OT Share Your True Paranormal Experiences

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Random, but have you guys heard of the Man in Gray/Gray Man? Apparently people that stay at a certain hotel in Hawai'i have reported seeing him. He would knock on people's hotel doors and urgently warn them that they should leave because a storm was coming. People would pack their stuff and go, and EVERYTIME a bad storm would hit. He has probably saved people's lives by doing this. The problem is, when people mention him to the hotel staff, they are informed that no one like him works there.

Maybe I've gotten some of the details wrong (I heard about this years ago) but it has always stuck in my mind.
My boyfriends cousin lived in Hawaii for a few years and had 2 very creepy experiences:

1) He was sleeping one night and was woken up by police barging into his house - they said they saw someone enter, but no one was found inside the house, could have just been eye games, but his house was very small and it would have been nearly impossible for a person to enter and exit without the police seeing someone exit.

2) He was visited numerous times by "night visitors" or "choking ghost". Apparently they visit you when you are sleeping and just "sit" on your chest, causing you to not be able to breathe..super freaky. Not sure of the background behind these, maybe i'll do some research!

His cousin has now said he will never return to Hawaii, which has made my boyfriend afraid to visit, which makes me sad because I've always wanted to go - looks like it'll have to be a girls trip!
My boyfriends cousin lived in Hawaii for a few years and had 2 very creepy experiences:

1) He was sleeping one night and was woken up by police barging into his house - they said they saw someone enter, but no one was found inside the house, could have just been eye games, but his house was very small and it would have been nearly impossible for a person to enter and exit without the police seeing someone exit.

2) He was visited numerous times by "night visitors" or "choking ghost". Apparently they visit you when you are sleeping and just "sit" on your chest, causing you to not be able to breathe..super freaky. Not sure of the background behind these, maybe i'll do some research!

His cousin has now said he will never return to Hawaii, which has made my boyfriend afraid to visit, which makes me sad because I've always wanted to go - looks like it'll have to be a girls trip!
About number 2: some people say it's paranormal, others say it's sleep paralysis. IDK. Either way, it's super creepy.
I'm so glad I found this thread! I LOVE this stuff! Here are some of my encounters/experiences, super long (sorry):

A - I met with 2 Mediums last week (they were in a pair, one does the angel cards, the other is spirits). It was the most amazing experience - so emotional, and truly things that no one could tell just from reading someone. As I was shuffling the angel cards, the woman who does the spirits asked if I had a grandmother in heaven, which I do, and she said how my grandmother was noticing I wasn't wearing a necklace. I just started bawling. I was super close to my grandmother, and held her hand as she passed back in 2008. I swear in that moment of my reading I could just feel her presence. Moving on, she went on to say how my grandmother was mad that I wasn't wearing her pearl necklace, that she left her pearl necklace for me. The thing is, when my grandmother passed, all of my aunts and uncles were sort of selfish, and it was (and still is) a nasty sorting of finances and such, and my aunt (her only daughter) took all of her jewelry without even asking any of the granddaughters if they wanted anything. Which made me upset at the time, and I think I know why now, because I knew then, and now am reassured, that my grandmother wanted me to have a piece, and I never got it. I'm trying to see if/how I can ask my aunt about a pearl necklace without offending her...and also trying to track down one of my grandmothers friends who had a name start with "G" because apparently she knows who was suppose to get what! Even if I could just see / feel the pearl necklace I would be happy...

B - They asked if there was a recent anniversary of someones passing, well there was. My sister (now 30) had a friend pass away when they were 23/24, just around the age I am now. Her death was unexpected, and so hard on everyone. Her anniversary of her passing was in January, but her birthday was just a few days prior to this reading. I started crying when they mentioned this just because I knew how much she meant to my sister, and I was just so taken back that she had chosen to come through for me. To summarize: when she passed she was at a tough time in her life, and people weren't sure if it was an accident or suicide, so its been tough on everyone all these years. So, the medium continues to talk about how she wants us to celebrate her life, how what happened was just a complete accident, she didn't mean for it to happen. Then the medium asked if she took pills: she did, and when she was found she had pills & cough medicine, so people always thought she overdosed on purpose. She came through to the medium and was so strongly telling me to let everyone know she did not mean to overdose, it was a stupid mistake, she didn't think what she was doing was going to end her life. Now, I know some of this can be seen as story making, but the woman who does the cards kept budging in about a fall, and I had never heard of a fall before so I shrugged it off, but after telling my sister about this and letting her listen to the reading (they let us record) she told me how when they found her friend, her body actually fell off of the board (drawing a blank on what it is called) the EMTs had her on.

