All-Star Seriously?

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Cheer Parent
May 21, 2011
so at practice this week a new mom and i are chatting and she is complaining how expensive cheer is. then proceeds to tell me over the 2 hour practice that she has other kids, lives in a room at a friends house, isn't working and is on food stamps and welfare. am i wrong to wonder what the heck she is thinking dishing out all this $ for cheer meanwhile she is on food stamps and welfare??? has anyone else encountered this at their gym? it doesn't seem like it's a "she fell on hard times recently" thing. but even if she did, should she really be letting her daughter do a sport that costs $250 a month???
I have never encountered such an extreme. I do know parents that sell their jewelry so their CP's can take privates and extra tumble.
Ooh, I have a problem with the food stamps / welfare thing.

I completely don't care how people individually budget for cheer, but when one is on welfare / food stamps, well, now you are in a way playing with "other's" money. It irks me to no end that my tax money would be going to someone who has the opportunity to pay for cheer, but is asking for a handout for cheer. Um, NO!

Now if that person was on some sort of gym scholarship, then that is a bit different.
That isnt fair for the other kids. One sibling gets all the money, then the rest are left to live off food stamps and welfare. I know Im not a parent yet, but it shocks me when a parent could really think this is alright. The cp could cheer for the school which is free until the parents are back on their feet.
Ooh, I have a problem with the food stamps / welfare thing.

I completely don't care how people individually budget for cheer, but when one is on welfare / food stamps, well, now you are in a way playing with "other's" money. It irks me to no end that my tax money would be going to someone who has the opportunity to pay for cheer, but is asking for a handout for cheer. Um, NO!

Now if that person was on some sort of gym scholarship, then that is a bit different.

that was my thinking! i could understand if someone's cp had been on the team for years and parents came on hard times or something. then yes, let's get together and help them. but she is fresh to our team as they quit their old gym and are driving 1 1/2 hours to be there. so you are talking about the cost of gas too. and the mom was saying, "i don't know how i am going to work if i have to drive down here and be here at 6pm." seriously??? my cp wanted to cheer rec with her friends this year but when she made the higher level team which costs more i told her she had to pick. and you know that $250 per month doesn't count travel expenses.
Since this individual is admitting this, isn't there any recourse to be able to report this individual to welfare services that the money isn't being used for it's intended purpose?
Ooh, I have a problem with the food stamps / welfare thing.

I completely don't care how people individually budget for cheer, but when one is on welfare / food stamps, well, now you are in a way playing with "other's" money. It irks me to no end that my tax money would be going to someone who has the opportunity to pay for cheer, but is asking for a handout for cheer. Um, NO!

Now if that person was on some sort of gym scholarship, then that is a bit different.

I call these people adicts...hooked on Opm (opiem) OTHER PEOPLES MONEY!!!!!!!! grrrrr
Since this individual is admitting this, isn't there any recourse to be able to report this individual to welfare services that the money isn't being used for it's intended purpose?

i would love to but don't want to get involved. i also don't want to discuss this with other parents as not to upset the team. but i surely have no respect for someone like that and don't want to be "friends" with the mom. i know a lot of people who give up a lot so their kids can do all star. my friend gave up her daily starbucks addiction and i am giving up getting my hair professionally colored (which runs me $200 every other month) - at least as long as i can ;)

i will be friendly but surely don't want to sit and chat during practice. especially if she is going to keep discussing this with me. i wonder even if her kid will stay there if she starts having problems paying the monthly tuition? i know she is already late on june.
i would love to but don't want to get involved. i also don't want to discuss this with other parents as not to upset the team. but i surely have no respect for someone like that and don't want to be "friends" with the mom. i know a lot of people who give up a lot so their kids can do all star. my friend gave up her daily starbucks addiction and i am giving up getting my hair professionally colored (which runs me $200 every other month) - at least as long as i can ;)

i will be friendly but surely don't want to sit and chat during practice. especially if she is going to keep discussing this with me. i wonder even if her kid will stay there if she starts having problems paying the monthly tuition? i know she is already late on june.

in my will be best for you and most everyone else to just let it handle itself....people like that end up where they belong in the end...if you say will end up with the bag of drama in your lap...:/
The world is not black and white. The situation may be exactly as you think it is - or perhpas not. As I get older, I find it harder to judge people without walking in their shoes. Different people have different priorities for different reasons. We are not here to judge but to support. If you don't want to be friends, I accept that. But smile, be nice, and don't talk behind her back.

Some would think it awfully superficial to think giving up your hair coloring every other month is a sacrifice at all. I know we personally give up a lot more to keep cheering in this economy. And I don't regret it. But I'd hate to think others were questioning our priorities without knowing our situation.

Just my two cents.
The world is not black and white. The situation may be exactly as you think it is - or perhpas not. As I get older, I find it harder to judge people without walking in their shoes. Different people have different priorities for different reasons. We are not here to judge but to support. If you don't want to be friends, I accept that. But smile, be nice, and don't talk behind her back.

Some would think it awfully superficial to think giving up your hair coloring every other month is a sacrifice at all. I know we personally give up a lot more to keep cheering in this economy. And I don't regret it. But I'd hate to think others were questioning our priorities without knowing our situation.

Just my two cents.

absolutely, i have no problem with being friendly, nice, supportive, etc. and i will not mention what she said to me to any other parents or my cp. it had been swirling in my mind so i thought it better to vent anonymously on here.

i agree that i am giving up something superficial, and that's why i'm okay with it. most of us have given up something or a whole bunch of things so that our kids could cheer and each family has to decide what is best for them.

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