Private Lesson Supervision

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Whaaat?! Texting... thats ridiculous. Don't they just want your money anyway... I wouldn't go back.
Its by far the best gym in the area-which makes leaving very-very difficult. What blew me away was ya'll responses. I thought ALL Coaches did it, although they don't always do it during every private,if your on their "special list" then they will pay better attention. Ya know how it is. Nice to hear it may not be a nation wide Coach disease.
I have seen coaches texting during privates at our gym, I have even done it a few times. If my kids are home alone (they are 10 and 12) and they call or text, I'm answering it. It's not a regular thing, and the conversations are always short and sweet. I have also answered a text and/or phone call from our owner regardless of whether it's a private or tumbling class. I definitely don't think that makes me a bad coach. I am definitely not and advocate for it at all, but I do believe there are times (very RARE times) that something needs to be answered right away and they have to text back. On the parent side of that, Emileigh has been in a tumbling class with one specific coach (he no longer works at our gym) that was constantly on his phone texting or talking. It used to drive me absolutely crazy!!! So basically, my opinion on this is that as long as it's not done routinely or in excess, it's not a huge deal. My feeling is if the coach is ignoring the kids he or she is giving privates to by being on his/her phone, and it bothers the kid/parent, then they need to give their hard earned money to a coach that will give them proper attention. They also need to be informing the gym manager/owner to let them know what is going on.
I used to take privates at a gymnastics place where the coach would text a lot and constantly have conversations with another coach in the middle of my privates. he would just absentmindedly spot me while talking to the other person. I never said anything about it but I didn't stay too long there either. and I'm not sure if this is the norm or not, but would you "wait your turn" for equipment use if you're doing a private? we were in a gymnastics gym so he would be like "oh let's wait for this girl to finish practicing her floor routine so we can use this floor" and we'd just stand there for a couple minutes and watch the girl, waiting for her to finish. and this happened up to 3-4 times per private hour. and other times there'd be a couple girls in a class using the tumble track and he'd be like "oh let's go on tumble track now" and then I'd have to waste time and wait my turn, which I didn't think was right since I was pretty much paying him by the minute and we could've been doing something else, but is that what everyone else does?
sometimes he would only text when I was getting a drink of water or something, which I thought was fine. I do agree with the person who said coaches pay better attention if you're on their "special list", which of course isn't right but it always happens.
there definitely needs to be someone else in the gym during a private, just in case of anything. cameras would be an added security measure
It can be children texting or their parents texting you about scheduling privates, injury updates, or even other coaches giving instructions for the rest of the day, informing they wont be in etc. It is not always a personal pleasure issue; many times it is job related or as McLovin said family related. My general rule is to check for messages when the athlete taking a private takes a water break/bathroom break. A person who may see me texting then may think that I am doing it during a private but what I am doing is doing while the private is on break. When they come back, I finish the text and get back to instructing.

@ allstarx3 - It sounds like you were dealing with a coach who could care less about your cheerleading tumbling and pretty much just took the money. That is unfortunate. You are paying for time in the gym just like the gymnastics kids - if the gym gets a cut of the private money. Even if the gym does not get a cut - the coach is techinically providing a service at that gym that allows that gym to enhance their offerings to others outside their doors. Either way that is not great customer service.
I will also admit that I have texted during a practice or private. 90% it's a the very beginning of a practice and there are kids missing so I am checking to see if we got an email or a text from them. Sometimes I am going thru saved texts because we have our kids text if they are going to be late or miss a practice, so I may be checking the ones who are missing to see if they have communicated anything to me. Since we have so many kids that drive themselves to practice, I always like to send a text if they are not there 10 min into practice just to make sure all is ok and to call if needed.

Other times I have texted, it has been with the front desk at the gym (there is a huge wall and office space you have to walk thru) asking if so and so is at practice, about reminders for handouts/payments/notes, etc. Or another coach asking a question. Or I have sent a video of a skill to our resident legalities person to make sure it is legal, or posting a video of a new tumbling skill to the gym FB page (the kids get super excited when they get home from practice and see it up already)

RARELY has it been a strictly personal text - most of the times I can think of are family issues - when my father in law dog had to be put down unexpectedly, when my sisters eye surgery went wrong, when my mother in law had a stroke, etc. (and in all these cases I responded 1-2 times and then finished practice before calling)

Overall I think texting - if kept to a real minimum is ok (heck 95% of the kids try to get a quick text in on their 2 min water break)

I should add that at my day job (in the medical field) we use texting all the time: meeting reminders; therapy schedules; locating patients; coordinating shower, therapy, meal times, etc
Happy would be livid if a coach was texting instead of teaching.
Hoooh boy that Txtin-Talking during privates sure did get some undies in a bundle, except for Ace Dad and allstar x3, it looks like all the rest of the responses are from Coachs ? explaining their need to text or talk on cell phones ?

