All-Star Usasf Major Changes

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That is because Les and the rules committee had no involvement in it and are not looking at them. Les said he is going to do what he can and should have it all worked out no later then Monday. I am trusting Les so I really hope that him and the rules committee don't let me down. I do think though that some of the changes will be kept.
I agree.
I'm thinking the gyms that like the rules will stay under USASF and the gyms that don't will not renew their membership. This could facilitate growth in the industry as a whole if USASF decides to keep most of these bone-head rules.. gyms splitting off, other facilitators, a legitimate world championship again, new promoters/less of a monopoly.. a girl can dream.
I agree.
I'm thinking the gyms that like the rules will stay under USASF and the gyms that don't will not renew their membership. This could facilitate growth in the industry as a whole if USASF decides to keep most of these bone-head rules.. gyms splitting off, other facilitators, a legitimate world championship again, new promoters/less of a monopoly.. a girl can dream.

I am thinking that the tumbling rules may be removed, but I see them keeping the new age guidelines and uniform restrictions.

I am really wondering why the people on the board are on the board in the first place? If they have done something like this, going over people's heads and using a magazine to get the world out before notifying members of the rules committee, can they not be voted on to be removed? Maybe it is because I graduated with a degree in Political Science but I look at this like I do the government since the USASF wants to run like one. Government officals are forced out of office quite often and Presidents, while they have remained in office, have been impeached. Sure we don't need a big trial to impeach these members, but something needs to be done regarding their spot on this board for the way they handled things. These people need replaced.
So I have a question...all of the data that the National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury has acquired seems to be about the percentage of cheerleaders getting injured due to STUNTS. So why are we banning tumbling skills?? Why not baskets? Pyramids? Entries into stunts? Why is all the hype about tumbling which doesn't even have any REAL research behind it?

Because as with the IOC division, the quickest way to level out the playing field is to remove the advantages that certain gyms have and that's tumbling.
I am thinking that the tumbling rules may be removed, but I see them keeping the new age guidelines and uniform restrictions.

I am really wondering why the people on the board are on the board in the first place? If they have done something like this, going over people's heads and using a magazine to get the world out before notifying members of the rules committee, can they not be voted on to be removed? Maybe it is because I graduated with a degree in Political Science but I look at this like I do the government since the USASF wants to run like one. Government officals are forced out of office quite often and Presidents, while they have remained in office, have been impeached. Sure we don't need a big trial to impeach these members, but something needs to be done regarding their spot on this board for the way they handled things. These people need replaced.

Absolute Truth!
I am really wondering why the people on the board are on the board in the first place?

Well most of the Board of Directors are the people that created USASF. They can't be replaced. There are 3 coaches on the board and they get switched up every 2 years, and 3 non-voting members (Jam, Varsity, and someone else I forget).
We're stuck with most of these people unless they name successors to their seats on the board. :/
I am reading over and over that people are complaining about Elaine's support for it and Rays and so on and so forth, people are saying "well their athletes are competing the very skills they are against". Like it's been said, these coaches are not against the skills themselves, they're against unqualified coaches teaching athletes who are barely able to do the skill that would normally come before it expecting that athlete to compete it.
Personally, what I would like to see, is bounding skills taken out of standing tumbling (meaning 1, 2, and 3 to doubles would still be allowed), jumps to full taken out, and standing doubles taken out. I'd also like to see an increase in how heavily technique is weighed on the score sheet.

Then deal with those coaches! So programs and kids at these programs that are doing and have been doing the right thing are being penalized because craptastic allstars coaches suck and they are allowing suzy to do janky fulls?

If USASF wants to deal with bad coaches then require them to obtain training to participate. To coach/train L5 or whatever level you should be certified to do so.
Can someone help me understand this as it doesn't makes sense to me. I'm thinking they want a minimum of 10 inches between the top of the skit and the bottom of the top, but that's not what this says.

"Uniform tops may not include an exposed midriff except for Seniors which may have a maximum of 10” between the skirt/short top and the uniform top bottom."
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE MALE ATHLETE ISSUE!!! dare you attack these amazing kids and their love and joy expressed in WHATEVER way they choose..... Hitler mad!
i feel like the gay community will have a lot to say about this ... why just limit specifically male athletes from "shimmy-ing" and Hip thrusting.....-__-...... next their gunna say flyers cant bow n arrows because the crotch area is "exposed"
Can someone help me understand this as it doesn't makes sense to me. I'm thinking they want a minimum of 10 inches between the top of the skit and the bottom of the top, but that's not what this says.

"Uniform tops may not include an exposed midriff except for Seniors which may have a maximum of 10” between the skirt/short top and the uniform top bottom."

No, they want a maximum of 10 inches between the skirt and top.. so the space can be anything under 10 inches (to a full top) but tops and skirts can't create a gap more than that. Tops are going to have to be longer or skirts need to be high waisted if people have long torsos. It's lame.
Well most of the Board of Directors are the people that created USASF. They can't be replaced. There are 3 coaches on the board and they get switched up every 2 years, and 3 non-voting members (Jam, Varsity, and someone else I forget).
We're stuck with most of these people unless they name successors to their seats on the board. :/

If the rest of the USASF comes together then those people could be forced out. It won't happen of course, but in my perfect world it would.

Can someone help me understand this as it doesn't makes sense to me. I'm thinking they want a minimum of 10 inches between the top of the skit and the bottom of the top, but that's not what this says.

"Uniform tops may not include an exposed midriff except for Seniors which may have a maximum of 10” between the skirt/short top and the uniform top bottom."

The maximum allowed is 10" there is no minimum.
Well most of the Board of Directors are the people that created USASF. They can't be replaced. There are 3 coaches on the board and they get switched up every 2 years, and 3 non-voting members (Jam, Varsity, and someone else I forget).
We're stuck with most of these people unless they name successors to their seats on the board. :/

Can someone please explain to me how the USASF, Jam Brands, Varsity, and Cheersport all seem to be in agreement on this, and yet somehow they can't figure out universal scoring!?!
I don't understand why people are saying this is going to level the playing field, those girls on F5 will throw those fulls just as good as they throw those doubles. That would be like the NCAA saying no more 3 point shots in basketball because not everyone can do them so it will level the playing field. :confused:
Guess who is liking the rule changes? Small gyms with no guys and only girls who have no standing or doubles. And if they keep giving out 10 billion at large bids to worlds, now every gym can compete at worlds.

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