High School Seniors With No Work Ethic

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Contract was approved by my AD! Say a prayer for me though... you know how cheer parents can be!
Yep! When my mom coached my team in middle school, one parent called flipping out because her daughter (who missed 80% of practices) wasn't a flyer... Needless to say my mom won that argument, but in general I've realized you have to stress everything you believe in a million times (like hey you can't curse at an event because it makes THE WHOLE TEAM look bad and that IS important).
Well, I sat my girls tonight and had a father tell me he thinks I'm a horrible coach & he's going to the superintendent to get my fired ... because I sat his daughter for 2 quarters. She was sat because she was caught swearing at a team event (swearing representing our team/school/district is not allowed under my contract for the team)
Ugh. He needs to take off the rose-colored daddy goggles. He sounds like a whiny 5-year-old.
Im sitting my first group of girls at tonights game (about 5) who did not act appropriately at our fundraising event this weekend (showing up over an hour late, leaving early without my permission, and swearing)... I have some of 'those' parents and I'm nervous beyond words about how the parents will act, not the athletes :confused:
As long as the principal/AD knows about your contract, I think you will get backed up by the school. Ugh parents need to understand the importance of rules and teach kids by example (aka NOT what that dad did today).

My kids never cheered HS but, do you all do mandatory parent meetings before tryouts? This is where I think coaches have an opportunity to outline the rules, talk about safety, leadership, expectations and have the parents sign a contract, as well. Tell them what the consequences are and let them know you understand traffic and bad moods happen but, their athlete will be there on time and act appropriately or be disciplined . I know some parents can be intimidating, that's their plan but, this is where you can stand firm and steely eyed and say, "Mr/Mrs Jones, you were in the meeting, signed a contract of what the expectations are and your child is not abiding. Rules are put into place for the safety of our kids and for the integrity of the program and school. Your child can sit out for 2 quarters as stated in the contract or you may remove them from the team if you feel they are no longer capable of following the rules you both agreed to and signed prior to tryouts. What would you like to do?" Keep eye contact, let the parent make the choice. If they don't answer, I would ask them if you need to repeat the options. If not, let them know their child will be sitting out 2 quarters or they are welcome to come and remove them from the team permanently and walk away. If they say, "Don't walk away from me.", turn around and ask them what you need to clarify for them and, if nothing, you have responsibilities with the team and leave. Ultimately, your AD is the difference, if they support you, then word will get out and parents will behave.
Well, I sat my girls tonight and had a father tell me he thinks I'm a horrible coach & he's going to the superintendent to get my fired ... because I sat his daughter for 2 quarters. She was sat because she was caught swearing at a team event (swearing representing our team/school/district is not allowed under my contract for the team)
If it's contracted... You're covered... But I would have come back with... : "Please feel free to complain to the District office about how you condone your daughters misrepresentation of their District with profane language at a District approved fundraising event. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear about the "specialized treatment" your daughter deserves among other students for breaking District approved rules and regulations set forth for the program that you agreed to adhere to when you daughter first signed on" :)
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PS: ~~~ I have ACTUALLY SAID that before (parent didn't threaten to go to anyone. But they were trying to fight me for the same thing... Kid shouldn't be punished for cussing in Uniforn at a game. They tried to explain that all kids cuss... And football cusses so why should cheer be any different (insert loud laugh) ..." ... I later stated if their child enjoyed cussing so much in uniform they could put on pads ... Take a few hits and go out and tell people to "F off" all day... But that's NOT my cheer program. Classic case of trying to be their child's "best friend"... creating a sense of entitlement and essencialy a false perception that not following the rules has no consequences. When that kid grows up some day... Mommy/ Daddy won't be able to sit in on meetings with the boss because they're getting fired for telling their superior or a client to "Hop Off".
If it's contracted... You're covered... But I would have come back with... : "Please feel free to complain to the District office about how you condone your daughters misrepresentation of their District with profane language at a District approved fundraising event. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear about the "specialized treatment" your daughter deserves among other students for breaking District approved rules and regulations set forth for the program that you agreed to adhere to when you daughter first signed on" :)
PREACH! I love this !
My kids never cheered HS but, do you all do mandatory parent meetings before tryouts? This is where I think coaches have an opportunity to outline the rules, talk about safety, leadership, expectations and have the parents sign a contract, as well. Tell them what the consequences are and let them know you understand traffic and bad moods happen but, their athlete will be there on time and act appropriately or be disciplined . I know some parents can be intimidating, that's their plan but, this is where you can stand firm and steely eyed and say, "Mr/Mrs Jones, you were in the meeting, signed a contract of what the expectations are and your child is not abiding. Rules are put into place for the safety of our kids and for the integrity of the program and school. Your child can sit out for 2 quarters as stated in the contract or you may remove them from the team if you feel they are no longer capable of following the rules you both agreed to and signed prior to tryouts. What would you like to do?" Keep eye contact, let the parent make the choice. If they don't answer, I would ask them if you need to repeat the options. If not, let them know their child will be sitting out 2 quarters or they are welcome to come and remove them from the team permanently and walk away. If they say, "Don't walk away from me.", turn around and ask them what you need to clarify for them and, if nothing, you have responsibilities with the team and leave. Ultimately, your AD is the difference, if they support you, then word will get out and parents will behave.
All athletes and their parents have to sign an Athletic Code of Conduct every season. The 9th graders and their parents have an additional meeting with the AD at the start of the school year. Cheer meets with the AD before nationals to go over all the rules.
And let me take the time to say: I love my seniors, they're great kids... They just have "their moments"... (Honestly they haven't had many..."moments" , I personally just had 1 incident this year that was completely out of character for them)...I just don't know what it is sometimes that puts kids their last year of HS into "senior funks"... It's really precious valuable time wasted that could be spent on great memories on needless negativity :/

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