C - My maternal grandfather also came in and told me I need to buy my boyfriend odor eaters because he will have super smelly feet. I started laughing at this point because the day prior we went and bought new shoes, and he just kept telling me how awful his shoes smelt and how he couldn't deal with the smell.

These women were seriously SO amazing! If any of you are in/around MA - I highly suggest them and can give you their contact info

A few other experiences:

2) I live a town over from "Danvers State Hospital" (the movie session 9 was based on/off of). One of the hospitals that was around when everyone was being diagnosed as "mentally insane" (my daughter has her period - its the devil, lock her up)! It was nice at the start, but then became quickly overcrowded, and the area of some sketchy clinical work.
So its been torn down for a few years now and is now currently condo/apartments. But when they were first starting construction the apartments caught fire, and they had to start over... weird.
Flash forward a few years and the apartments are finished, so we drive up there and just drive around to ~feel~ it. The main building of the hospital is still there - just redone so I wanted to see the brickwork and such (I'm weird). So we are driving up and around the windy hill to get there, and my boyfriend seriously just starts freaking out. Like he wouldn't talk to me until we left the area. He just said something did not feel right for him up there (looking back now I feel like a horrible GF, because who knows what could have been affecting him, but I was young and naive and wanted to check out the ~feel~). We haven't been back up there since.
I also had a friend who moved into the apartments for a year or so with her mom who would always tell me just weird things going on, noises and such.
I wish I had been old enough to check it out when it was still an abandoned hospital, but I was way too young. I have a cousin who goes all over to these abandoned places, so I get to live vicariously through his accounts. A few of my friends parents are old enough that they actually worked at the hospital and had files from there, which were creepy to read (they seriously would commit people for the now most ludicrous reasons). They do still have (or did have them last I was there) some of the markers of graves down a creepy set of stairs.

3) Also I babysit/dog sit for this family a few towns over and I just never feel comfortable at their house. It just gives off the worst feeling ever to me, i'm always on my toes. I was babysitting one night and dozed off, and the little boy came downstairs and was just hovering over me and startled me half to death, didn't talk or say anything just stood there ( I assumed he was sleep walking, so I didn't want to wake him, but still so creepy) so I just walked him back up to bed. His parents came home and I told them and they just jokingly laugh and so "Oh ya - childs name - always tells us he sees people" I was just like :eek:. Also, whenever I'm dog sitting I just always feel uneasy there, especially when I'm alone, I HATE spending the night there alone. Its just this constant feeling of someone/something watching...

4) Oddly enough, I also live right next to Salem, MA and never once have I ever felt uneasy at any historical sites or graveyards in Salem, MA. or in Salem Village (current day Danvers).

I've been told numerous time I'm very open, and have a beautiful spirit, which is my the Mediums said I had so "many" people come through to me for my reading, but as spiritual as I feel I am, I feel my boyfriend is even more so, but just afraid to accept it. Just from his experience at the old grounds of Danvers State, the experiences his cousin has had, and he has said he's seen/heard his Nana (who has been gone for years) around his house (she lived with him). I understand why he is afraid, but I feel if he would just accept (idk if thats the right word) it, something beautiful would happen for him!
About number 2: some people say it's paranormal, others say it's sleep paralysis. IDK. Either way, it's super creepy.[/QUOTE
I've had sleep paralysis happen to me once and it is very scary but I wouldn't say paranormal.

