All-Star Things I Am Over This Season

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I agree that the line has been crossed and it has become annoying- I think Senior Elite is great - I loved watching them at BATC, but they (and/or their fans) come across as not having ANY respect for the talent of the other teams. What a change from a couple of years ago when they came across so differently. Winning Worlds is great - but its a new year. They might win again, but it is NOT a foregone conclusion. Through luck and their talent, they have won consistently this year- props to them. But their fans/team do not come across in a way that seems to respect the ability and talent of other teams that are just as good (for example WCSS and F5). On any given Sunday any of those teams through the combination of luck and talent could beat the other one. That isn't an opinion - it is a FACT. Its not like F5 lost to them by more than hundredths of a point at the last competition. And Sr. Elite didn't stick around for awards (maybe a third of the team was there) - wow. Being proud of your team and having confidence to be winners are all great things. There is a line that can be crossed though.

We all had school the next day at 8am, and 6-8 hour drives home. We got home at 4:30 in the moring because we stayed for awards. 18 girls stayed. Now, I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post other than to say you are incorrect in your characterization. I would suggest you just stop and I would not comment at all on your post except that you represent yourself as a parent at that gym and should know better.
Hmm....I do have to apologize about the awards comment. I think that the competitions should never go until Sunday at night. School is more important than cheer in my opinion, and we all are forced to deal with very difficult logistics and choices to try to get our kids to do both - and it is very concerning when school suffers. When we travel to away competitions, we are generally not able to miss awards and must stay and travel Monday, missing school, so I incorrectly assumed they just didn't go to awards (but where there) - so I am sorry - its great that they went home to get to school. I actually wished they could find a way to avoid kids having to miss school Friday and Monday for away competitions. For high school kids, this is really a big deal - sometimes they are on holiday weekends which totally helps. Anyway - I am sorry again. As to the other part of the comment, I will not provide the details of a conversation I heard in the ladies room which might shed some light and left me annoyed, but I am sorry if I offended anyone - Some of the posts on this board are also an example of why I might have gotten the impression that I did.
There are certain "teams" that have rubbed me the wrong way over the years. And, to this day, they are not favorite teams. I do not deny they have talent, I choose to keep my mouth shut over the bad sportsmanship....KNOWING FULL WELL that it is not the entire team, or organization....its a few "mean-girl" teens. Did it put a bad taste in my mouth? Yes. Do I plaster it all over a forum? No.

I will not provide the details of what I've heard over the years (in bathrooms, hallways, hotel lobby, restaurants, etc etc etc) because who really cares to rip an entire team apart for a few. And possibly, I may have misunderstood some of what I was hearing. Who knows, just keep it to yourselves unless you can provide a video of the behavior.

And............that is is the thing I'm over this season.
Oh- and I actually meant the comment about the fans rather than the kids - when i re-read after teal army attack, I realized I said it about the team and added the and/or fans when I actually wanted it to come across as meaning the "supporters/fans etc. - rather than the girls on the team itself. They are busy enough just competing - its the fans/board poster comments that (in responding to this thread about what I am over.) I think for real what it comes down to - all I meant is that it is getting old (what I meant by crossing a line) to hear every day since last summer how they will win worlds. It comes across (I am just telling you how it comes across) as not respecting that other teams might have a chance. Really - that is all I meant. Sorry again for offending. Wasnt directed at the girls and admit that was mis-worded. But the thread is about what we are "over" - and I am still over that. There are many teams that depending on Day 2 luck and of course their skills could win Worlds. Of course Sr Elite is one of them - they are great. But there are others. I can see your point - maybe the teal army might pause for a moment to look at the other perspective. Maybe you dont mean it to disrespect the other team's work and skills when the fans say that only Sr Elite can win worlds - but understand it may come across that way. That's all - have a great day!
bubble toes - the team hasnt rubbed me the wrong way - i really like the team. I am just tired of hearing (from whoever it is saying it how no one else has a chance against them - it comes across as offensive)
Sr Elite is going to win Worlds! :p

Seriously, of course I want them to win worlds. But if someone else says WCSS 2011 WORLD CHAMPS, I won't get my spankies in a wad. Alot of it is really just for fun, and now that it drives you nuts, I can't help myself!

But, if WCSS, MT, TSU, FCA, FAME, Generals, or whoever else is in large SR win....I'll be disappointed, but say congrats and move on with my day!

May the best team win (Sr Elite!!!!).;)
Oh- and I actually meant the comment about the fans rather than the kids - when i re-read after teal army attack, I realized I said it about the team and added the and/or fans when I actually wanted it to come across as meaning the "supporters/fans etc. - rather than the girls on the team itself. They are busy enough just competing - its the fans/board poster comments that (in responding to this thread about what I am over.) I think for real what it comes down to - all I meant is that it is getting old (what I meant by crossing a line) to hear every day since last summer how they will win worlds. It comes across (I am just telling you how it comes across) as not respecting that other teams might have a chance. Really - that is all I meant. Sorry again for offending. Wasnt directed at the girls and admit that was mis-worded. But the thread is about what we are "over" - and I am still over that. There are many teams that depending on Day 2 luck and of course their skills could win Worlds. Of course Sr Elite is one of them - they are great. But there are others. I can see your point - maybe the teal army might pause for a moment to look at the other perspective. Maybe you dont mean it to disrespect the other team's work and skills when the fans say that only Sr Elite can win worlds - but understand it may come across that way. That's all - have a great day!

