All-Star Rip Casey May

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Bullying has gotten out of hand. I know TXcheermom recently had to deal with a bully situation with one of her daughters. Some of the things she posted on her facebook that these girls said to cp on the phone was atrocious...
My 8 year old gets bullied constantly at school by one boy and the school does nothing to stop it. It's gotten to the point where she has to defend herself when he pushes her, and then we get the phone call about HER behavior!
My younger brother had this problem when he was little, it was bad. In both elementary and middle school he fought back once and got in trouble both times. He's know home schooled. (The whole story is way more but I think he would be mad if he found out I told the story even anonymously, teenager). I wish kids understood how long term the effects can be that they leave. I know it's bad to encourage "fighting" but good for your little girl STANDING UP for herself.
I feel so sad for Casey and her family. In January, a young high school cheerleader in our community committed suicide by throwing herself in front of a moving train. It breaks my heart that these kids don't realize how many people love them. I agree with the poster above that said these bullies are murderers. RIP Casey.
MyDaughterCheers said:
I feel so sad for Casey and her family. In January, a young high school cheerleader in our community committed suicide by throwing herself in front of a moving train. It breaks my heart that these kids don't realize how many people love them. I agree with the poster above that said these bullies are murderers. RIP Casey.

How HORRIFIC!!! I can't imagine pain of that magnitude. It's truly heart wrenching.
I'm kinda with Kyle here. What was the bullying? I haven't heard anything that says what was supposedly happening and the article says she was upset over a relationship.

It's not like I'm in favor of bullying, but I also want the truth to be told.
I'm kinda with Kyle here. What was the bullying? I haven't heard anything that says what was supposedly happening and the article says she was upset over a relationship.

It's not like I'm in favor of bullying, but I also want the truth to be told.

I have to agree, it seems like with every suicide people go right to calling it a victim of bullying. Not saying that she wasn't bullied, but the article said nothing about bullying. It is possible that it happened without bullying and life just got too tough for her to live through. Maybe focus more on just sending prayers and less on pointing the finger at bullying when right now it isn't clear that is what the reason was.

This may be an opinion that many do not agree with, and if you don't and it offends you I seriously apologize, but I honestly think it is better to not wonder why. I feel this way because no matter what no one is going to understand why someone chooses to end their life. I have had to go through this for a year and a half and part of my healing process was letting go of why and realizing there is no turning back. I have no desire to know why someone took their life because I don't want to ever feel the pain that they were feeling leading up to that act.

Put a stop to bullying but let that person rest in peace.
Rest In Peace </3.

But she didnt die of bullying, she died of a depression related suicide. Just as terrible and just as horrible, but different.
Im not trying to show any disrespect, but politically framing the death of a child for the furtherance of a cause isnt something I can passively ignore.
Im not sure the accuracy of the post.. but however it did look like a snapshot.. it was on twitter and it was a message that was supposedly sent to casey may.. (dont shoot the messenger here) I am just hopefully trying to bring some light into the confusion if she was bullied or not and from what I saw in this picture of a message that was sent to this girl.. she was broken up with and then bullied because of it.. and like I said it was on twitter circulating so... I really dont know *looks legit* RIP Casey and Jeff
I've asked that my previous post regarding Facebook be removed because I agree, this isn't the place for this sort of discussion, that wasn't my intention. The Bully Movie was on my mind already because I read about it, then heard about the rating battles yesterday. I did not know Casey well, but do know some of the girls at our gym very well who are really struggling to come to terms with her death.

