All-Star Usasf Major Changes

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I just don't think a rule about uniforms is anything to really get worked up over.. In my opinion, there are gorgeous, completely appropriate crop tops out there. There are also teams who seem to really be flirting with Inappropriate. Unfortunately, if you don't set some boundaries, a few bad apples ruin the bunch. If the proposed rules go through for uniforms but the rules currently regarding tumbling stay in place, I highly doubt people will give up their cheer career over how long their top has to be...
Endorsed what? The new rules? Or the IEP letter?Well if they're now part of Varsity then they'd have to endorse the rules wouldn't they?

They endorsed the rules. They could have left their names off, NCA, ACA, ect weren't named specifically so why was Cheer Ltd.? Was it to give us the illusion that IEP was onboard when in fact they knew nothing about it?
They endorsed the rules. They could have left their names off, NCA, ACA, ect weren't named specifically so why was Cheer Ltd.? Was it to give us the illusion that IEP was onboard when in fact they knew nothing about it?

Yes I was just clarifying for whoever posted that (I'm on my phone and can't see) because it seemed like they were saying why are they wearing tshirt if they're wearing full tops now. I read the rule as "your stomach better be covered when not in warmups or competing... Either by a uniform or a shirt."
if some of these tumbling skills are safety hazards and they're afraid of us getting hurt, they why aren't they effective immediately? Why wait for next year if they're so afraid of people getting injured??
They endorsed the rules. They could have left their names off, NCA, ACA, ect weren't named specifically so why was Cheer Ltd.? Was it to give us the illusion that IEP was onboard when in fact they knew nothing about it?

Um... I have no idea? I was just answering the person who mistook that ONE letter from IEP to mean that NO event producers were aware. I was only clarifying that the letter was from IEP saying that IEP was not consulted. The person I was replying to seemed to think that NO EP's were consulted based on that letter.
Um... I have no idea? I was just answering the person who mistook that ONE letter from IEP to mean that NO event producers were aware. I was only clarifying that the letter was from IEP saying that IEP was not consulted. The person I was replying to seemed to think that NO EP's were consulted based on that letter.

Is Cheer Ltd. actually part of Varsity? Or are they just no longer part of IEP?
"This strategic alliance involves no merger/acquisition or change in ownership for Cheer Ltd. Inc."

I think you can be a part of the Family Plan without belonging to Varsity - does it impact their decisions, sure. But they're not owned by Varsity in the same way that Varsity programs (NCA, etc.) are. I'm also pretty confident that they're not the only IEP belonging to the Varisty Family Plan.
"This strategic alliance involves no merger/acquisition or change in ownership for Cheer Ltd. Inc."

I think you can be a part of the Family Plan without belonging to Varsity - does it impact their decisions, sure. But they're not owned by Varsity in the same way that Varsity programs (NCA, etc.) are. I'm also pretty confident that they're not the only IEP belonging to the Varisty Family Plan.

I think you're right - isn't CheerSport even technically part of the family plan?
I didn't look close enough at the release date, it is dated 3/2 of fault. So much for my great conspiracy
Even voicing their personal opinion on the matter would be unprofessional - particularly if that individual did not vote with the majority and did not agree with the final decision.
So I'm really hoping you're hinting we should read in between the lines on this one. Or there is an imaginary ;) in there.
I have reviewed this thread as it grows and I to will put in my 2 sense:
1. The tumbling rules: I feel need to be reviewed with more care. No one wants to see girls get injured or for the sport to be greatly limited. However, consider this: if gyms continue to have a hard time getting insurance, the sport will suffer. And if injuries keep getting worse it will happen. Look at health insurance. Again, I am saying I understand both sides, however I think some true research should be executed, because these rules do have a long term affect on the sport.
2. Bottom ages on Sr's. We've heard both sides, from small gyms, big gyms, moms, dads, etc. But lets throw this out there. I am a parent, and from a very small gym. Very small. However, I have been at more competitions then not where this has been abused. 4.2 teams with Mini's flying and not doing much else and so on. Then you have the developmental side. I have met some amazingly dedicated and mature 8 & 9 yr olds, however lets face it, it simply is not the majority. Additionally, there are few competitive sports that say, wow this 8 yr old is talented, lets let them compete on a team with 18 yr olds. I think we need to look at the big picture here. This has been abused by many, ruining it for many others, additionally the social side is debatable, no matter how " nice" your sr girls are. As a small gym I practice what I preach, I never bump anyone younger then 11 to our sr team, even if they can hang. Rather I work closely with that child on their personal development so that when they are indeed old enough for a Sr level team they are ready, and I also allow them to do individuals and stunt groups to allow them to shine.
3. Uniform Rules: while I am not sure how I feel about about some of it, here is my thoughts on the crop/ full issue. It has been said time and time again that we want to be considered as a SPORT( which Cheerleading absolutely is). And while I am all about us keeping the uniqueness that makes us All Star, there has to be some edits for the long term legitimacy of our sport. It is definitely fair to say that the uniforms have gotten out of hand. There have been warnings of this, and suggestions by USASF that have gone completely ignored. So am I suprised about the changes, no. And I dont think anyone else should be either. You dont see gymnasts or swimmers in bikini's? Less clothing doesnt make us look more athletic.
There is a right and wrong way to go about these things. This is the WRONG way to go about it. Insurance definitely important but if own Burger King and am looking for insurance and say ok I'm just gonna serve salads bc I don't wanna train my staff to work a grill, what does that do? It pulls the wool over the Insurance companies eyes and doesn't fix anything, just says you don't wanna train your staff and you will continue to have injuries, (slip and fall on a cucumber bc they don't know protocol on how to do the basics like clean up after themselves). If this wants to be end product then take your time and do it RIGHT. If the USASF showed PROOF of Insurance companies being MORE willing to decrease rates if they removed skills then people would prob support it. Same with all of their rules. To be 100% honest the uniform issue really doesn't go one way or the other to me, I just think again, the WAY it's done is WRONG. Show me stats that say "cheerleading uniforms are WHY the sport is losing athletes", again, people would get behind it. IMO Image should be left up to the gym owners, if they lose kids it's their fault. Cheerleading is losing athletes bc it's too expensive, but I don't see EP's dropping their prices?
The fundamental problem with all of this is the fact that the USASF is not independent. With Varsity being a for-profit corporation and having a controlling interest in the USASF, there will always be an inherent conflict. In order for cheer to ever be considered a legitimate sport, the governing body HAS to be truly independent. What if GK controlled USA Gymnastics? Or Nike controlled the NFL? Everyone is fired up now, but people tend to have short attention spans. I predict that the USASF will come out with enough revisions to these recent changes to appease the masses, and by next week everything will be back to normal with teams preparing for Worlds, etc. It's up to us to not let this die. Gym owners, independent event producers, cheerleaders --- we are the heart of the sport. If we band together we can cause change. We just need to do it.

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