All-Star Something Great About Other Gyms/teams

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On day 2 of small senior finals I was in line with some GBE lime parents and I was doing their previous years voiceovers and they thought it was the funniest thing !

I also talked to some Cali aces parents who were really nice!

And some lady lightning parents !

All three were so grateful in realizing I drove from NH To FLORIDA just to watch worlds and couldn't believe they had made such an impact !

Super sweet families!
LOVE what CJA has been putting on the floor, their athletes, and coaches. My daughter has forged a special bond with one of the girls and looks forward to seeing her at quite a few competitions. Additionally, Gymtyme has always had a special place in our hearts. Most of our coaches either cheered at Louisville or trained there. They always make us feel at home when we travel to that area offering mat time to our girls prior to competition.
Rockstar cheer has such a classy program. Their coaches stood with us backstage of the summit and wished us good luck, and we hung out with their team and they were super sweet. When they didn't make finals, we ran off the floor with the rockstar \m/ hand symbol as a little tribute to them. Such good sportsmanship and talent from that program!
In Palm Springs last season, my cp's lvl 1 team went on right after an all girls lvl 5 team from Mac (not sure which one it was now) and they were the nicest team. Here they are about to go on and they started playing a game with our girls, jumping around and laughing backstage. Just the sweetest team of girls.
I'm a fan of people and I love teams based more on the personal connections I've made with the people attached to them.

Fame will always be my second gym family. I lived with @Mamarazzi and the rest of her crew at Worlds and fell in love. I miss them!! So I always watch for Fame.

@TwistersPride owns a gym that is my gyms identical twin. We share so many things and just bond over our similarities and our friendship is so strong despite being so far away from each other. I LOVE watching her teams and I feel a small personal connection to her kids because they could easily be my kids wearing my uniforms.

@Hodiestoe 's program The Birkenhead Comets is my all time favorite UK gym! They bravely came over and competed at US Finals this year in Florida and then stayed a week with us in LA. I will always cheer on her teams and root for them and their amazing coach!

@Kris10boo turned me on to Stars Vipers and I am a HUGE fan of their program now. I love love love her enthusiasm for the whole program not just her own daughters team.

And last but not least I will be following CEA SSX because the lovely @sachafierce is on the team! @SharkDad assured me I will be a convert but with Sash on the team I am already a fan! Fins up!
For me, like @cupieqt it is more about how I personally have connected with a team/program and not just from a fan of their routine. Too many routines and programs to name that way.

Stingrays - the first time my old program ever went to worlds, we were nothing more than a stranger that paid for the right to attend someone else's party. Everything was a new experience for every athlete and coach. When we went to warm ups, there were several big name teams there, doing there thing and quite frankly looking down on us, knowing we had no chance. Heck, we knew it too, but if you wanted to grow your program back then, you had to go to Worlds. Stingrays kids really encouraged and cheered our kids on, totally unprompted by their coaches. That left a lasting mark on me,

Fame - I have many athletes that have gone on to cheer at FAME, and several friends in the program currently. With another one perhaps going there next year.

South Jersey Storm - same as FAME. Love to see them at competitions and see how the kids have grown.

Jersey Pride - great coaches, great friends and wonderful program.

ECCATS, Cheer Dynamics, Cheer Infinity all of NC. They have endured a lot since I first met them, yet they continue to persevere and keep the focus on their program consistent in a changing industry.

Leaps and Bounds/Cheer Energy - so glad we didn't have teams in the same division last year at CheerSport. Awesome gym, owner and friend. She is also one of the few people on this board to actually have met me at a competition, although I see many of the members.

Locally I have to give a shout to Full Out and Platinum. Platinum dreams big, puts it all out there, and usually gets what they are seeking. Not everyone can/will do that, and that is a trait that I do admire. Full Out is just an amazing well run program, with wonderful coaches. Two different styles, but I am a fan of both.
I have not met too many people from other gyms because I just kind of keep to myself at comps. But two teams stand out in my mind. (One for poor sportsmanship.)

Shout out to ECE. The athletes and parents were friendly, positive, and just amazing when we were sitting with them at a comp last season. I hope to meet more people like the ones everyone here has mentioned.
Also, my favorites are ones I have personally connected with. I love how welcoming Stars Vipers is. We visited one time. They were so nice. They let my CP's join an open gym. It was a great experience, I love that they had both of my CP's doing tumbling drills along with spotting them on skills. It was very beneficial. I love that Texas Lonestar has one team day weekly dedicated solely to working on stunts. It explains why their stunts are almost always rock solid. I love CEA. I think it is awesome that they had a sleepover and opened it up to everyone. Believe me if we lived closer my CP's would have been there in a heartbeat. I also like how they allow girls to double team so they can focus on different strengths that they have. :)
When I was with my university at a competition it was an allstar comp with open division for universities. I saw a team who were from my home town. Considering I was nervous they were so nice and chatty to me so I spoke to a coach at the end of the day and asked if I could train with them and he said I could. A month later I went to training and was told I could compete at nationals.

I don't normally name teams but this was Bournemouth Elite and they made me love cheer and realise why it suited me they were so friendly. I miss them so much they had such great sportsmanship and it goes to prove at a comp there may be prospective members there so good sportsmanship is paramount
My gym last year was tiny and Americas Best KC was most girls first big competition with big name teams like CEA, T&S, etc there. If you've been you know the elevators in the hotel are always crazy crowded and I was on a super crowded elevator with a bunch of girls from Lady Elite who were rushing over to watch coed elite perform and they were all really nice and friendly to everyone! Even though they were clearly in a rush and the elevator was stopping at every single floor (and I got on from like the 15th floor) they kept a good attitude about it. Also we met some guys from coed elite and they were really nice to all the little girls who wanted pictures with them and were happy to stop what they were doing to take a quick picture (or if they weren't happy they were at least good at hiding it!)
I love how Woodlands Elite and Cheer St. Louis post when athletes get a new skill on social media! They're really good about doing it for everyone regardless of if its a double full or a back walkover. Everything they post is really positive! I'm sure there are others who do this too :) I love when gyms utilize social media in a positive way, it makes them seem so inviting.
MD Twisters parents go hard at the bar.

CA CatMommas assault me (with love) in public.

There have been a lot of inspirational theme practices, texts, group chats, etc., that I've seen from Coach Kelly at CEA Raleigh and that makes me smile.

@CoachMandiCF and Cheer Fusion and NJSE have been FAME Midlo family since forever.

Our Worlds kids, especially, have forged some awesome relationships with Charlotte Midnight, Fab 5, Cali Sparkle, and many other teams. I love the support they provide each other when it matters most!

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