Really, I just wanted to say thanks for the love and support and also ask if everyone could suppport these girls next weekend during their performance in Orlando. Sigh, long days ahead.
Irregardless of how or why or what the circumstances, we are all saddened by Casey's death. I pray she has found peace and that her family and friends can focus on the joy of her life.
Bullying has gotten out of hand. I know TXcheermom recently had to deal with a bully situation with one of her daughters. Some of the things she posted on her facebook that these girls said to cp on the phone was atrocious...
My 8 year old gets bullied constantly at school by one boy and the school does nothing to stop it. It's gotten to the point where she has to defend herself when he pushes her, and then we get the phone call about HER behavior!
Not gonna hijack a thread here, but my son gets bullied EVERY SINGLE DAY for being a male cheerleader. He started Allstar in the 6th grade, he's in the 8th now. We've worked with him a lot to build positive outlets and help him find the confidence to deal with it. I say all that because I'm also a high school principal and let me just say specifically there isn't much a school CAN do to stop it. This is a societal issue, yet the schools and the teachers seem to take the hit when we can't correct society's ills. I don't get that. We do the best we can but the day I figure out how to control what 1100 students say on Facebook, tweet or what comes out of their mouth in the hallway, I'll retire and buy a small island off Tahiti. Suspensions and punishments don't work because the kids involved ( and usually their families) could care less about being suspended from school. This is something everyone has to rise up against, 1 administrator and 60 teachers versus 1100 kids...yeah, those odds won't get you anywhere.
There are so many words I could use to describe your situation with your 8 year old. Horrifying, disgusting, unfortunate, ridiculous are the first that come to mind, but only after UNACCEPTABLE. I am so sorry that so many are dealing with this and the schools just do not seem to want to get too involved. I can only hope that one step at a time, a difference WILL be made.
I wake up every morning and go to work as a high school principal because I've dedicated my life to kids. I'm trying not to be offended for me and my colleagues, but if you give me the answer for just exactly how I'm supposed to change behavior in 1100 students that I see for 6 hours a day when their parents have them for 22 and don't seem to want to get involved themselves, I'll do it and teach everyone else how to as well. Somewhere the job of schools seems to be less about educating and more about raising a 6 hours a day with no parent support.
Hello everyone, I was a member at Florida wildcats for seven years and just stopped last year, I am still in the gym everyday either tumbling or filling in for someone and I just saw Casey on Tuesday. I was always on ladycatz so we never cheered together but she was an amazing girl that brought a lot of talent to fiercecatz. Everyone is so shocked because she always seemed so happy and noone saw this coming. Her and her girlfriend of a few years had some problems and the girlfriend moved to Cali about a week ago. Casey was very upset about this, then a girl from her school posted on her FB wall an extremely hateful long post saying her gf cheated on her and she wasnt good for anything. This post is what people think pushed her over the edge so that's why everyone is considering it bullying, but yes it was also a combination of the relationship problems. Sorry this was really long but I hope it cleared up some confusion! All of our teams are wearing yellow bows this weekend for her. Thank you for all the support it means a lot. RIP Casey May <3
this breaks my heart and it hits close to home.. my boyfriend deals with depression and I've gone through it myself. He's getting better but it started with a relationship gone bad and bullying from the mom. I wish people could see that things WILL get better, suicide is not the answer :(
I wake up every morning and go to work as a high school principal because I've dedicated my life to kids. I'm trying not to be offended for me and my colleagues, but if you give me the answer for just exactly how I'm supposed to change behavior in 1100 students that I see for 6 hours a day when their parents have them for 22 and don't seem to want to get involved themselves, I'll do it and teach everyone else how to as well. Somewhere the job of schools seems to be less about educating and more about raising a 6 hours a day with no parent support.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend and readily admit I don't have that answer. My mom taught for 43 years, my sister currently teaches elementary in an extremely poor and drug-infested school district. I should have been more sensitive with my words - I'm an involved parent and think others should be too, and when I hear an involved parent with a miserable child cannot get any assistance from the child's school, I get angry. The burden cannot be placed solely on the schools, yet many parents don't want it either so how to get this under a manageable control? I don't know, but I am sorry for offending you.

RIP Casey, and a big thank you to all the teams wearing yellow bows this weekend to promote suicide prevention.

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