All-Star Something Great About Other Gyms/teams

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Oct 8, 2014
I was thinking we could spread a little bit more positive comments (only) about each others teams/gyms here! Write the name of the team/gym and a sentence or two about something you like with them, and what they're doing. Big or small gym, doesn't matter.

1,2,3 GO! :cheering:

(Please let me know if there's another thread like this. I've searched but couldn't find any so that's why I created this one!)
From the Northeast: I admire the talent level and creativity that ECE always puts on the floor! I'm excited to see many girls of some families from my old gym I'm super close with compete with the Tewksbury location (on J3, Y5, J5, M5, and C5) this season! Last season, I went to one of my old gym's competitions and Pro Athletics was there (both locations). Their families were so nice and it was great getting to chat with them and cheer their kids on and they were super supportive of our kids as well!
I LOVE how excited coaches and gym owners seem over social media about their athletes, notably Stingrays, GBE and World Cup (probably many more but I follow those three specifically). I love seeing the excited posts and videos when an athlete gets a new tumbling skill, when a former athlete makes a college team, etc. I see these posts and I'm like, "wow, I would love for my future kid to go there." That sort of stuff, in my opinion, is better advertising than any amount of trophies and banners. It proves to outsiders that the kids are loved and appreciated and overall sends a really good message about the gym! It literally makes me so happy.
Every athlete or parent from an opposing gym that I've met up with has been amazing! You know who you are! ;)
I've met athletes & parents from Charlotte Allstars, Desert Storm Elite, Stingrays, ACE, Cheer Athletics, Fame, World Cup, Orlando Allstars, Cheer Force...and every single individual from out of the USA that I met at Worlds was absolutely amazing. They were all so gracious and just excited to be in the country...Jamaica, Mexicop & Chile were the ones I got a chance to talk to and they were so sweet!
I do also have to say the girls I met at worlds 2012 from Cheer Force were possibly the sweetest ever. I met them accidentally on my way out of the complex and they wanted a bow on my bag (that my mom had made) so badly that one of them literally took their comp bow out of her hair to trade bows and said "Hold onto it closely, it's got a lot of good luck!" and they gave me two shirts and took pics.
I love meeting new people!! <3

ETA: I can't believe I left out NJSE. I have such a unique love for them because of their owner Theapia! She was my gym's choreographer and even when we competed against her teams she was always on the front of the floor to cheer my teams on. I love her so much! I've met so many gracious and overall well rounded kids from their program, and you'd think that since they were a big competitor for us almost always, it wouldn't be like that, but we are all friends. I'm Theap's 'bow girl', lol. :D

I also forgot to mention a big moment from ASC Return to Atlantis 2014. My team was coached by a former Senior Elite/Coed Elite athlete (circa 2005ish), as was NJSE Hot Topic, and Spirit Xtreme Senior 3. We all got to become friends and got a huge picture together which was awesome because our coaches all used to cheer together and went their separate ways-all different states-and still came together as former teammates. <3
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When I briefly lived in Jacksonville, I tumbled occasionally at Infinity Allstars and I always felt so welcomed by the coaches! Even though I was constantly struggling on the same skill week after week, the coaches there always encouraged me and offered their help even when they were in their own practices :) Thank you, Infinity, for being my home gym while I was away from my own home :D
When I went to New York with my family in 2012, we took a train to Nj and a wonderful World Cup mum and her Shooting Star CP picked us up and drove us all the way to the gym. I spent the evening having a tour of the SS arena and gym, having a go on equipment, talking to coaches and watching the fabulous Shooting Stars practise! Every athlete, parent and coach was so kind and welcoming and Elaine and Joelle were so lovely, it really was one of the best days ever! And on the way back the SS mum and CP took us to Wawa :D I will always be so grateful to WC for that experience, always proving they are a class act.

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