what I thought but didn't want to make assumptions.

Not sure how relevant this information is but Scott Foster at least was a Varsity employee in the past, running some of the All Star brand stuff (cheerlebrity brand), not sure what his current status is there.
That is what I thought but didn't want to make assumptions.

Not sure how relevant this information is but Scott Foster at least was a Varsity employee in the past, running some of the All Star brand stuff (cheerlebrity brand), not sure what his current status is there.
Yea and he started and ran WSF, then sold that to Varsity a while back.

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