All-Star Vipers Allstars (maryland)

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Regardless of new ownership or not, the way this has been handle is unexcusable. I can honestly say PA Vipers made a good decision when they decided to back out of the deal with Ron. Now they have a lot of unhappy parents and cheerleaders to deal with.
bittersweet for them is more like it! they didn't have to deal with the gym closing completely, but they backed off the deal and now there are 20 athletes in that gym... you already know that though! haha
For all of those who were never a part of this program, you may not understand why parents or athletes would choose to continue with Vipers. However, if you worked with these coaches and staff you would understand. Please don't judge a situation if you are not involved in it. The coaches that I have worked with are AMAZING and care about the kids 110%. The easy thing to do would be for them to throw up their hands and give up. They aren't doing that because they want what is best for the kids. Vipers is a family. When someone gives up on your family, you don't give up on the rest of the family members.

I grew up in this program and I will continue to see it to the end if the rest of the staff does too. Thank you to whoever stepped up to the plate and purchased the organization so that it can continue. Thank you to the staff, parents and athletes that stick around.

PS I have no idea what's going on with all of this right now because I am currently away and not an active staff member. I have faith in my co-workers though.
i totally understand that, and i feel for the coaches within the program...i'm sure they're wonderful. i just feel as if i was a parent or athlete within the program i wouldn't be able to have enough faith to stay. i'm sure some people will and that's wonderful. but the gym has closed today and then all of a sudden it's under new ownership...there's too much craziness going on right now that i wouldn't want to try to stick it out with the possibility of it falling a part. i hope that does not happen though. i feel as if ron went about this in a terrible way. i hope his health is okay...and i wish everyone good luck but i would be slamming my head through a wall right now. :banghead:
again...what a joke.

here's the thing, ron bailed on everyone and it seems as though another gym is stepping in. not sure which one yet and i've heard names but won't mention until i know for sure.

maybe there were rumors the past few days but nothing was definite until the locks were changed this morning. in the meantime those that care are working to keep vipers alive and i have respect for them. it doesn't necessarily mean that my cp will stay with the program, that remains to be be seen. but you can't hate on an entire program when ONE PERSON went about things in a horrible way. there are many coaches who are working their a**es off at this very moment to get organized.

bash ron all you want, but none of this has anything to do with the hundreds of athletes, coaches or staff.
Ha good questions, i honestly don't know yet :p i'll post again after i recieve the email. And knowing the coach Jack, he'll probably post on here too to clearify even more.

Well, based on this chain of events, y'all will have at least one Mom in another gym's tee shirt cheering you on! :) Can't wait to see you show your heart this weekend!
here's the thing, ron bailed on everyone and it seems as though another gym is stepping in. not sure which one yet and i've heard names but won't mention until i know for sure.

maybe there were rumors the past few days but nothing was definite until the locks were changed this morning. in the meantime those that care are working to keep vipers alive and i have respect for them. it doesn't necessarily mean that my cp will stay with the program, that remains to be be seen. but you can't hate on an entire program when ONE PERSON went about things in a horrible way. there are many coaches who are working their a**es off at this very moment to get organized.

bash ron all you want, but none of this has anything to do with the hundreds of athletes, coaches or staff. i stated before i feel for the athletes and coaches and i would be frustrated if i were them... this is about ron and only ron...i never stated that it was about the rest of the program...i was just stating that what he is doing is a joke...which it is. everyone knows that. i've wished the staff and families within the program good luck and i hope that everything works out...the situation is just sad.
here's the thing, ron bailed on everyone and it seems as though another gym is stepping in. not sure which one yet and i've heard names but won't mention until i know for sure.

maybe there were rumors the past few days but nothing was definite until the locks were changed this morning. in the meantime those that care are working to keep vipers alive and i have respect for them. it doesn't necessarily mean that my cp will stay with the program, that remains to be be seen. but you can't hate on an entire program when ONE PERSON went about things in a horrible way. there are many coaches who are working their a**es off at this very moment to get organized.

bash ron all you want, but none of this has anything to do with the hundreds of athletes, coaches or staff.
Yes yes well said!
Wow! What a horrible situation for those athletes, parents, and coaches to be in. I feel very sad for all of them however I knew this would happen and I have expressed why in a previous post awhile back. It's unfortunate but when you open a gym and purchase multiple gyms with the wrong intentions, and don't have the leadership of strong coaches and support staff to make it a stable & successful environment then this is what happens.

Good luck to everyone from Vipers Cheer and Dance who with be pursuing new gyms and new dreams!
We are competiting this weekend at Battle as Maryland Twisters. Teams are still together, we're just switching organizations. Im not sure if the switch is temp. or permenent but as soon as we get things squaded away we'll fill everyone in.
is it just the VA gym competiting as twisters?
bittersweet for them is more like it! they didn't have to deal with the gym closing completely, but they backed off the deal and now there are 20 athletes in that gym... you already know that though! haha

I did know that! Lol but at the end of the day it still a shame for all those cheerleaders not knowing whether or not they are still cheering.
I did know that! Lol but at the end of the day it still a shame for all those cheerleaders not knowing whether or not they are still cheering.
yeah, it really is...i'm sure they'll find a new home! all of the programs in the area...maryland and pa are willing to take them in! i stated before i feel for the athletes and coaches and i would be frustrated if i were them... this is about ron and only ron...i never stated that it was about the rest of the program...i was just stating that what he is doing is a joke...which it is. everyone knows that. i've wished the staff and families within the program good luck and i hope that everything works out...the situation is just sad. keep saying everything is a joke.

the first email was sent out probably by stacey.

second email was sent out by whomever is trying to salvage the program. the "new owner" can't announce that they are stepping in until it's official that the "old owner" quits right? hence mutliple emails, or as you call them "jokes".
The gym really did close unfortunately but I've heard a lot of girls will be joining Maryland Twisters since it is close to Vipers anyway... Twisters is looking to now form a half year team and I'm sure add on to our family! I can't wait keep saying everything is a joke.

the first email was sent out probably by stacey.

second email was sent out by whomever is trying to salvage the program. the "new owner" can't announce that they are stepping in until it's official that the "old owner" quits right? hence mutliple emails, or as you call them "jokes".
woah woah woah...i'm not calling "Everything" a joke...i'm calling ron doing this a joke...which is it...and i'm also saying the gyms have closed today and i new email has been sent out basically saying just kidding we're not closing now we have a new owner even though we're not announcing who it is....that is a mess or as i call it "a joke" yes. look back at all of my posts i have not stated that the coaches or the athletes, families etc are "a joke" one time...i've been wishing them luck and hope in finding a new program that they can call home. you were previously in the thread calling ron a POS, i'm calling him a joke...same difference. please, do not get so defensive...i'm wishing you all good luck, i do not take calling ron or this situation "a joke" one time... he screwed over a lot of people and that's not fair.

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