High School Routine Choreography Question

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You guys are awesome. Unfortunately, our team is not strong in stunting and is lacking in full squad tumbling. I think that this year will be a "trial" year to see how things go. I will make sure that we stick with clean and executed, even if it's not as difficult since it all scores the same. I have the team conditioning by running laps and singing the school song. :D

Off track..what are some other ways I can condition them for 2 minutes of routine + chanting?
I have the team conditioning by running laps and singing the school song. :D

Off track..what are some other ways I can condition them for 2 minutes of routine + chanting?
Love that! My team did that but we yelled our routine cheer. Another thing we did was to do the routine full out an then set it right back up and do it full out again. The second time through is hell (hope I'm allowed to say that word here, if not I apologize), but when you run through it again just once it seems much easier. We also did this game conditioning, "oval office" basically you split the team into two groups and one group runs 10 laps around the mat and the others stay in the "office" aka center of the mat and do some sort of conditioning until the runners finish. Then they switch. Each time do one (or two) less laps. We always did this at the end of practice.
We used to do a 45 second cheer for Counties/Sectionals and it was brutal because so much needed to be included. My suggestion to practice and get your "shouting stamina" up is to do the words while running, or conditioning etc. By doing this, you're memorizing the cheer and getting it timed but also getting your body conditioned for it. My coach would make us do the running cheer and then the actual cheer with the "stunts/jumps/tumbling" back to back. It really helped!
Thanks! One last question (I think!). About how many lines (8 counts) of cheer would be in a 2 minute routine? I was thinking a bit slower-paced than the average allstar routine. I don't want to write it then have to take a bunch of it out or add some...my team isn't flexible to many changes.
Thanks! One last question (I think!). About how many lines (8 counts) of cheer would be in a 2 minute routine? I was thinking a bit slower-paced than the average allstar routine. I don't want to write it then have to take a bunch of it out or add some...my team isn't flexible to many changes.
For a 1 minute section in routines I competed, we usually had around 4 parts with 4 lines in each of those parts.... when I typed out a cheer from the video I posted earlier though, it seemed about 8 parts but some weren't 4 verses long. Some teams chanted stuff like:
bulldogs (x) (x)
bulldogs (x) (x)"
several times or "we are ______" then cleaned and moved before picking back up to a new verse which takes up extra time.

It might help to just type up a lot of the cheers that teams did last year and then compare to see around how many verses are used overall and then create and adjust your cheer according to that number (obviously not copying those cheers/verses, but for line # purposes).
Out of curiosity, what skills are you thinking of including in the routine?
I got bored today and came up with about 35 seconds of a cheer to get you started if you haven't already, but I wasn't exactly sure about skills so I just sort of went with it (standing tumbling first since squads usually want it out of the way, then stunts since you said that your team wasn't particularly strong in that area)....

Here we go (x) -motions/standing tumbling or jumps maybe
Frank-lin, that’s right!
Back in a flash
It’s the blue (x)(x)(x) and white (x) yeah!

We’ll light up the sky
Watch and you’ll see
Yell F-C (x) (x) H-S (pause) -set for stunts on pause
On 1, 2 , 3 (x) -dip for stunts on numbers or all dip on 1 for a tick tock?

F-C (x) (x) -spirit in stunts/ use clean motions/ cradle at some point
Franklin Vic-to-ry
F-C (x) (x)
Franklin Vic-to-ry
Can’t hear you!
F-C (x) (x)
Franklin Vic-to-ry

Let me know if you want some more ideas,etc.
I really like figuring out routines and have some time on my hands for the next week or so!:)
Out of curiosity, what skills are you thinking of including in the routine?
I got bored today and came up with about 35 seconds of a cheer to get you started if you haven't already, but I wasn't exactly sure about skills so I just sort of went with it (standing tumbling first since squads usually want it out of the way, then stunts since you said that your team wasn't particularly strong in that area)....