1st. if you all feel the need to explain WHY your texting during Privates or Team Practices to essentially a Mom ya'll don't even know--this must be a sore subject with alot of people.

2nd. try to see it from the Paying customers point of view. At $30.00/30 mins,the paying customer expects FULL ATTENTION be paid to the CL. We all have careers, we all have someone we have to report to. WE all need to be setting the example of how we wished to be treated. Texting & talking during Privates or Team Practice is not professional, courteous, its rude & shows your students rude behavior. If you know your team practice schedual, your privates schedual, then you set up your phone calls of business, children, parents to be received at a time of YOUR convenience. Not my CL's private time. Thats why we all have voice mail, answering machines, receptionists, or volunteers to take those calls. That why during the school year ya'll have 7 hours during the daytime to conduct gym business. Ask the Gym Owners or Coaches how they survived before answering machines, voice mail, e-mail, twitter or facebook?

3rd. ANYTHING that is an Emergency, come on use your common sense,no-one will fault a Coach for taking THAT particular call or text. But these are not emergency txts or calls. And yes it may take only a few mins to respond to a txt or call but then add up all those few txts or calls and see how much Time your attention is not on the CL. I watched it for 2 years, privately discussed it with them, their reasons were just like many stated by ya'll, but with a tone of voice that was rude & irritable. MANY parents discussed it with the Coaches. NO CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR. I think all cell phones be should left in offices till you have a free moment between appts. Its just way too easy to use it if its with you in the gym. But most of all it shows Extreme disrespect to the very customer who YOU should be setting the example for---the cheer leader.
Hoooh boy that Txtin-Talking during privates sure did get some undies in a bundle, except for Ace Dad and allstar x3, it looks like all the rest of the responses are from Coachs ? explaining their need to text or talk on cell phones ?

1st. if you all feel the need to explain WHY your texting during Privates or Team Practices to essentially a Mom ya'll don't even know--this must be a sore subject with alot of people.

2nd. try to see it from the Paying customers point of view. At $30.00/30 mins,the paying customer expects FULL ATTENTION be paid to the CL. We all have careers, we all have someone we have to report to. WE all need to be setting the example of how we wished to be treated. Texting & talking during Privates or Team Practice is not professional, courteous, its rude & shows your students rude behavior. If you know your team practice schedual, your privates schedual, then you set up your phone calls of business, children, parents to be received at a time of YOUR convenience. Not my CL's private time. Thats why we all have voice mail, answering machines, receptionists, or volunteers to take those calls. That why during the school year ya'll have 7 hours during the daytime to conduct gym business. Ask the Gym Owners or Coaches how they survived before answering machines, voice mail, e-mail, twitter or facebook?

3rd. ANYTHING that is an Emergency, come on use your common sense,no-one will fault a Coach for taking THAT particular call or text. But these are not emergency txts or calls. And yes it may take only a few mins to respond to a txt or call but then add up all those few txts or calls and see how much Time your attention is not on the CL. I watched it for 2 years, privately discussed it with them, their reasons were just like many stated by ya'll, but with a tone of voice that was rude & irritable. MANY parents discussed it with the Coaches. NO CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR. I think all cell phones be should left in offices till you have a free moment between appts. Its just way too easy to use it if its with you in the gym. But most of all it shows Extreme disrespect to the very customer who YOU should be setting the example for---the cheer leader.

Interesting how you say the coaches who responded undies are in a bunch over the subject. It seems like a few positions were explained and why. Nothing insensitive or defensive at all. We cant speak for the coaches that you were dealing with that according to your post were rude and irritable or didn't get it. I clearly understand your position and the reason why you feel the way you do.

In my example I said that I check if I have messages when the athlete asks for a water break, go to the bathroom. Not while he/she is on the floor. Do I have to? No. I could go jump on the trampoline, go chase the sibling that shouldn't be on the floor that some parents let come out there anyway because they are bored waiting, or twiddle my thumbs until they come back. (there is some sarcasm in that last sentence) I honestly would prefer that kids or parents did not have my number at all to text me. One less thing to be concerned about as a male coach. But because of the nature this business of parents scheduling privates with me, some at the last minute, checking to see if there is a cancelation so they can get someone in, etc. has made it a necessity. Even though I now book 90% of my privates online, I still will get texts. Some gyms are just run that way. That is how they are used to communicating.

How do you feel about the office staff if they are on duty at that time interupting the private over and over again bringing messages about privates? Is that viewed differently because a person is actually interupting? They are still interupting your time. On some days I have done privates from doors open to doors closed. If a parent that texted trying to reach me that day but I did not respond until the next day because of how late I got off work then that would raise a whole different issue.

