All-Star Prayers For Newton, Ct

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yes, sadly
Westboro Baptist Church Says It Will Picket Vigil For Connecticut School Shooting Victims

and the bomb threats mentioned earlier were at the church that the shooter attended along with 8 of the children who were killed.
Newtown, Connecticut Church Bomb Threat: St. Rose Of Lima Evacuated

There has been so much I cannot even comprehend since the murders occurred, but to add these two things on top of it all??????? How much more pain can these families be asked to endure?
This was on Cheer Parent Central's facebook. they normally post comp. results, but decided not to this weekend because of everything that happened.
Cheer Parents Central
We have decided to post one result from this weekend, we feel many people need to see this tonight:

One happy result from this weekends tragedy was the Krazy Kitty team from the USA Wildcats. A member of this team attends Sandy Hook Elementary. She competed Saturday with her team and performed an almost perfect routin
e. To see this young girl out on the mat with the biggest smile gave all of us hope that these children will be able to enjoy life even after seeing and experiencing such a gruesome event. We will always remember the teachers, staff and students who lost their lives but often the impact on the children, staff, and first responders gets lost in the shadows.
Omg I really worry about people these days!:(

Apparently there is a shooting just a little bit ago at a San Antonio movie theatre. No reports on any deaths just people wounded as of right now but I just can't take it..

I pray for everyone involved and all these kids that were at this school! I hope they are not scared and I could only imagine how hard it would be for me to console my own child had she experienced something like that. Also to that one girl in the first class room who was the only one to make it out alive I can't imagine how she is feeling. All her friends and classmates are gone! My heart breaks for that little girl and everyone involved!
I do not know if this is true, but my daughter just told me she heard the idiots at Westboro plan to picket at Sandy Hook funerals. I really wish those people would actually read their Bibles and work on comprehending the meaning behind the words - there is nothing Christian in their actions.
I witnessed a protest by the Westboro Baptist Church in my town once, and the things that they say and the fact that they use young children in their protests is horrific, and the thought of them protesting at any vigils in Newtown makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. Having witnessed them in person, I can say that they are honestly evil, horrible people and I hope that God brings the victims' families strength should they have to encounter these disgusting excuses for human beings. It's such a senseless tragedy, and I'm sure no words any of us say can appropriately express our sadness. 20 young lives were taken far too soon, and same goes for the 6 people who died trying to protect these babies. Sending all my prayers to Newtown
My school is in the next town over, and 10 minutes from Sandy Hook Elementary. I can't get over that this happened so close to home. My school was on modified lock down, and the middle/elementary schools in my school district were on full lock down. The fact that he could have gotten off a few exits down the highway and shot my school or one of the other schools in my region is absolutely terrifying. You would never expect anything like this to happen in Newtown, things like this never happen around here. I used to go to church in Newtown, and know some people who live there, but luckily none of them were involved. This incident was just horrible. Of all places, why an elementary school? Why kindergartners? They're just innocent kids who can't help themselves. Parents send their kids to school everyday expecting them to be somewhere safe. I can't even imagine what everyone involved is going through, and my thoughts and prayers are with them.

My aunt is a teacher in nearby Bethel, CT and is completely heartbroken. My love goes out to you, the families of those affected and those nearby who can do nothing but support each other during this time.
The world mourns with you.
My aunt is a teacher in nearby Bethel, CT and is completely heartbroken. My love goes out to you, the families of those affected and those nearby who can do nothing but support each other during this time.
The world mourns with you.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

I originally thought I knew nobody involved, but living so close, it was inevitable. I didn't know anyone personally, but my good friend's uncle was one of the first responders. I also found out that my neighbor's cousin was one of the children lost. I think that hit me the hardest.

Today at school, there definitely was sadness in the air. You could tell that something wasn't right, and it was rough day, especially in some of my classes, where my teachers talked about it, and were clearly still very upset. My school is having a school-wide assembly tomorrow morning to reflect on the events and remember.

I also cannot believe the threat at Saint Rose. My family is apart of that church, and I was confirmed there. It is such an amazing parish, and it being threatened on top of everything that already happened is completely awful. The most wonderful people belong there, and don't deserve this, especially after everything they've been through.

Throughout everything awful that has happened though, I am amazed at how the whole country and even world has come together. Almost everyone at school today was wearing green and white, Sandy Hook's colors, and things are already being planned through school clubs to help out everyone involved.
The best way to handle Westboro Baptist is to build a "human wall" and just block them out. They protested a funeral of a local solider who died overseas in my hometown about a year ago. Random strangers got word of it and showed up in droves to stand in front of them with their backs to them while they protested. They stood between them and the church so that the family of the deceased did not have to see them. They make their money by angering people to the point where they take action and try to physically harm them, at which point they sue (and win, because as awful as it is, they are protected under the first amendment). They feed of the attention they get and the more riled up they make people, the better (in their eyes). And they do all of this in the name of Jesus, it's absolutely disgusting. I know it's SO hard, but ignoring them will tick them off more than arguing back with them. There is no reasoning with them.

I'm sure people will be there to help block them out. If I was anywhere near there I'm sure I would be too. I urge anyone nearby to look into helping. No family should have to see or hear their vile message while burying their child.
There was a picture of it somewhere but I'm on my phone and can't post it. Among one of the teachers was one named Victoria Soto. When the gunman came she hid all of her kids in cabinets and closets to protect them, and when the gunman came she told him they were in the gym. This was when he shot her and moved on to the next victims. In the end she was the true hero, because NOT ONE of her students were injured. God bless her and rest in peace angel
Now they are saying that his mother wasn't a teacher there and they can't find her name on the sub list so they're not even sure what ties there are to the school. She possibly volunteered there at some point.

In any case it is just senseless and tragic. Leave the list of names. I didn't know them but they're in my heart now.
I searched the school website. She is not on the staff list.

I'm sure the coaches won't mind if I share this pic...

This is Austin Peay State University... They practice at CCE the gym Jaylen came from. I think this pic is awesome!

I spy someone related to SharkDad I do believe lol

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