Here we go (x) -motions/standing tumbling or jumps maybe
Frank-lin, that’s right!
Back in a flash
It’s the blue (x)(x)(x) and white (x) yeah!

We’ll light up the sky
Watch and you’ll see
Yell F-C (x) (x) H-S (pause) -set for stunts on pause
On 1, 2 , 3 (x) -dip for stunts on numbers or all dip on 1 for a tick tock?

F-C (x) (x) -spirit in stunts/ use clean motions/ cradle at some point
Franklin Vic-to-ry
F-C (x) (x)
Franklin Vic-to-ry
Can’t hear you!
F-C (x) (x)
Franklin Vic-to-ry

Let me know if you want some more ideas,etc.
I really like figuring out routines and have some time on my hands for the next week or so!:)
This just maaaade my week! You're awesome. Skills-wise, we don't have advanced stunting AT ALL. I think our coach is crazy for having us compete in the first place. It will probably end up being a straight up lib with two body positions to a full down. Maybe some neat transitional stuff. As for tumbling, we have some non-tumblers, but most can do a round off backhandspring. We have several tucks and a layout or two. Five or six standing tucks. We're a squad of 15 or 16...not sure if a certain girl will be cleared to compete by then. (praying she is, she's our best tumbler!)
With this score sheet, difficulty really isn’t that many points compared to having sharp motions and cleanliness. Therefore, I’d think that a very clean intermediate stunt sequence could potentially score just as well as a team that does more difficult stunts but are shaky/drop overall, especially since partner stunts are basically only worth 5 points (10 points total when combined with pyramids). Jumps alone are worth more than that technically ;) . Everything HAS to be robot sharp though. I would spend a majority of your time on motion technique, cleaning, and doing quite a lot of jumps every practice to build up that technique. If you can get your team to the loud spirit and cleanliness of routines such as some of the Michigan high school cheer routines minus the 800 head bobbles (example: Southgate Anderson Round 3 @ 2012 State Finals - YouTube ), with this score sheet it should trump routines that may have high difficulty stunting/tumbling but are sloppy and not loud.

I’d strategize by doing the order something like (in addition to clean motions and transitions):
-5/6 solid standing tucks, also majority squad standing BHS with 5/6 adding a tuck on the end if able and clean (non tumblers could do motions, butt rolls to the side, etc etc..)
-ground up libs in groups of 4 (flyers do motions to spirit to crowd), clean & reload, transitional stunt thing to go back up to scorp/scale full down or similar combo
- jump combo of right front hurdler to double toe
- group of RO BHS to the back, synchronized passes in groups of 2 to the corners for tucks (needs to be perfect timing), could have the layouts go together if timed right or spread them out to go separately and give the impression that there is more tumbling
* chant during running tumbling *
- three clean 360 baskets
- clean pyramid (1 simple release move if allowed), hit 2 structures
Running a mile while having your squad yell the words helps TREMENOUSLY. Last year my team was the only that was heard throughout the arena!
You guys have helped a TON. I just finished the cheer...please critique!! cheerforeverever your idea really helped me get started! Thanks!

Here we go! X
Frank-lin, that’s right! X
Here in a flash
It’s the blue, and white
With a new dream in sight
We want the gold
The fame
The title, we will hold
You will learn our name
We’re the Flashes, that’s right! X

We’ll light up the sky
And tear up this floor
Yell F-C-H-S
On 1, 2, 3, 4
Flashes vic-tor-y!
Can’t hear you!
Flashes vic-tor-y! X
To a whole new degree!

This year’s the beginning
Of a legacy of winning
Franklin, Central
The best, you can see!
We may be new
But we’re surely improved
Fans, show some love
For the white and blue
We’re fierce, with spirit
And we want that crown
Will never!

Prepare for defeat
When the Flashes take the floor
A new force to reckon with
Nobody can ignore
Our spirit
Our style
You know we’re number 1
So say he-llo to your new champion!

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