Very creepy! Thats the thing, it could have been sleep paralysis, but then it also could have been these choking ghost. One is definitely paranormal, and the other is medical. I lean towards the paranormal due in part that it only ever happened to him when he was in Hawaii, not before or after. I know there is probably some medical research backing up it occurring only once like you have had @Eyes On The Prize but for it to happen in Hawaii of all places for him ( a very spiritual place) still gives me a weird feeling! All I know was his experience scared him enough for him to swear he will never return to the islands!
My boyfriends cousin lived in Hawaii for a few years and had 2 very creepy experiences:

1) He was sleeping one night and was woken up by police barging into his house - they said they saw someone enter, but no one was found inside the house, could have just been eye games, but his house was very small and it would have been nearly impossible for a person to enter and exit without the police seeing someone exit.

2) He was visited numerous times by "night visitors" or "choking ghost". Apparently they visit you when you are sleeping and just "sit" on your chest, causing you to not be able to breathe..super freaky. Not sure of the background behind these, maybe i'll do some research!

His cousin has now said he will never return to Hawaii, which has made my boyfriend afraid to visit, which makes me sad because I've always wanted to go - looks like it'll have to be a girls trip!
I've seen something similar to the second one on a ghost show I watch. It's like a scary old man sitting on you or starring at you while you're sleeping. So people feel like they're being choked. Many doctors don't believe it or just think it has to do with sleeping problems.
Not sure if it fits here, but will share it here anyway. I was sitting at a red light in my Kia van. It was pouring rain. A College girl slammed into the back of my van. She was definitely speeding (my guess is going over 70 mph) and not paying attention. It caused a bad 5 car pile up. The whole back of my van got smashed in. My van was no longer recognizable. It looked more like a short compact car than a van. I have 3 kids. My oldest daughter and son were sitting in the middle row. My youngest daughter Stormy was in the back row. The impact scared us, but we all managed to get out of my vehicle okay. Stormy had to squeeze her way out because the part where she was siting was all squished/compacted in. Police officers, fireman, paramedics, etc all came to the scene very quickly. When they were taking the report they asked what happened and if everyone was okay. When we explained all the details they didn't believe that Stormy was sitting back there. They basically said she wouldn't have survived if she would have been sitting in that spot during the impact. Stormy didn't even have one scratch on her. She did have a jacket on. When she took it off different sizes of glass fell out of the inside of her jacket. Mud and dirt also feel from the inside of her jacket. Her shoes were dirty. It didn't make since because she was clean before the wreck. The side of the road was muddy and dirty. The girl who hit me was freaked out. When she calmed down some she frantically asked what happened to the kid who was thrown from my van to the side of the road. Nobody was thrown from any vehicle in the accident. Still till this day can't make any sense of it. Some of my family and friends think it was a guardian angel. I am just thankful and feel blessed that everyone was okay.
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Not sure if it fits here, but will share it here anyway. I was sitting at a red light in my Kia van. It was pouring rain. A College girl slammed into the back of my van. She was definitely speeding (my guess is going over 70 mph) and not paying attention. It caused a bad 5 car pile up. The whole back of my van got smashed in. My van was no longer recognizable. It looked more like a short compact car than a van. I have 3 kids. My oldest daughter and son were sitting in the middle row. My youngest daughter Stormy was in the back row. The impact scared us, but we all managed to get out of my vehicle okay. Stormy had to squeeze her way out because the part where she was siting was all squished/compacted in. Police officers, fireman, paramedics, etc all came to the scene very quickly. When they were taking the report they asked what happened and if everyone was okay. When we explained all the details they didn't believe that Stormy was sitting back there. They basically said she wouldn't have survived if she would have been sitting in that spot during the impact. Stormy didn't even have one scratch on her. She did have a jacket on. When she took it off different sizes of glass fell out of the inside of her jacket. Mud and dirt also feel from the inside of her jacket. Her shoes were dirty. It didn't make since because she was clean before the wreck. The side of the road was muddy and dirty. The girl who hit me was freaked out. When she calmed down some she frantically asked what happened to the kid who was thrown from my van to the side of the road. Nobody was thrown from any vehicle in the accident. Still till this day can't make any since of it. Some of my family and friends think it was a guardian angel. I am just thankful and feel blessed that everyone was okay.
