All-Star Starting A New Program/team (attempting To)

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Cheer Parent
Sep 16, 2014
Posted this in Coaches Room but decided it wouldn't hurt to post here too... Please don't hurt me!!! lol

So after coaching rec cheering for 5 years and resigning right at the start of this season, after much thinking, researching, studying, etc... I've decided I definitely want to start my own program. Now I know many have probably posted the same question before me and I have searched but some of the posts go on and on about things that I'm not ready to do yet... For instance having my own facility. (I wish - If I come across one I would consider renting possibly but figured it might not be necessary if I'm just starting out). Thats where I am asking for advice. Apart from the business aspect (I help my family run a small business in 2 states so maybe its a medium business and very well knowledgable on bookkeeping and necessary state licenses etc), I want to know about just kick starting the program. For example some of my questions include:
1- Can I start the program from my home for instance as my business address but hold practices at a gymnastics or cheer facility that offers mat time for rent etc? (I've heard of other all star programs that might have started like this but I'm not 100% sure - I don't want to rent or buy a facility until I have a decent amount of athletes that I know their tuition would cover rental/lease/mortgage costs)
2- assuming question 1 is yes, does this mean that i have to certify my "gym" or program with USASF as a gym or just the athletes so they can compete at nationals etc (if they were even ready for nationals depending on tryouts and how many kids actually join etc)
3- Getting my USASF credential... I know I can possibly ask USASF by email but if I'm credentialing myself with no actual "gym" per say, how does that work? Trust me I know that rec and all star are very different, however for rec i only followed USASF rules and I'm confident enough in possibly credentialing for up to level 3.
4- Insurance is my other question, and I know that I might have to speak to an insurance agent, but if I don't have a private facility, would the Insurance that I get to cover my program be different than lets say a private all star gym? or are they all basically the same?

I know I definitely have to get the word out, and parents would be taking a gamble on me... one good thing is this: I wasn't just a coach, I was a cheer mom as well, since I resigned my daughter is with an all star program, and sitting full time as a cheer mom has definitely taught me things that I would not do with my own program. I helped my former rec team with their own organization once I joined because as a parent I get it... I get the frustration with lack of communication, with lack of organization and such.... So I hope being familiar especially in my town as the former coach, and familiar in the neighboring towns, word of mouth will be good and I will have a decent turnout... not looking for 50 girls but a decent 20 for a first season team would be awesome!!!

With that said these are just some thoughts that have come to mind as I am sitting here on google and other websites trying to jot things down and such.... any information would be greatly appreciated, whether its pessimistic or optimistic... lol

And yes I do want to have a successful program but I am also very realistic on that it will not happen over night.... Top Gun has been open 20 years as well as other teams that have been in existence for 15+ years... I can only hope that in 20 years (or 15 lol) my program will be just as recognized as theirs and as big as theirs.... I'm ready to work until I'm old and decrepit lol so that not only do i have a business but my kids (especially my daughter) have something to continue to grow with.... So yes, its not only my love and respect for the sport (which is up there) I'm also thinking about my kid's future.... My parents started a business for me and my brother, yes I help but its not my calling... cheer is... i will continue to help because it is the hand that feeds me and my kids and hubby lol but I also want to do something I LOVE!!! Thanks for your advice and please be easy/kind/gentle with comments LOL
I wish I had some good answers for you.. You seem like you know what you're doing and I wish you the best! :)
I'm a sports management major with a minor in marketing but i'm only in my second year so maybe the 2017-2018 season I can help you out ;)
I am actually in the same situation as you are right now. I have been coaching rec for over 17 years, and my teams have always performed at USASF level 4. This year I was approached by a local gym owner (who my rec team uses to rent mat time from every year) and was asked to coach his new allstar program. After a super successful first year (team wise) I have realized that it was time for me to take ownership of my own program. I am not a fan of the way business is handled at the all-star program i am currently at, and have dealt with some very unhappy parents who have flat out told me that they only reason they are still a part of the program is because they like the coaching. However, MOST are not happy with the business side of it, which is a big reason for my decision to leave. I hate being stuck in the middle of it, and it has always been my dream to one day start my own program. Im hoping that within the next year, my dream will come to life. I wish you all the best of luck! Its not easy for us who are starting new!
I can't help with the details but wanted to thank you for a well thought out plan. It's great to see someone who realizes that there may be roadblocks. Many of the coaches/owners are at comps this week so they may take a couple of days to respond.
Good luck with your endeavor!

Thank you!! Hopefully I'll hear something soon!!!
I wish I had some good answers for you.. You seem like you know what you're doing and I wish you the best! :)
I'm a sports management major with a minor in marketing but i'm only in my second year so maybe the 2017-2018 season I can help you out ;)

lol Thanks!! I'm laughing cause I'm thinking damn I should have studied sports management now that you brought that up cause I've studied education and History, not even a business degree of any kind to my name, just a few classes, but I guess working for my parents since I was 17 and I'm now in my mid 30s helped me understand small business and what goes with it lol... Cheering for me however started as a hobby and grew from there... thats the part I'm still learning but enjoy learning... I'll be sure to keep u in mind in 2017!!! ;);)
I am actually in the same situation as you are right now. I have been coaching rec for over 17 years, and my teams have always performed at USASF level 4. This year I was approached by a local gym owner (who my rec team uses to rent mat time from every year) and was asked to coach his new allstar program. After a super successful first year (team wise) I have realized that it was time for me to take ownership of my own program. I am not a fan of the way business is handled at the all-star program i am currently at, and have dealt with some very unhappy parents who have flat out told me that they only reason they are still a part of the program is because they like the coaching. However, MOST are not happy with the business side of it, which is a big reason for my decision to leave. I hate being stuck in the middle of it, and it has always been my dream to one day start my own program. Im hoping that within the next year, my dream will come to life. I wish you all the best of luck! Its not easy for us who are starting new!

Good luck to you too!!!! Its definitely not easy but thankfully I have a supportive husband who sees that I can't keep waiting around and that I just have to do it regardless how big or small its starts out as. I've already been in touch with other cheer programs near my area to ask about Mat Time until i have a facility. I'm already working out the business aspect too, Name, Logo, Trademark, License. Tomorrow I'll talk to my family's business insurance agent because I know he will be able to help me out. Little by little so that as soon as I get the OK or the final know how I can just SIGN (my life away lol ;):D) Again Good Luck!!!
Just bringing this post back up... hopefully someone can give me some input.... USASF hasn't respond to my email and its been over a week. I'm pretty much relying on the wisdom of others as of right now.
I am so happy that you are going for it @MzLyn23 . I remember some of your posts and it definitely seems that you have coaching in your heart.
I am so happy that you are going for it @MzLyn23 . I remember some of your posts and it definitely seems that you have coaching in your heart.

Aww thanks!!! Yea definitely this year has been rough not coaching at all... I feel like I'm in withdrawal 24/7 lol!!! But it also made me realize that I HAVE to do this.... I won't feel whole until I do... and coaching jobs (which I considered) are extremely hard to come by around here.... Hopefully piece by piece I'll put this thing together!!!

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