I think that using them can be abused and taken advantage of. Or it can be moderated responsibly by parent, coach and gym.
I think anything can wait 30 minutes, or until the child needs a water break. I would never support any coach blatantly on their phone in the middle of instruction.
I am the office manager for a company that does privates and tumbling clinics. Now that we are getting more staff members, the owner is working on giving his current, private cell phone to me to handle since he has trouble getting back to everyone at a reasonable speed with constant privates going on. He will then get a new phone and I will be the one calling and texting him with anything super important, that way he doesn't have to read and listen to all messages to figure out what is urgent. This is just a small company that deals with strictly tumbling. I would hope that busy, established gyms could get some kind of office person to do the same to avoid this unprofessional cell phone issue.
Hoooh boy that Txtin-Talking during privates sure did get some undies in a bundle, except for Ace Dad and allstar x3, it looks like all the rest of the responses are from Coachs ? explaining their need to text or talk on cell phones ?

1st. if you all feel the need to explain WHY your texting during Privates or Team Practices to essentially a Mom ya'll don't even know--this must be a sore subject with alot of people.

2nd. try to see it from the Paying customers point of view. At $30.00/30 mins,the paying customer expects FULL ATTENTION be paid to the CL. We all have careers, we all have someone we have to report to. WE all need to be setting the example of how we wished to be treated. Texting & talking during Privates or Team Practice is not professional, courteous, its rude & shows your students rude behavior. If you know your team practice schedual, your privates schedual, then you set up your phone calls of business, children, parents to be received at a time of YOUR convenience. Not my CL's private time. Thats why we all have voice mail, answering machines, receptionists, or volunteers to take those calls. That why during the school year ya'll have 7 hours during the daytime to conduct gym business. Ask the Gym Owners or Coaches how they survived before answering machines, voice mail, e-mail, twitter or facebook?

3rd. ANYTHING that is an Emergency, come on use your common sense,no-one will fault a Coach for taking THAT particular call or text. But these are not emergency txts or calls. And yes it may take only a few mins to respond to a txt or call but then add up all those few txts or calls and see how much Time your attention is not on the CL. I watched it for 2 years, privately discussed it with them, their reasons were just like many stated by ya'll, but with a tone of voice that was rude & irritable. MANY parents discussed it with the Coaches. NO CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR. I think all cell phones be should left in offices till you have a free moment between appts. Its just way too easy to use it if its with you in the gym. But most of all it shows Extreme disrespect to the very customer who YOU should be setting the example for---the cheer leader.

1. Not a sore subject at all! I responded because it was a great off shoot of a topic!
2. Some coaches coach completely for fun (me) and have full time job during the day as well. My typical day starts at my day job from between 8 & 9 am to 5 - 5:30 and then 6 - 930 at the gym. So I am answering texts and emails throughout the day.
3. Unfortunately there is not a clock in the gym (not sure why, I have asked but have not received an answer) so I use my phone (with the alarm set) for checking time during practices and privates. Ringer is NOT on but is set on light up. Yes I know I could buy a watch but in all honesty I would never remember to put it on at the gym.

I am not saying that what the coaches did to your child was sounds like it was excessive and even when you brought up your concerns, those concerns were ignored - That is not right. I am hoping that you were able to get it resolved!
Interesting how you say the coaches who responded undies are in a bunch over the subject. It seems like a few positions were explained and why. Nothing insensitive or defensive at all. We cant speak for the coaches that you were dealing with that according to your post were rude and irritable or didn't get it. I clearly understand your position and the reason why you feel the way you do.

In my example I said that I check if I have messages when the athlete asks for a water break, go to the bathroom. Not while he/she is on the floor. Do I have to? No. I could go jump on the trampoline, go chase the sibling that shouldn't be on the floor that some parents let come out there anyway because they are bored waiting, or twiddle my thumbs until they come back. (there is some sarcasm in that last sentence) I honestly would prefer that kids or parents did not have my number at all to text me. One less thing to be concerned about as a male coach. But because of the nature this business of parents scheduling privates with me, some at the last minute, checking to see if there is a cancelation so they can get someone in, etc. has made it a necessity. Even though I now book 90% of my privates online, I still will get texts. Some gyms are just run that way. That is how they are used to communicating.

How do you feel about the office staff if they are on duty at that time interupting the private over and over again bringing messages about privates? Is that viewed differently because a person is actually interupting? They are still interupting your time. On some days I have done privates from doors open to doors closed. If a parent that texted trying to reach me that day but I did not respond until the next day because of how late I got off work then that would raise a whole different issue.

I think that using them can be abused and taken advantage of. Or it can be moderated responsibly by parent, coach and gym.

