All-Star Trends That Are Already Annoying

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Let me just say.. if you really left... Hell would probably break loose. lol


Oh, I should add an annoying trend so I'm "on topic"! Most of mine have been covered (toooooooo many voiceovers instead of music, mesh tummies, and "Follow us to see..."). So I'll go with something less "fun" and non-cheer - I want people to stop making bullying into something trendy to "be against". Just stop being a bully and if you see someone else doing it, say something. You don't need a shirt or anything...just step up, and as they say: "Be the change you wish to see."

And for the love of God stop asking me to "like" things on Facebook if I'm against child abuse, cancer, or any other horrible thing. Firstly ( ;) ) of course I'm against those things...who isn't? Second, how does me liking your gross picture do anything? I don't like this "trend" of being all proud of yourself for being against something that everyone is against. If you're genuinely against something, take a stand and do something about it.

I resent Beyonce being referred to as the Queen. Um...Mariah Carey anyone? THE most successful female artist in the history of music. DO NOT GET IT TWISTED, I WILL GO CRAZY. I think about 3 things everyday when I wake up: Mariah Carey, Whale Sharks, and F5. So I resent the Queen comment.
OMG. I don't know if we can even stay friends. I'm sorry but Beyonce IS the queen. Of everything. Of life. (Whale sharks???)

Oh, I should add an annoying trend so I'm "on topic"! Most of mine have been covered (toooooooo many voiceovers instead of music, mesh tummies, and "Follow us to see..."). So I'll go with something less "fun" and non-cheer - I want people to stop making bullying into something trendy to "be against". Just stop being a bully and if you see someone else doing it, say something. You don't need a shirt or anything...just step up, and as they say: "Be the change you wish to see."

And for the love of God stop asking me to "like" things on Facebook if I'm against child abuse, cancer, or any other horrible thing. Firstly ( ;) ) of course I'm against those things...who isn't? Second, how does me liking your gross picture do anything? I don't like this "trend" of being all proud of yourself for being against something that everyone is against. If you're genuinely against something, take a stand and do something about it.

OMG. I don't know if we can even stay friends. I'm sorry but Beyonce IS the queen. Of everything. Of life. (Whale sharks???)
^THIS<3 :cloud9::kiss::cookie:
I cannot agree more with everything you just said.
For me? Everyone thinking the board is ruined, or worse, or more dramatic than it used to be. It's always been the exact same. People come and go, the software gets better, theres a few more entries in the Wiki now, but in reality its the same place it has always been.

It's so much better than the Pro X boards were and I think it's getting consistently better and more informative. It's very tame compared to most other corners of the internet, and I think because it is so civil, the really crazy things that come up every once in a while are more noticeable and get everyone worked up. There's a reason everyone knows the fierceboard, checks it for info, and comes here for advice. I think it's become a really good resource.
Just-a-Mom Um..Houston we have a problem. (Beyonce is from Houston, teehee). I LOVE Beyonce, but there is no way you can say she is the queen. She has yet to break the records and make history like MC.

And the Whale Shark thing is really complicated. I for some reason just have this like intense connection to Whale Sharks. Sometimes I watch videos on youtube and there are tears. My goal this year is to go to Atlanta to the aquarium to see the 2 that are in captivity. I think I would have a total meltdown. Or one day travel to Indonesia to swim with them in the wild. Ahhhhh. I get emotional just thinking about it.
People using some voice overs in their music that were customized for another team/gym from previous seasons..... this isn't directed toward any certain team or gym... just something I've noticed from several mixes I've heard so far this year..
NEliteSteven well humph. I thought your goal this year was to meet me. But if you go to Atlanta to see them, pleeeeeeeease have someone film the meltdown.

And really Madonna is actually the queen...of all time (if you go by sales and awesomeness. If you go by voice, MC would probably have her beat, but really when it comes to music and radio what does voice have to do with anything?)

And since Madonna and I share a birthday, I think it's pretty obvious who is the Queen of Fierceboard... just sayin'
Just-a-Mom Madonna has been around longer, so it's hard to go based off of sales. She's also released more albums. Mariah has more #1 singles than any other solo artist, has the record for longest single at #1 (I believe she's also in 2nd place, as well), has beaten Elvis' record for most weeks at #1 total, and is the only person in line to be able to beat the Beatles' record of 20 #1 singles. Plus she's not an old hag...

Sorry for the hijack, y'all.
double posting, because i am also very confused about my previous post and why it is a link? and when you click on it Just-a-Mom 's profile shows up.. :eek: oops?

Well I guess it's settled. I am, indeed, the queen of Fierceboard. Even Fierceboard thinks so. :p

NEliteSteven I love Mariah too, so I won't argue those extremely valid points. But I don't share a birthday with Madonna is the reigning queen of my world. MC can be the dauphin. (For those of you that don't know, that's the heir apparent to the throne, technically of France around the 1500s, but it seems to fit here as well. There - saved you some google time and you learned something.)
Ok. I'm gonna say it. And this is not directed at one team's music this year or one program's music. This is a blanket statement. But I hate Hate HATE the trend music is taking. What happened to MUSIC?? All these singovers and voiceovers...there is no more music in cheer music! Even the songs are no longer the actual songs, they are "singovers". Ugh. Sorry, had to put that out there. No offense to any of the music mixers...I saw this "trend" starting last year, and it has just continued on that path. Not a fan. :help::wasntme:
Not really for or against it, but at least now they can justify the money they charge. I never understood how gyms could pay hundreds (thousands?) of dollars for the old style "music" mixes. With just a computer one can mix a handful of songs together, add the obligatory sound effects, and have a polished routine mix in a couple hours.

Curious whether the direction the music industry/copyright/piracy issue has taken the past few years, has anything to do with it.
I'm bringing a dictionary to class.... Either going to get extra credit or in trouble...

Just-a-Mom Madonna has been around longer, so it's hard to go based off of sales. She's also released more albums. Mariah has more #1 singles than any other solo artist, has the record for longest single at #1 (I believe she's also in 2nd place, as well), has beaten Elvis' record for most weeks at #1 total, and is the only person in line to be able to beat the Beatles' record of 20 #1 singles. Plus she's not an old hag...
I think Glee did too...?

Not really for or against it, but at least now they can justify the money they charge. I never understood how gyms could pay hundreds (thousands?) of dollars for the old style "music" mixes. With just a computer one can mix a handful of songs together, add the obligatory sound effects, and have a polished routine mix in a couple hours.
Luckily, the "songover" trend hasn't really appeared at the college level (...yet?) but the music is still expensive as heck. But really, the "songover" thing has to be the worst trend for me. I didn't even download a lot of team's music last year because there were so many of them! I fear this year is going to be even worse.

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