Wow :jawdrop: I'm glad your daughter is okay, that's absolutely crazy...
I bought a Ouija board at a garage sell when I was in junior high. Me and my best friend were obsessed with New Kids On The Block. I would ask it tons of questions about Joey, if I was going to marry Joey McIntyre, how many kids we were going to have together, etc. My best friend would ask it if she was going to marry Jonathan Knight. Needless to say, I am not Mrs. McIntyre. The board got everything wrong! LOL
Not sure if it fits here, but will share it here anyway. I was sitting at a red light in my Kia van. It was pouring rain. A College girl slammed into the back of my van. She was definitely speeding (my guess is going over 70 mph) and not paying attention. It caused a bad 5 car pile up. The whole back of my van got smashed in. My van was no longer recognizable. It looked more like a short compact car than a van. I have 3 kids. My oldest daughter and son were sitting in the middle row. My youngest daughter Stormy was in the back row. The impact scared us, but we all managed to get out of my vehicle okay. Stormy had to squeeze her way out because the part where she was siting was all squished/compacted in. Police officers, fireman, paramedics, etc all came to the scene very quickly. When they were taking the report they asked what happened and if everyone was okay. When we explained all the details they didn't believe that Stormy was sitting back there. They basically said she wouldn't have survived if she would have been sitting in that spot during the impact. Stormy didn't even have one scratch on her. She did have a jacket on. When she took it off different sizes of glass fell out of the inside of her jacket. Mud and dirt also feel from the inside of her jacket. Her shoes were dirty. It didn't make since because she was clean before the wreck. The side of the road was muddy and dirty. The girl who hit me was freaked out. When she calmed down some she frantically asked what happened to the kid who was thrown from my van to the side of the road. Nobody was thrown from any vehicle in the accident. Still till this day can't make any sense of it. Some of my family and friends think it was a guardian angel. I am just thankful and feel blessed that everyone was okay.
That is crazy... But so amazing your daughter is ok! Someone is definitely looking over her/your family!
I bought a Ouija board at a garage sell when I was in junior high. Me and my best friend were obsessed with New Kids On The Block. I would ask it tons of questions about Joey, if I was going to marry Joey McIntyre, how many kids we were going to have together, etc. My best friend would ask it if she was going to marry Jonathan Knight. Needless to say, I am not Mrs. McIntyre. The board got everything wrong! LOL
I hope you got rid of it at some point...
Has any one been to Rose Hall in Jamaica? Beautiful plantation home that they say is haunted by slaves that were torchered and killed by Annie Hall the owner. I took the tour and was so into it! I bought the book and everything. Read it on the plane. When I got home (because of course I didn't have good access to my phone in Jamaica) and researched it I found out that the stories of Rose Hall were not true. They made up the story of the White witch in order to encourage tourism back in the day. Ugh! I am such a tourist. Lol I really thought it was real! But now that I look back at the tour some of the things that they said did sound a little far fetched. It was a fun tour though, it really was a plantation home and the property was beautiful. I'd go back but just for fun. Plus the White Witch cocktail at the tavern bar was really good. Ha! Some Jamaicans do believe that the home is haunted. I don't doubt there may be some spirits there but it's not the ghost of Annie Hall...or is it? Lol
I hope you got rid of it at some point...

My Mom found it and would throw it in our big trash can outside. My brother thought it was funny and would take it out and leave it laying in random place in the house for her to stumble across. It really freaked my Mom out. After, about 5 times of that my Mom set it on fire/burned it. To this day, I don't think she knows it was my brother messing with her.
My Mom found it and would throw it in our big trash can outside. My brother thought it was funny and would take it out and leave it laying in random place in the house for her to stumble across. It really freaked my Mom out. After, about 5 times of that my Mom set it on fire/burned it. To this day, I don't think she knows it was my brother messing with her.
At least that was a prank, a previous poster's mom had the same issue except they drove far away to throw it out, and when they got back home it had magically reappeard in the closet.

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