There is an old saying, when you're in a hole, stop digging. Suffice it to say that F5 is a fabulously talented team that did a fantasitic job this weekend and has just as good a chance to win at any competition as any other of the teams in the division. Their coaching staff, kids, and PARENTS have done a great job this year. They are the best I have seen them since they were beating everyone at NCA and Worlds, consistantly. Best of wishes to you all. Put the shovel down.
I am so over the "FILL IN THE BLANK ARMY" posts. I have been accused of being a Teal Army member and a Teal hater at various times. :( I am over the herd mentality that has somehow ended with me up in either of these categories just because I posted something positive about a team. I have friends at many of these gyms, and even if I didn't, I can still respect them for how hard they work.
Wow - this isnt a nice place. I made a post that offended people - I didn't mean it about the team itself but it was taken that way since I worded it poorly so I clarified. The teal army comment was supposed to lighten the mood to be funny but that was again a mistake.

My original post first said how much I like Sr Elite - and how I think they are a worlds contender. That wasnt shoveling anything - its how I feel so please dont get it twisted (another attempt at being funny that I am sure will somehow get people to criticize again..maybe a little funny?).

This board is officially too mean for me so I wont participate any more. There is really no reason to other than I thought it was fun to have a place to share thoughts, but its not too fun as it turns out. To suggest that someone should "stop digging" rather than apologize and clarify doesn't make sense. I guess I could have said nothing after the first post - but I offended mom's of athletes - that's not good so I apologized.
With the issue of crossover's i think they are very much needed but I think there needs to be a limit. I was down in Utah this weekend I saw one team with literally 30 crossovers there gym size is around 60. I saw another team where 19 of the 20 were crossovers from there large senior 5 down to there junior 5. This is ridiculous make your teams the size the need to be were you can limit the number of crossovers. If a kid asks to do I have no problem but, having cross overs to sandbag a team that is morally wrong to me.
I understand your complaint and I think I can probably guess why they did this....we too are a small gym, (I only have one crossover this year, but that is my mistake), I have a team of 24 junior girls and only 20 of them are junior girls, so I could actually have a youth team of 20 and a junior team of 24 with 20 crossovers. I wouldn't want to lose those 4 girls that are juniors as they are good cheerleaders and have been with me from the start.
Wow - this isnt a nice place. I made a post that offended people - I didn't mean it about the team itself but it was taken that way since I worded it poorly so I clarified. The teal army comment was supposed to lighten the mood to be funny but that was again a mistake.

My original post first said how much I like Sr Elite - and how I think they are a worlds contender. That wasnt shoveling anything - its how I feel so please dont get it twisted (another attempt at being funny that I am sure will somehow get people to criticize again..maybe a little funny?).

This board is officially too mean for me so I wont participate any more. There is really no reason to other than I thought it was fun to have a place to share thoughts, but its not too fun as it turns out. To suggest that someone should "stop digging" rather than apologize and clarify doesn't make sense. I guess I could have said nothing after the first post - but I offended mom's of athletes - that's not good so I apologized.

The Fierceboard is a scary place. Me, I find bows to be a good place to comment.;) It is really a good idea to read a lot before you enter the waters. Don't give up, but lurking can be fun.
I'm over how people keep saying this team isn't ready for this level. Really? They can compete in whatever division they want to. Maybe they just want to show off a couple fulls and doubles that they have. They probably don't think they're top contenders in level 5. They're just showing what they've got.

*A team like this getting a Worlds bid is another story.
Wow - this isnt a nice place. I made a post that offended people - I didn't mean it about the team itself but it was taken that way since I worded it poorly so I clarified. The teal army comment was supposed to lighten the mood to be funny but that was again a mistake.

My original post first said how much I like Sr Elite - and how I think they are a worlds contender. That wasnt shoveling anything - its how I feel so please dont get it twisted (another attempt at being funny that I am sure will somehow get people to criticize again..maybe a little funny?).

This board is officially too mean for me so I wont participate any more. There is really no reason to other than I thought it was fun to have a place to share thoughts, but its not too fun as it turns out. To suggest that someone should "stop digging" rather than apologize and clarify doesn't make sense. I guess I could have said nothing after the first post - but I offended mom's of athletes - that's not good so I apologized.
Things often don't come out on a comment board the way they would if we spoke them. I think it is very nice of you to apologize. That should be the end of it. What else can you do?
I'm over how people keep saying this team isn't ready for this level. Really? They can compete in whatever division they want to. Maybe they just want to show off a couple fulls and doubles that they have. They probably don't think they're top contenders in level 5. They're just showing what they've got.

*A team like this getting a Worlds bid is another story.
or having fun? maybe the love to cheer and this is what they can give???

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