All-Star Trinity And Cheerupdates

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Why flyers?

It effects the overall impression and look of a routine, and you might not even think about it until it actually happens. The look of your athletes have a lot to do with how your routine comes off on the floor, and if you have a flyer in the air, where arguably all the attention goes for a majority of the routine, and they do not look good, it's a bit of a bad taste. This is not to say that any hair changes should be disallowed, but if a flyer decided they wanted to experiment with a new hair style 2 weeks before Worlds, I'd probably strongly urge them to wait for the summer, and chances are their position on the floor would be in jeopardy if they were going to drastically change the look of a routine.

Dear Trinity,

I can be bought for your (future) I5 team (because this gym is clearly going places), for all that was promised in the letter plus the repayment of my student loans. If you throw in a car (and Audi Q7...I can't be rollin' around in Atlanta in any ole car)...I will throw in my younger sister for your medium coed...(she doesn't have level 5 tumbling...but we would technically be doing yall a favor)...throw in Cam Newton (or if you can't get him to traded to Atl, any Atlanta Falcon player will do) and an 11 carat ring with proposal of marriage (and my own wedding special on Big Rich Atlanta) and I will throw in my 7 year old niece...

If you can get me on the Real Housewives of Atlanta as the 8th housewife....

I await your call.

dear trinity

You can pay me to be on your future i5 team. il join if you do the following.. buy me a big house, help me send my stuff over (btw i live in canada so i hope you have a passport, and winter gear), and free health care like we have in canada would be the icing on the cake, oh and a year supply of canadian made maple syrup. dont get mad because i say "eh" a lot. Hope to hear from u soon!"

Sorry i had to do this lol.
Anyways i guess the owner of trinity thinks his gym is weak.. which it isnt! i saw a video of their medium ag routine today (nca last season) and theywere really good!
Right now all i think of it kind of reminds me of baseball lol. soon it will be like..
Rays- il trade u this girl from Smoke for 2 girls from your med ag 5 team..
Trinity- ok deal!!
I just wish there wasnt a lot of "gym hopping" unless theres a good reason to do so. and as for him threatening to sue.... it will just make himself look even more bad. he doesnt have much of a good case for him. it all started with him sending out those emails. we all would of found out sometime!! He should just move on and learn from his mistake..
I might get a bit ofhate for this. if i do im sorry you dont like my post :p
I cant wait to see trinity...... I would love to run up to Gianni and tell him "Sorry but you cant just invite yourself to the panther party. That goes against rules of like the cheer world and stuff... Girl bye "

i have this inkling we won't be seeing much from them... from what i've heard/read they won't be attending battle, not sure what other comps they planned...

but from following the trinity twitter, i'm sure there would have been an announcement of when the #TRINITYLABELS will be debuted. (seriously, i don't understand why they hashtag everything with trinitylabels. it makes zero sense, since ya know no actual clothing lines have come out of the gym and labels have nothing to do with cheer) though i hope they'll be debuted. can't wait to see their Fall2013 line ;)
i have this inkling we won't be seeing much from them... from what i've heard/read they won't be attending battle, not sure what other comps they planned...

but from following the trinity twitter, i'm sure there would have been an announcement of when the #TRINITYLABELS will be debuted. (seriously, i don't understand why they hashtag everything with trinitylabels. it makes zero sense, since ya know no actual clothing lines have come out of the gym and labels have nothing to do with cheer) though i hope they'll be debuted. can't wait to see their Fall2013 line ;)

I remember seeing somewhere that American Grand in Vegas was on their comp schedule.

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