High School Team Practice Clothes

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matching practice clothes is a MUST!!!!!!!! i alo agree that it makes it easier to watch the routine when running through it. ;)
i make my team wear matching clothes...they look and work more like a team when they match, and i think it helps to notice things that need to be tweeked.
I coach a middle school team. Some would love this, some would hate it. At this age, it would mainly be another thing to ask their parents to do, so I don't do it. My poor cheer parents have enough going on already. We do get three matching outfits for camp in the summer and we use them a LOT, but not for practice. We have two football games per week September-mid October and they are at 4:00. It's HOT in Florida at 4:00, too hot for polyester uniforms! Therefore, we wear camp outfits to school and games on game days. They still look "game ready" and polished, but it's a little more comfortable than the uniforms. It works well for us, and the parents like that the girls get more use out of their camp clothes. This does result in a "game uniform" schedule that is a bit complicated for 12 year olds, but 99% of the time they turn up in the right outfit!
I cheer for all star and i dont know how our team does it, but at Cheer Central we have to wear the same spandex, practice shirt and bow every practice. It looks so clean all the time and i dont mind it at all!
We usually get a 3-4 bows during the season that we are required to wear to practice, and we are required to wear team colors. Its annoying though because we have to wear a specific shade of gold.
Last year we had to wear etheir gray, navy or gold shorts with white compressions underneath. We could wear our school shirts (available at Kmart), a white shirt or our team hoodies because it's cold inside our auditorium. As for bows they had to be white or navy UNLESS we earned a skill bow pr bought a iBase or iFly bow, then we could wear those:) also our socks can't show and we can't have scuffs on our shoes.
We basically wear whatever we want in the summer, then shorts and t-shirts for the school year.
We go to UCA and compete in Home Pom which is strictly dancing. We've won the past 3 years against some very good teams, so I don't think having non-matching outfits crippled us at all. My coach was obviously able to find flaws without them. I don't think you have to have matching outfits to work as a team either...
My school has matching practice outfits. We have three outfits, and we have a schedule of what we are supposed to wear what day. We have matching bows too, but we aren't required to wear those
Back in the day when Soffee shorts were the thing to wear, we always had 4 screen printed shirts and then a designated matching Soffee shorts color(which were common colors such as black, grey, navy, or school colors so that everyone had at least 1 pair, if not more). Since we had practice during school Monday through Friday, then M,T,W,Th all had a shirt and shorts color that we wore every week. Friday was a free day so we could wear whatever in practice. Any additional practices fell on that rule, so if the practice was added on Monday after school, you'd wear the "monday outfit". If the practice was added on a weekend for competition or something, then it would also be a free outfit day.

I will say that while you don't need matching outfits to make a good routine, it is certainly easier to see visually what's going on and also to clean in my opinion. Additionally, the sooner that girls learn responsibility (wearing the right clothing, showing up on time, etc.), the better prepared they will be for life past high school I believe, so I am all for having the girls required to wear certain outfits!:)

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