All-Star Two Kids, Two Gyms?

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I saw a picture on facebook last week of a family at competition and the son cheered for California All Stars and daughter cheered for Cheerforce. On one side the mom is wearing her cali gear and the son has on his cali uni and on the other side it was the girl in her cheerforce uni and the dad in his cheerforce colors. I thought it was cute lol
Agree....I truly try to see things in a positive light...:). Good for them.... Cheer should be happy and not so rigid and divided...IMHO
That makes no sense...I think I know who your referring to and she was on Spirit's Open 5 last season and then competed with FierceKatz at Worlds with her why didn't they just stay with both on the same team? I can understand if your children are on two different levels and a gym doesn't have a team for one of them but if they are both in the same division why waste the gas and have the drama of competing against each other?
She was basically a short-term injury replacement for Fiercekatz. Spirit was kind enough to release her to perform on her sister's team, since she was traveling to Worlds, but not actually competing for SOT. That was a classy move on their part, IMO. I assume that she is very happy at Spirit and her sister is very happy at CA.
The more I thought about the situation the more I think I would probably split my girls also. Phoebe loves the competitive nature of our gym but my oldest Parker would probably not be that happy. She would do better at a lower pressure gym and wouldn't have to worry about being compared to her more tumbling proficient little sister. Worst nightmare...both of them on the same team. When my oldest toyed with the idea of going back to cheer they both would have been on Junior 2 together, add in the littlest one and it would have been a slugfest every practice.
My friend Kyle cheered on Core Athletix and CNY while his sister cheered on Northeast Elite, and now Fame NY. :)
Yes we have it at Core again this year kids on one level team and a brother or sister at another gym. One it helps the girls no be compared to each other if that is an issue in the family. But all so sometime kids want to be with friends and one group might be at one gym and not the other.
I say that's awesome for the parents who split time between both of their CPs to go two different gyms to satisfy each athlete! I will say idk how you have time for it.. I don't even have a job and my cp ended up practicing 6 days this week and she is only 6 so she can't drive herself! If I had another one at another gym I couldn't make that happen lol. However, I don't see nothing wrong with you wearing different colors at competition as anything bad. For the coach above who said they would ask me to remove it and not have anything at all that would make me upset. I don't understand how you can't love 2 different gyms. My daughter tumbles at a different gym and those coaches are amazing and I love that gym for some things but I love ours. If I had another cp who cheered at that gym I would not have a problem reppin both at a competition!! So I say y'all keep doing your thing for both CPs; I'm sure they appreciate all you do!!:)
I think it would cause tons of drama (at least in my family). It would be expensive (tons of extra competitions), and it would be so time consuming. With that said, if you can make it work that's fantastic!
For the coach above who said they would ask me to remove it and not have anything at all that would make me upset. I don't understand how you can't love 2 different gyms. My daughter tumbles at a different gym and those coaches are amazing and I love that gym for some things but I love ours. If I had another cp who cheered at that gym I would not have a problem reppin both at a competition!! So I say y'all keep doing your thing for both CPs; I'm sure they appreciate all you do!!:)

Since I am the coach above that you are referring to let me answer that....

In my experience these are some of the questions that I have had to answer in situations like these...
" Why is Susie's mom wearing Team X's t-shirt?? Is she not at our gym anymore??"
" Susie's dad says Team X goes to 7 competitions why don't we??"
" Coach I do not think it is right that Susie's Mom is cheering in front of our team with Team X's t-shirt on go tell her to take it off...."

And these are just a small sample of the termoile that this situation causes...It really does I have lived it....And these do not include the multiple times the parent sits in my viewing area comparing me to them...or the team chemistry that the parents upset because the parents use the view area, team emails, team parties, COMPETITIONS, etc as a time to give a commercial for Team X. Or the countless athletes that are lost because of the recruiting of that parent..AND YES THEY DO RECRUIT!!!

I have this situation right now and we do all we can to just focus on the sibling that we train....So asking parents who have clearly showed that they do not care what the name of the gym is they are just picking based on the "need of their child" it is RIGHT to ask you to not upset the entire team because of your choices and please just stick to cheering on YOUR child.....
Since I am the coach above that you are referring to let me answer that....

In my experience these are some of the questions that I have had to answer in situations like these...
" Why is Susie's mom wearing Team X's t-shirt?? Is she not at our gym anymore??"
" Susie's dad says Team X goes to 7 competitions why don't we??"
" Coach I do not think it is right that Susie's Mom is cheering in front of our team with Team X's t-shirt on go tell her to take it off...."

And these are just a small sample of the termoile that this situation causes...It really does I have lived it....And these do not include the multiple times the parent sits in my viewing area comparing me to them...or the team chemistry that the parents upset because the parents use the view area, team emails, team parties, COMPETITIONS, etc as a time to give a commercial for Team X. Or the countless athletes that are lost because of the recruiting of that parent..AND YES THEY DO RECRUIT!!!

I have this situation right now and we do all we can to just focus on the sibling that we train....So asking parents who have clearly showed that they do not care what the name of the gym is they are just picking based on the "need of their child" it is RIGHT to ask you to not upset the entire team because of your choices and please just stick to cheering on YOUR child.....
wouldnt it be better to tactfully ask the people who are asking all these pointless questionsto stop worrying about everyone else...all situations are different...but it just seems sad that nosy rosies are allowed to create such turmoil....IMO this is a perfect example of how hard it is to be a coach...hats off to all of you coaches.....and...people should mind their business...:)
Since I am the coach above that you are referring to let me answer that....

In my experience these are some of the questions that I have had to answer in situations like these...
" Why is Susie's mom wearing Team X's t-shirt?? Is she not at our gym anymore??"
" Susie's dad says Team X goes to 7 competitions why don't we??"
" Coach I do not think it is right that Susie's Mom is cheering in front of our team with Team X's t-shirt on go tell her to take it off...."

And these are just a small sample of the termoile that this situation causes...It really does I have lived it....And these do not include the multiple times the parent sits in my viewing area comparing me to them...or the team chemistry that the parents upset because the parents use the view area, team emails, team parties, COMPETITIONS, etc as a time to give a commercial for Team X. Or the countless athletes that are lost because of the recruiting of that parent..AND YES THEY DO RECRUIT!!!

I have this situation right now and we do all we can to just focus on the sibling that we train....So asking parents who have clearly showed that they do not care what the name of the gym is they are just picking based on the "need of their child" it is RIGHT to ask you to not upset the entire team because of your choices and please just stick to cheering on YOUR child.....
another good suggestion is ...if anything negative is being said in the parent room...or viewing room...close it...that shuts it down happens and boy the nice talk and actions come out if they are in danger of being locked out...:)
Yes i know we would all like a "you cheer for me i'll cheer for your" world but unfortunatly that is not reality. We take a big risk a s gym owners every time we allow situations like this. I think it is only fair that the parent not be allowed to cause anymore damage.

Thanks that's a good suggestion.....I'm gonna print out my "Closed due to Negative talk" fliers right now!!!:D
I knew a case where a brother cheered for ECE and his sister cheered for a smaller gym, where most of her friends were. Eventually I believe her parents got tired of doing it (the gyms must have been about an hour away from each other and rarely competed at the same competitions) and she went to ECE and cheered on the same team as her brother.

I could see doing it if I had an older child at a bigger, more expensive gym and I wanted to get a younger child involved somewhere local and cheaper. Or if the kids were older and both at a small gym and one wanted to stay but one wanted to go to a bigger gym with more opportunities for him/her.

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