OT Uganda Set To Pass Kill The Gays Bill

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People, do you know what it's like in Uganda? What kids have to go through to just survive to adulthood? Where women are raped and killed constantly? This is not shocking for Uganda. They have no human rights there.

Yes I do, I have lived there and I have a lot of friends still there, both Ugandan and Western. Your statement about having no human rights is slightly misleading; they have made great strides in the last 10 years, mainly because of pressure from Western governments over aid and assistance. Yes, they do not have the levels of human rights that some Western countries are afforded, but you also have to realise that a lot of Western ideologies just don't work in other parts of the world, due to various culture, climate and historical reasons.

Uganda passing the 'kill the gays' bill is deeply sadenning and such a backward step for a country that is making humongous strides. It is not right and we can sit and judge them all we like. The unknown is an incredibly scary place and homosexuality, according to the majority thinking there, is a Western 'disease' that didn't exist before. We all know different, but to them who are brought up with Christian thinking, and we can thank the Western missionaries for that, then homosexuality is a sin to them. You cannot believe the discussions I've had on this one with so many people. And TBH the majority of people I've spoken to are ok with it as long as it is not thrust in their faces. Baby steps are a sign of progress, acceptance is a long way off, but look how long it took our countries to accept it, it will not happen over night.

Just flipping your rape and murder statement on its head, I once had an amazing conversation in a rural village in the north of Uganda, think LRA territory and all the horrifc things that happened there. Anyway, these women were telling me that even though some horrific things had been done in their village and country they would rather live there than America. They saw america as being incredibly dangerous, women getting raped and murdered and everyone carrying guns. I tried to explain it wasn't like that but perceptions stick.

We have perceptions and half knowledge about places that actually turn out to be quite different once you really get to know a place. My friends and family freaked out when I announced I was going to live in Rwanda and then uganda for a couple of years, they figured I'd get killed (again perception) but getting to know and understand a culture was such an incredible experience. I am saddened by the bill, and I pray it will not pass through. We need to educate the people into acceptance and then they will push for change, it's their country not ours. Baby steps are happening, I hope they happen quicker beige too much damage is done.
... are you being serious right now?

not that i'm saying to go against your beliefs but this is an awkward place to say this
I think what she's saying here is that even though the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, the allowed killing of people because of said homosexuality is also wrong. I think we all agree here that killing people is wrong. I think that was the point.
Yes. I stood up for my beliefs in a free country. Homosexuality, wrong. Murder, wrong. Christian first, cheerleader second. ;)
Homosexuality is a sin. God designed marriage between a man and a woman. Not my word, but his, in the bible! But this is wrong.

Yes. I stood up for my beliefs in a free country. Homosexuality, wrong. Murder, wrong. Christian first, cheerleader second. ;)

You just...
I could...
I mean....
I'm rarely speechless but honey you took me there.
All I know is being gay feels way too damn good to be a sin.
Talking in church wrong... corinthians 14:34-35

That was the thinking of men back then. Very barbaric. I.e. women getting the right to vote. It wasn't a sin for a woman to speak or anything like that. But there are sins. So, since you're such a bible scholar and think we should apply 1 Cor. 14:34-35, I encourage you to read 1 Cor. 6:9-20 and 1 Tim. 1:8-17.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

I didn't say that. I'll be the first to tell you that I am not perfect. We all have sin. Humans are born with a desire to sin and rebel against God. Christians are not called to hate the individual who sins. Instead, we are to rebuke the sin, which keeps us from a healthy relationship with Jesus Christ, and preach the truth of scripture.
That was the thinking of men back then. Very barbaric. I.e. women getting the right to vote. It wasn't a sin for a woman to speak or anything like that. But there are sins. So, since you're such a bible scholar and think we should apply 1 Cor. 14:34-35, I encourage you to read 1 Cor. 6:9-20 and 1 Tim. 1:8-17.

I have no need, I know that according to the bible since Im gay I am considered a "sinner". But unlike you I dont feel the need to point out others peoples "sins". Because you are not better than them, according to your "Bible" you are just as much of a sinner as they are. And furthermore how is mens barbaric thinking of women any different than the barbaric thinking of homophobic people.
Christian here, I'm no bible scholar, however, I do know Jesus never spewed scripture except to those that thought they were self righteous (Pharisees and Sadducess ring a bell?). He did, however, always show love, compassion and grace, something I know I could do a better job of.

To my gay friends, I'm sorry, us Christians ever since the beginning of time have struggled with that annoying plank in our eye, it's a wonder we can get our shirts on in the morning. I'll be praying for the people of Uganda, as well as, us Christians.
I didn't say that. I'll be the first to tell you that I am not perfect. We all have sin. Humans are born with a desire to sin and rebel against God. Christians are not called to hate the individual who sins. Instead, we are to rebuke the sin, which keeps us from a healthy relationship with Jesus Christ, and preach the truth of scripture.
If your not perfect who are you to judge and criticize the way someone lives their life.

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