Yup sarcasm so noted. Though I do not think it was called for. You can txt anyone , anywhere, anytime you want to, but NOT when you are conducting a private that a parent is paying You for. Its rude, unprofessional and shows a great disregard for the very CL You should be setting an example for.
Please read my original message, I clearly state "I wish our Coachs would Teach the private instead of txting or talking on the phone, or chit chatting with others in the gym. & The volunteer Moms or the Receptionist were instructed not to interrupt during practice or privates. Of course they also got burned by the Coachs for NOT interrupting with messages they deemed "IMPORTANT". You couldn't win for trying.

Like ACE DAD said at the Ace of Alabama Gym --NO PHONES IN THE GYM. I think this policy should be adopted by alll gyms. Now that is demonstrating responsible consumer behavior. And our CL's are NOT allowed their phones in the gym. :cheer:

Yup sarcasm so noted. Though I do not think it was called for. You can txt anyone , anywhere, anytime you want to, but NOT when you are conducting a private that a parent is paying You for. Its rude, unprofessional and shows a great disregard for the very CL You should be setting an example for.
Please read my original message, I clearly state "I wish our Coachs would Teach the private instead of txting or talking on the phone, or chit chatting with others in the gym. & The volunteer Moms or the Receptionist were instructed not to interrupt during practice or privates. Of course they also got burned by the Coachs for NOT interrupting with messages they deemed "IMPORTANT". You couldn't win for trying.

Like ACE DAD said at the Ace of Alabama Gym --NO PHONES IN THE GYM. I think this policy should be adopted by alll gyms. Now that is demonstrating responsible consumer behavior. And our CL's are NOT allowed their phones in the gym. :cheer:

I agree with you more than I disagree with you. On principle I dont think anything and anyone should take away from the intructional time - which I could list way more than what I sarcastically put out there. When the way I listed only does it when the child is on break, not during any other time. It appears even that is unreasonable to you. I actually do not keep my phone in my pocket but in a nearby cubbie, in a safe place by where the private is taking place like a table or ledge or on the desk.
I check it on their break when they ask for it. I may be running privates or classes back to back and have no free time between appointments to check it so I do it then.

Leaving the phones is the office is a great idea. If the office is secured. If no one messes with your phones. If no one steals it. Not every gym in the country is that secure. Or immune from nosy people picking up your phone.

You did mention about your coaches last after you jumped on the ones who responded. And while you did not clear state "I wish our coaches" you did say you approached them about the behavior for 2 years along with other parents. Again this is after you jumped on the ones that responded.

Originally Posted by perfectcheermom

Hoooh boy that Txtin-Talking during privates sure did get some undies in a bundle, except for Ace Dad and allstar x3, it looks like all the rest of the responses are from Coachs ? explaining their need to text or talk on cell phones ?

1st. if you all feel the need to explain WHY your texting during Privates or Team Practices to essentially a Mom ya'll don't even know--this must be a sore subject with alot of people.

2nd. try to see it from the Paying customers point of view. At $30.00/30 mins,the paying customer expects FULL ATTENTION be paid to the CL. We all have careers, we all have someone we have to report to. WE all need to be setting the example of how we wished to be treated. Texting & talking during Privates or Team Practice is not professional, courteous, its rude & shows your students rude behavior. If you know your team practice schedual, your privates schedual, then you set up your phone calls of business, children, parents to be received at a time of YOUR convenience. Not my CL's private time. Thats why we all have voice mail, answering machines, receptionists, or volunteers to take those calls. That why during the school year ya'll have 7 hours during the daytime to conduct gym business. Ask the Gym Owners or Coaches how they survived before answering machines, voice mail, e-mail, twitter or facebook?

3rd. ANYTHING that is an Emergency, come on use your common sense,no-one will fault a Coach for taking THAT particular call or text. But these are not emergency txts or calls. And yes it may take only a few mins to respond to a txt or call but then add up all those few txts or calls and see how much Time your attention is not on the CL. I watched it for 2 years, privately discussed it with them, their reasons were just like many stated by ya'll, but with a tone of voice that was rude & irritable. MANY parents discussed it with the Coaches. NO CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR. I think all cell phones be should left in offices till you have a free moment between appts. Its just way too easy to use it if its with you in the gym. But most of all it shows Extreme disrespect to the very customer who YOU should be setting the example for---the cheer leader.
Definitely don't have my panties in wad. They are actually fitting very comfortably right now. :) You have an absolute right to feel the way you do. I actually do have the privilege of seeing both sides and that's exactly what I see, both sides. I would agree with the "no phones in the gym" policy for the most part. I don't think any coach needs to be on their phone doing anything while instructing. But there's always exceptions to every rule IMO. Most coaches will actually leave the gym and take a drink break when they give their classes a drink break. They check their phones at that time. Is it any different if they check their phones while sitting inside the gym waiting for the kids to get back from their break? I don't think you can judge every situation the same. For me as a parent, I want to know that the coaches are there to help my kids get better. As long as they are doing that, and giving them proper attention, I'm not going to complain. If I notice this not happening, for whatever reason, I'm going to say something.

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